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Post#16 by dreadbird » 14 Jan 2025, 23:14

beny wrote:
10 Jan 2025, 18:26
hi, pyradio it can do a lot of thing try it, shortwave is useful too, my python version is the slackware current one and i don't know if with the python3.9 you can play with pyradio.
i managed to get pyradio 0.8.3 installed just trying to get it to recognize my media player. I got it working with vlc will post how it works out

yeah got it working with

and vlc- with getmod -m

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Post#17 by dreadbird » 14 Jan 2025, 23:34

tome wrote:
14 Jan 2025, 20:18
Thanks dreadbird.
For porteus 5.1 I have built flatpak 1.16.0 with deps. I modified in /etc/profile.d (made it executable) and added one line to them - now applications are by default in menu launcher.
To easy launch them in terminal execute somewhere

Code: Select all

export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin:/home/guest/.local/share/flatpak/exports/bin
Flatpak data may take up at least about 10GB so it is too much to make module or keep it in RAM(changes=EXIT:), good way may be symlink ie /var/lib/flatpak --> /mnt/sdaX/flatpak.
My module is here: ... kfYbZMrUra
sweet ill try it out later tonight

works great had to add dconf-0.40.0.

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Post#18 by dreadbird » 15 Jan 2025, 13:28

These are experimental and they do work but check bottom post for the final version
feel free to check them out

Changes:EXIT works in ram ... sp=sharing

The other savechanges-new works but it pulls a module from the changes to tmp and sometimes the filesystem can change in that time. such as being in the session. it works fine but I dont like to get unnecessary dialog when I can so I tweaked it to copy the files first to tmp then do what you want. Default is to save changes to drive. you can customize it to only create a module of changes for example.

One variable to change and thats the changes variable to the path of your changes folder. Add or remove saved folders as needed. Add or remove excluded folders as needed. Unpack the tar bar and configure /opt/porteus-script/save-changesnew and then make it into a module. You can use savechanges-new in the commandline with the included symbolic link.

basically these scripts I made are a stop gap for when flatpak is used for the first time and you install your apps. it saves your changes as well as flatpak. then you go back to using changes commit and !/var/lib/flatpak.

Changes:EXIT works all off hdd ... sp=sharing

Same as above but works in hdd instead of tmp (ram). Two variables to change target and changes. Thought could be useful if you have limited ram as flatpak can take up a lot of space. unpack tar ball configure and make a module. then command save-changeshdd is available in console.

will test the symlink /var/lib/flatpak to /mnt/sda3/flatpak/ and maybe not need to use scripts

I need a script to save a .xzm of changes ... sp=sharing

this script is fully functional and does exactly what changes-exit.conf does. saves your changes. you can customize this script to only save a .xzm. log file included. various options make an .xzm. extract an .xzm. mount an .xzm. all work is done in /tmp. very useful script for making a custom script.
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Post#19 by dreadbird » 15 Jan 2025, 18:28


If you make a symbolic link to your drive it works without having to change anything in changes-exit.conf.

on a clean install simply do this. create three directories on your drive. flatpak flatpakroot and flatpakguest. so /mnt/sda3/flatpak /mnt/sda3/flatpakroot etc.

create the symbolic links (as noted by tome)

sudo su

cd /var/lib

ln -s /mnt/sda3/flatpak/ flatpak

cd root/.local/share

ln -s /mnt/sda/flatpakroot/ flatpak

cd home/guest/.local/share

ln -s /mnt/sda3/flatpakguest/ flatpak

Then when changes-commit comes to those links it copies the link and not the files. So no changes required for anything.

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Post#20 by dreadbird » 22 Jan 2025, 08:20

Flatpak 1.14.10 (final version for porteus v5.01)

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Post#21 by dreadbird » 23 Jan 2025, 08:11

See below for updated save changes script
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Post#22 by dreadbird » 29 Jan 2025, 03:07

Update save-changesnew xzm
Updated 02/02/2025 ... sp=sharing

It uses the folder method to save files thereby overcoming problems with sym links and other weird things.

