Palemoon Web Browser...

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Re: Palemoon Web Browser...

Post#1 by francois » 26 Jul 2015, 22:43

This is your chance. Under slackware a review of different browsers and the receipe for pale moon: ... -a-review/

Download and install Pale Moon for Linux installer instructions:
Latest version: ... .0.tar.bz2
The Pale Moon for Linux installer (also referred to as pminstaller) can be used to install, uninstall, and update Pale Moon for Linux. To use it, simply extract the pminstaller-*.tar.bz2 archive and run the file.
A video demo of the process is available here.
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Re: Palemoon Web Browser...

Post#2 by Rava » 01 Sep 2015, 15:52

I use palemoon exclusive for a long time now, but never compiled it, using the most recent tar package from the palemoon guys, but I do some changes, like removing the US dictionary (I use the UK one instead), and also including the most recent flash player.

So.... my xzm palmoon is not really meant as a giveaway for just anyone module, but one that I specifically created to fit my personal needs...


Looking that up, I realized I have to do an update once again. Myself running PM 25.6.0 while the most recent version is ... 64.tar.bz2 ... :ROFL:
And flash as well needs an update. But that's for later, first Tai Chi, then PC updating. *runs off*
Yours Rava

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