updated 02/09/2025
Currently implementing suffix for the module addons. Developer buddy aka recentchanges at a tentative 0.95 release
recentchanges 30
grab all the files 30 seconds or newer
grab all the files 5 minutes or newer
tenative version fully functional cant wait for v1.0
Im interested how do I use this?
grab the xzm
viewtopic.php?p=101846#p101846 save-changesnew
viewtopic.php?p=101892#p101892 save-changesnew with developer addon (Recommended)
viewtopic.php?p=101890#p101890 just the developer addon alone
do you want to save a module of changes as well as save changes? (Add ons)
customize script (works in hdd for all systems)
power user (works in ram for >16gb ram systems)
How do I add the addons? go to the .xzm delete save-changesnew and replace with either customize script or poweruser (rename them to save-changesnew)
Revision history (if you see anything here I have already updated all links with all changes)
Power user addon updated with module suffix a unique identifier so it doesnt overwrite changes.xzm when saving session multiple times.
Customize script updated with module suffix "" ""
Customize script all modules are saved in /extramod/ so throughout saving changes youll also have the exact modules with ALL changes.
they will be labeled changesHH_MM_pull_UNIQUEID.xzm
This means you can choose to boot from any one of those to roll back to that point in time.
Power the poweruser script because youre in ram some steps are needed to be taken. ie move your modules from /tmp somewhere safe such as extramod
example you save your changes. it syncs to your drive with just what changed. maybe 30 files? and also creates a module with ALL changes in /tmp called changesHH_MM_pull_UNIQUEID.xzm so if you save multiple times youll have multiple modules. Then pull those out to your extramod folder or some place you want to archive your saves.
fixes 02/02/2025
- verified log in downloads folder is available while in session
- added user passing script works if other user than guest ie your user dave the log file will be put in /home/dave/Downloads
if called from root the default user set to guest
- user passing through root call ie guest or dave who is it? this can be applied to filtering through sed '/\/home\/'"${USR}"'\/\.config/d'
- output all system changes to rntfilesxSystemchanges5 or rntfilesxSystemchanges300 if you specified seconds
- clear out old log files pertaining to rntfiles.xzm and xSystemchanges*
- added date custom format to append the all system changes so it is human readable
- xSystemchanges sorted by time and easy to read.
- added detection of files that dont exist on the system ie empty sym links or cache or .cache items and updates xSystemchanges log
- tweaked the filter exclusion to include /usr/share/mime
- set in place developement of Suggestions file to warn if compiled program has an excluded file
to make a rntfilesMissed.xml and rntfilesSuggestion file will all warnings suggestions and courses of action.
- version .9610 includes other features such as xSystemDiffLastSearch5 or xSystemDiffLastSearch300
- recentchanges search search for files 5 minutes or newer and results put in /Downloads/
- recentchanges search 300 search for files 300 seconds or newer results put in /Downloads/
If you extracted rntfilesMissed you can grab that weird config folder that was excluded.
- version 0.9740 02/07/2025
- added recentchanges compile dynamically build a custom exclusion filter for recent changes
- version 0.9930 02/07/2025
- recentchanges compile automatically generates custom sed statements for filters in /opt/porteus-scripts/recentchanges
- tweaked thresholds and outputs to user
- automatically open custom profile in featherpad upon completion
- verified functionallity before final release
- version 1.0 02/07/2025
- consolidated all scripts and tested functioning
- final release complete.
Deep scan mode. With or without filetime stamps. Will give you an overview of your system. What files are poping up where. How good the current filter is and will output a xCustomFilterProfile xCustomFilterInstructions and xSysDifferences360seconds or xSysDifferences90seconds