This is the last version I made and its pretty cool. It takes the files that have changed and rsyncs them to your drive. The log file is put in Downloads and also /tmp. The log only shows exactly what was saved.

How to use

extract and go to Downloads/save-changesnew/opt/porteus-scripts/save-changesnew

you can exclude directories read comments in script thats all you need to do
you can choose to remove a directory ie not save it in the included part of script
make it into an xzm.

Its setup exactly like changes-exit.conf so no changes are needed.

you can now save changes with an icon in your start menu
you can type save-changesnew to save your session changes
a log file with only the files that were new is made and stamped with exact time and other details.

The log will be in /tmp and also a copy is put in /home/guest/Downloads/

Direct to drive saving.

Example I saved my session 5 minutes ago. lets see what happens when I save my session now?

sending incremental file list

sent 11,051,217 bytes received 971 bytes 22,104,376.00 bytes/sec
total size is 38,639,867 speedup is 3.50

thats the log file. so you can see it saves only the exact files changed. cool or no?

changes-commit will work exactly the same on exit as well. so youre covered in shutdown and restart.

the idea here is lets say we save-changesnew or with the icon same thing. our system crashes? we saved already. we have a log that tells us exactly what changed. if forgot to save-changesnew in session and are shutting down and restarting? changes-commit will save the exact same files.

but why use this? if you have too many files on your system changes exit may not work. this is overcome by copying through the folder method as opposed to file method. this can fix problems with copying symbolic links (ie flatpak and 57000 files).

how I reached this method?

I experimented and cp -ar can copy files through folders very well. it can overcome problems with symbolic links and hardlinks ect. this proved to work better than
cp -au file1 file2 on a file level.

in other words there is deprication in cp -au regarding linking

Ok great so cp -ar is good to use with folder copying and in turn copies the files.

Then we have rsync. its extremely efficient so I implemented the folder method using rsync. We can now save only exact files that have changed thereby syncing the changes to your drive.

Note: it is still recommened to have symbolic links to flatpak directories on your drive
To properly setup flatpak for Changes:EXIT refer to this post
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Post#23 by dreadbird » 02 Feb 2025, 01:59

The above will make saving easier.

Plug and play (no changes needed) you can however customize the name of the module. or extramod directory for hdd script

Customized script does same as above. saves but also produces a module. Works strictly in hdd
updated 02/02/2025 ... sp=sharing

What if you want a module of your changes? this is a customize version of save-changesnew

so it will make changes.xzm and put it in /extramods/
This will make a file manifest. /mnt/sda1/extramods/changesmanifest.txt So all of the changes

It will sync your changes to your drive and send the exact sessions changes to /home/guest/Downloads and /tmp

What use is this? I included instructions in the script. You can tweak it to sync to your drive and not make a module

you can place it in the .xzm build in above post. with the icon link and save-changesnew just replace the script in the .xzm save-changesnew with this one

But why do that?

Lets say you saved your session 10 times. Your drive is up to date and all is good.
Using this script it has made all 10 modules that you have on hand

Lets say you need changes 7. You can boot with that module and be back at that same point in time!

It works entirely on the hdd so this works for all systems

Power user
updated 02/02/2025
I have a lot of memory > 16gb and dont need it to work on the hdd ... sp=sharing works in ram

same as above. saves changes and produces a module. Works only in ram

This will leave a changesHH_MM_pull_UNIQUEID.xzm in /tmp with a manifest of all files. As well as sync changes to your drive with a log file of exact session changes in your /Downloads and in /tmp

You can customize the script to do whatever you want look inside for comments. For convenience put it into an .xzm with an icon and save-changesnew command from above post

Im working on a developer editon. So this will do the same but there is one catch. You dont want it deleting files deleted in session from on your drive. this will take some careful planning on my part. Ill update with a new addon when its done. I think Ill call it recentchanges so it will be a symlink recentchanges or command in terminal that will save all changes to an .xzm and to complement this a log file that does not say whats in the .xzm. but rather just the exact changes ie the 30 files you just compiled

So lets say you compiled something and have no idea where it went. you can type recentchanges and get an .xzm your entire system changes that would normally sync to your drive. But have a file thats listing only the files you compiled. ie the last 30 seconds

come to think of it. I could rewrite a new script to search for recentfiles say the last 5 minutes (exaggerating here because it would be about 1 minute for you to type the command). so all files in the last minute pull those and make an .xzm in /tmp and do include a manifest beside that. so recentchanges can spit out .xzms of exact changes when developing.

As well for both of these custom scripts they save the module to either mydrive/extramod/ or /tmp
so when called again it overwrites the changes.xzm if its there. in otherwords you have to either copy it manually somewhere safe or rename it.

I plan to add in a random number suffix so it wont overwrite it. so that will be another features ill put in
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Post#24 by dreadbird » 02 Feb 2025, 08:57

Developer addon recent changes aka Developer buddy
updated 02/14/2025 V1.0 version ... sp=sharing
sha1sum 25b0d2f89e51805c9deb058c093f15e3e400960c

includes hotfix regarding diff file viewtopic.php?p=102029#p102029

recentchanges (pulls 5 minutes or newer and includes search) goes to /tmp
recentchanges s (pulls s seconds or newer)

recentchanges search (search only files 5 minutes or newer) goes to /Downloads
recentchanges search s (search only files s seconds or newer)

recentchanges search /home/guest/myfile.txt (search for files newer than myfile.txt) filtered so you only see necessary files
recentchanges search myfile.txt

recentchanges compile Dynamically build a custom filter. filters are stored in /home/guest/.conf/save-changesnew

Modes for recentchanges compile:
Deepscan mode and option of file timestamps
Regular scan and option of file timestamps

recentchanges -v shows version
recentchanges -h or --help shows help

ie recentchanges 30 pulls and makes a .xzm of all files 30 seconds or newer right in /tmp

This script will search your drive for any files that are 5 minutes or newer. it excludes just the right directories to not include unwanted files. It will log the transfer of the files to a temporary staging directory. It will log the files put in the rntchanges.xzm. and then send all 3 into /tmp. so now if you need to know what files changed it will show those and produce a module. If you compiled something it will make your application into an .xzm for distribution. It then deletes the temporary staging directory. end result leaving the logs and the xzm for your immediate use.

new addition includes rntchangesxSystemChanges with all system files sorted by time specified for easy viewing

The new version (0.95) you can pass an argument in seconds. recentchanges 300 will search for all files 300 seconds (5minutees). recentchange 15 .... ect

New version 0.9610

If you call a search and it is going to overwrite rntfiles.xzm it will package everything up and put it in a unique dir in /tmp

if you search again it will take your old search result and compare and spit out a file. xSystemDiffSinceLast so if only 2 files changed. it will show you 2 files.

example recentchanges60 34 files recentchanges60 27 files xSystemDiffSinceLast 3 new files here they are

if there are no new files to make a rntfiles.xzm it will leave the only rntfiles.xzm there. if you type recentchanges 300 it will delete xSystemChanges60 and xSystemDiff so its clean.

So for comparing old searching with new searches use the same match ie recentchanges recentchanges or recentchanges 3600 recentchanges 3600

Added recentchanges search and recentchanges search 500

It will do only a file search. recentchanges search will search all files 5 minutes or newer and put a list in /Downloads
or 500 seconds or newer ect

If you did a search 500 say two minutes ago. It will take the old search file and give you a xSystemDiffLastSearch500 ect.

Working on implementing the recentchanges compile to dynamically build a filter and export it. You can then review the filter and tweak the script to your needs.

version 0.9740

- implemented a dynamic filter build to scan your system. tells you what files are popping up where.
- tell you if you should adjust your filter
- two modes deep scan and regular. with or without file timestamps

version 0.9930

- tweaked and have fully dialed in. the script is fully customizable try it out and build a custom profile
- recentchanges compile to build a dynamic filter for recentchanges
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Post#25 by dreadbird » 02 Feb 2025, 10:02

if you just want the developer addon viewtopic.php?p=101890#p101890

Save changes new xzm (with developer addon v1.0) Standalone works on save changes exit This is the one I use and is final release
updated 02/12/2025 ... sp=sharing

xzm sha1sum 1390253bf3d408e45e00de0e99d8b79d5524e123
recentchanges script

commands (symbolic links)

save-changesnew direct to drive saving with only those file changes logged to /home/guest/Downloads

recentchanges instantly produce a module of anything that changed in the last 5 minutes as rntfiles.xzm with file manifest in /tmp

besure to use recentchanges -v to see the features of this tool

dont know what changed use recentchanges to see what did.

Now lets say you are going to compile. compile and type recentchanges 30. Any files made in the last 30 seconds will be sent to rntfiles.xzm in /tmp

or this will tell you where it threw the files at least.

you get

rntfiles.xzm <------------------------what changed? or your new program
rntfilesmanifest <-------------------------------your .xzm file manifest
rntfilesTransferlog <-------------------------------------file transfer to temporary storage directory to verify pulling went ok
rntfilesxSystemchanges5 or 300 <---------------------------------------if you specified seconds
rntfilesxSystemDiffSinceLast5 or 300 <------------------------------------ Exact changes since last 300 ie 1 or 2 files?

two icons to choose from scalable .svg

Added new feature

recentchanges search will do a search for files 5 minutes or newer and put the list in your /Downloads folder
recentchanges search 500 samething but for 500 seconds.

if you did a search say 2 minutes ago. it will take your old search and spit out a xSystemDiffLastSearch500 and show the difference.

see usage viewtopic.php?p=101890#p101890


And see above post about customizing it. you can change save-changesnew with either customized script or power user just rename to save-changesnew and replace and make into .xzm. All these two scripts do is the same thing but as well it makes a module. for archiving so if youre developing this can help you roll back to any point in time.
Last edited by dreadbird on 13 Feb 2025, 09:04, edited 30 times in total.

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Post#26 by dreadbird » 02 Feb 2025, 21:30

updated 02/09/2025

Currently implementing suffix for the module addons. Developer buddy aka recentchanges at a tentative 0.95 release

recentchanges 30

grab all the files 30 seconds or newer


grab all the files 5 minutes or newer

tenative version fully functional cant wait for v1.0 :celebrate3:

Im interested how do I use this?

grab the xzm
viewtopic.php?p=101846#p101846 save-changesnew
viewtopic.php?p=101892#p101892 save-changesnew with developer addon (Recommended)
viewtopic.php?p=101890#p101890 just the developer addon alone

do you want to save a module of changes as well as save changes? (Add ons)


customize script (works in hdd for all systems)
power user (works in ram for >16gb ram systems)

How do I add the addons? go to the .xzm delete save-changesnew and replace with either customize script or poweruser (rename them to save-changesnew)

Revision history (if you see anything here I have already updated all links with all changes)
Power user addon updated with module suffix a unique identifier so it doesnt overwrite changes.xzm when saving session multiple times.
Customize script updated with module suffix "" ""

Customize script all modules are saved in /extramod/ so throughout saving changes youll also have the exact modules with ALL changes.
they will be labeled changesHH_MM_pull_UNIQUEID.xzm

This means you can choose to boot from any one of those to roll back to that point in time.

Power the poweruser script because youre in ram some steps are needed to be taken. ie move your modules from /tmp somewhere safe such as extramod

example you save your changes. it syncs to your drive with just what changed. maybe 30 files? and also creates a module with ALL changes in /tmp called changesHH_MM_pull_UNIQUEID.xzm so if you save multiple times youll have multiple modules. Then pull those out to your extramod folder or some place you want to archive your saves.

fixes 02/02/2025
- verified log in downloads folder is available while in session
- added user passing script works if other user than guest ie your user dave the log file will be put in /home/dave/Downloads
if called from root the default user set to guest
- user passing through root call ie guest or dave who is it? this can be applied to filtering through sed '/\/home\/'"${USR}"'\/\.config/d'
- output all system changes to rntfilesxSystemchanges5 or rntfilesxSystemchanges300 if you specified seconds
- clear out old log files pertaining to rntfiles.xzm and xSystemchanges*
- added date custom format to append the all system changes so it is human readable
- xSystemchanges sorted by time and easy to read.
- added detection of files that dont exist on the system ie empty sym links or cache or .cache items and updates xSystemchanges log
- tweaked the filter exclusion to include /usr/share/mime
- set in place developement of Suggestions file to warn if compiled program has an excluded file
to make a rntfilesMissed.xml and rntfilesSuggestion file will all warnings suggestions and courses of action.
- version .9610 includes other features such as xSystemDiffLastSearch5 or xSystemDiffLastSearch300
- recentchanges search search for files 5 minutes or newer and results put in /Downloads/
- recentchanges search 300 search for files 300 seconds or newer results put in /Downloads/

If you extracted rntfilesMissed you can grab that weird config folder that was excluded.

- version 0.9740 02/07/2025
- added recentchanges compile dynamically build a custom exclusion filter for recent changes

- version 0.9930 02/07/2025
- recentchanges compile automatically generates custom sed statements for filters in /opt/porteus-scripts/recentchanges
- tweaked thresholds and outputs to user
- automatically open custom profile in featherpad upon completion
- verified functionallity before final release

- version 1.0 02/07/2025
- consolidated all scripts and tested functioning
- final release complete.

Deep scan mode. With or without filetime stamps. Will give you an overview of your system. What files are poping up where. How good the current filter is and will output a xCustomFilterProfile xCustomFilterInstructions and xSysDifferences360seconds or xSysDifferences90seconds
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Post#27 by dreadbird » 03 Feb 2025, 08:05

Now is often the case if you get too complicated you are working against yourself. Keep things simple and then you can branch off into experimental projects. The underlying basis of my work here is function so the script will always work. Nothing but the best. Settle for nothing less than that

Currently tweaking developer buddy and as I use it when compiling the versions will progress to .97 .98. Then v1.0 will be the considered solid and other projects can branch off of that

Future ideas and other modes for recent changes ideas.

A. Learning and database logging what are the most common root directories created when compiling? With builtin exclusion presets. Localized analysis logs your compiled root directories to local database .xml.

Example usage

recentchanges compile <--------- sets the preset

compile your application
recentchanges 30

this will package your compiled application

what recentchanges compile does is sets preset to compile mode from a .yaml. So a default set of exclusion filters learned through compiling other programs. we are making an application so we want to match exactly the files created from compiling. Now I can even go further here and put in other detections. For instance Only grab the files created from the exact process. If that process created 1000 files we grab 1000 files. Another thing if you typed recentchanges 300 it will deep scan files and only created around the same time. say 15-75 seconds. Grab those files and package rntfiles.xzm.

Send a log of all changes in those 300 seconds. As well as rntfiles.xzm with its file manifest. You can manually check the ALL changes log and decide what other files were possibly missed. Then you can update your .yaml and exclusion filters accordingly.

This sets a dragnet of new files. say your system is spitting out files randomly. You compile your program and type recentchanges 500. It will detect the changes specific to your compile process. Grab those files and make rntfiles.xzm. With a log of ALL changes and rntfiles files manifest.

Then it will suggests to tweak your exclusion filter by making a suggestions text file. Say with the dragnet it matched a file created at the exact same time by your system at second 24. At second 67 you compiled your application what recentchanges will do is exclude the file/directory from second 24 from your application made at second 70 right when your program was compiling. Send sends a log of everything.

B. Exclusion file what files excluded that maybe you shouldn’t have. Gives you a warning and success prediction. And courses of action. If the program detects a major blunder it will send a second .xzm with those pertinent files.

C. Manual mode or super sampling. (virtual environment mode)

recentchanges sampling <------- creates a filesystem .xzm for before

Wait 5 minutes
compile your program

you can type recentchanges stop. <------- makes rntfiles.xzm based off of what changed

Why do that? lets say you type recentchanges sampling. Wait 5 minutes. Now recent changes grabbed a list of exactly also what to exclude from the filters. you compile your program and then type recentchanges stop. It will then make rntfiles.xzm with exclusions from filters as well as the files produced from the earlier 5 minute peroid. So if your system made a file at 5:15 the same time when you compiled it is automatically removed from rntfiles.xzm.

log the files before and after as well as rntfiles.xzm manifest. Each filename is put into an .xml with file creation dates of each file. You can instantly see where the new files are. Just now, 3 minutes ago.... ect. And a file with the exact differences, excluded files and suggestions on what directories you should exclude.

What uses do those two other modes have? If youre building a program those two bottom modies B. and C. can dynamically create exclusion filters that you can add to the regular use of recentchanges filters. use it once or twice for programs specific to you and you might just learn the exact directories.

Then we have a recentchanges with exactly the right filters and all you need to do is type recentchanges and based on the exactly the right filters its super easy too use and works 100%

Final thoughts. I like the idea of an .xml with ALL changes sorted by time. Now you can visually see ok I need these files. Go back to rntfiles.xzm manifest. Great it excluded everything but that one weird config folder. then you grab that folder add it to your .xzm done. So if by the end of recentchanges it sends a .xml of all file changes sorted by time to your desktop would be epic

So what Ill do personally is use mode B and C myself to categorize an exact filter to use for recentchanges.
Include that by default. then make it so it sends an .xml. maybe leave that in /tmp instead of desktop.

Idea being
Filter methodology
Not much ----> More ----> Too much
not useful perfect notuseful

When we arrive at More its not truely perfect. You want to back off the filter slightly. Then refer to an xml to instantly know its captured perfectly. Dont adjust your filter because you may just block out too much

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Post#28 by dreadbird » 04 Feb 2025, 02:55

Updated recentchanges aka Developer buddy

It knows what user you are so if youre user dave it will exclude from /home/dave/

Included a log of all changes for specified time (unfiltered) for convenience
all system changes will be in rntfilesxSystemchanges5 or rntfilesxSystemchances300 if you specified seconds
the reason for the x is so its not right next to rntfiles .xzm

added time and sorted xSystemchanges.

Hope to have it finally and last but not least an .xml to /tmp or your desktop! so you can quickly see what files are Justnow or 15 seconds ago

I have decided not to do the xml as its not convenient. maybe nicer to look at but a user may not have office installed ect

xSystemchanges has the time on the left and its sorted very easy to read to get a snap shot at where the major changes to your system are. or even where your program is.

second only to grabing an entire .xzm of system changes extracting and viewing the dates in dolphin. but the text file is very good and efficient.

Added detection if a system file is listed and it doesnt actually exist say its a .cache item or an empty emy sym link it will replace the time in the Systemchanges log with File does not exist. for easy viewing and leads to flawless operation of the script. doesnt say cant stat such and such a file.

This is what I absolutely hate about flatpak. You do not give users errors. you tell them whats missing and they install it. An error is never meant to reach the user when a program works correctly

Upcoming changes

Output only system changes and not make a module just for those random queries

recentchanges search will search for files 5 minutes or newer and output only rntchangesxSystemchanges5
recentchanges search 300 "" "" rntchangesxSystemchanges300

Deepscan it will take an average of the bulk of the file times if a group of files were filtered that belong to your program or files youre after it will output rntfilesMissed.xzm without a minafest for convenience. Then if youre missing a config folder from the compiler it will be there if you want it.

although instead of making rntfilesMissed.xzm maybe output a rntfilesSuggestions file so youre aware to adjust your filters
this can be very useful. you can quickly glance at the Suggestions and discover immediately these files are here. you can then grab those and put them in your module. Then you know what folder to ease the filter back. and its even better the next time

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Post#29 by dreadbird » 06 Feb 2025, 04:04

recent changes Developer buddy 0.9610 release

If you search again it will

package all things rntfiles and put it in a unique rntfiles directory in /tmp

it will produce a file of all system files xSystemchanges5 as well as rntfilesxSystemDiffFromLastSearch5. intelligently can take your previous search and compare with your new search. spitting out a file with exact differences.

if a search is called and no changes are made it wont package rntfiles and move it. It will only be moved if there are files to go into rntfiles.xzm.

extremely useful. you can immediate see in xSystemDiffFromLast 2 files those are the ones that changed.

Other mode implement recentchanges search and recentchanges search 500

if you do this it will only do a file search and output to your /Downloads folder
It will take a previous search say recentchanges search 1800 and output the difference in another file xSystemDiffLast1800 and show the differences.

Working on recentchanges compile to dynamically export a custom filter that you can review and use to tweak the script to your needs.

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Post#30 by dreadbird » 08 Feb 2025, 06:00

Final release


Startmenu icon

Save changes new xzm with save-changesnew and recentchanges commands recentchanges aka Developer buddy
Im using this and its a final release 02/12/2025

save-changes new with Developer buddy v1.0 ... sp=sharing

xzm sha1sum 1390253bf3d408e45e00de0e99d8b79d5524e123

I am proud to announce the release of recent searches aka Developer Buddy v 1.0 release.


save-changesnew save your changes to your drive with rsync with log of only the exact files changed in /Downloads

type recentchanges -v or -h --help for more info

recentchanges pull all files 5 minutes or newer to /tmp into a .xzm Includes the file search as well
recentchanges s pull all files s specified or newer to /tmp .xzm

recentchanges search search all files 5 minutes or newer list /Downloads file search only goes to your home/downloads
recentchanges search s search all files s seconds or newer list /Downloads "" ""

recentchanges search /home/guest/myfile.txt search for all files newer than myfile.txt filtered items so you only see necessary files
recentchanges search myfile.txt

recentchanges compile Dynamically search for file changes on your system shows output and generates a custom filter and custom sed statements for the filter in /opt/porteus-scripts/recentchanges script
You can adjust the scan backwards and scan forwards for a bigger delta. Im very excited about this feature it has endless possibilities
end result is you can find exactly specific to your system. Makes making that custom rntfiles.xzm in /tmp view recentchanges 100% perfect everytime

Not required these are other addons
Create a module of your changes in addition to rsyncing your drive. You can load any one of the modules and roll back to that point in time.

When you save-changesnew ( save your changes in changes:EXIT ) ... sp=sharing HDD for all systems for porteus doesnt require all that ram ... sp=sharing Power user works in memory for good system with >16gb ram

viewtopic.php?p=101886#p101886 Add-on instructions

How are you able to pull an .xzm and do the file searches? recentchanges has a tweaked profile to cut out all the cache items and files you want to filter out. Allow you to grab any new files you want by simply typing recentchanges. If you just compiled a program you would type recentchanges 30 or recentchanges 60 and it will package your application.

it will also search what you typed. recentchanges will search all new files 5 minutes or newer and give you a log in /tmp. recentchanges 3600 will give you a log of one hour ect.

I also implemented recentchanges search. this will do files only and put the log in your /Downloads. ie recentchanges search 900 will search all new files 900 seconds or newer and output the list.

recentchanges compile will dynamically build you a custom filter to put in /opt/porteus-scripts/recentchanges (the filter is well built already but you never know)
so this command will build a filter specific to your system or environment.

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