[Porteus 5.0's USM replacement] getmod: A wrapper for slapt-get to build modules

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[Porteus 5.0's USM replacement] getmod: A wrapper for slapt-get to build modules

Post#1 by babam » 10 Jul 2022, 15:17

slapt-get: slapt-get is an APT like system for Slackware package management.

getmod: A simple wrapper for slapt-get to build Porteus modules.

Code: Select all

# getmod -h

   getmod: A simple wrapper for slapt-get to build Porteus module.

   getmod [-c] [-u] [-d|-m|-M|-n|-N PACKAGE_NAME] [-l PATTERN] [-s PATTERN]

  -c: Purge cached packages
  -d: Download only
  -m: Download and build module (ZSTD compression)
  -M: Download and build module (XZ compression)
  -n: Download and build module without dependencies (ZSTD compression)
  -N: Download and build module without dependencies (XZ compression)
  -l: List installed packages
  -s: Search package
  -u: Update database
  -h: This usage

   To change the temporary directory (default is /tmp), pass the TMP variable.
   $ TMP=/path/to/directory getmod -m packagename

   Temporary directory is for storing downloaded packages, installing and converting to modules.
For example to build a GIMP module with dependencies:

Code: Select all

# getmod -u
# getmod -m gimp
Update 2022.10.30: Image date: Oct 29 13:51
getmod ---> Fixes

https://drive.google.com/uc?export=down ... 13TxjR9A8F


To change the temporary output directory to another location (e.g. /mnt/sdb1/tmp/), pass the TMP variable:

Code: Select all

# TMP=/mnt/sdb1/tmp getmod -m gimp
Make sure the partition you tell getmod to use has a Linux filesystem, e.g. ext[234] and never VFAT or NTFS because then all file permissions of your created module will be messed up.

Edit the config file /etc/slapt-get/slapt-getrc to change the mirror.
For example to change source/mirror from http://slackware.uk/salix to http://download.salixos.org

Code: Select all

# sed -i 's|http://slackware.uk/salix|http://download.salixos.org|g' /etc/slapt-get/slapt-getrc
# getmod -u
From http://slackware.uk/salix:

Code: Select all

# The Slackware repositories, including dependency information

# The Salix repository
# And the Salix extra repository
To http://download.salixos.org:

Code: Select all

# The Slackware repositories, including dependency information

# The Salix repository
# And the Salix extra repository
List of mirrors:

Code: Select all

Thanks to the Salix repository.
Last edited by Ed_P on 11 Oct 2023, 03:26, edited 28 times in total.
Reason: getmod included in Porteus 5.01 as slapt-mod.
Sorry, my English is bad.

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slapt-get: slapt-get is an APT like system for Slackware package management.

Post#2 by Karmi » 11 Jul 2022, 02:06

OK...I've been trying to figure out how to get packages easier than lots of searching 'n asking. Apparently I just got slapt-get working, installed 'n updated. Thanks! Then got a gimp that actually works (newer version didn't work), but I can't find where the module is!? OK...guess the slapt-get put the module in the module's folder (?) cause it's there now. ;)

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slapt-get: slapt-get is an APT like system for Slackware package management.

Post#3 by babam » 22 Jul 2022, 16:32

getmod: A simple wrapper for slapt-get to build the Porteus module.

Code: Select all

# getmod -h

   getmod [-u] [-d|-m PACKAGE_NAME] [-s PATTERN]

  -u: Update database
  -d: Download only
  -m: Download and build module
  -s: Search package
  -h: This usage

# getmod -u
# getmod -m gimp
Last edited by Ed_P on 11 Oct 2023, 03:30, edited 4 times in total.
Reason: getmod is included in Porteus 5.01 as slapt-mod.
Sorry, my English is bad.

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slapt-get: slapt-get is an APT like system for Slackware package management.

Post#4 by babam » 22 Jul 2022, 16:50

Karmi wrote:
11 Jul 2022, 02:06
OK...I've been trying to figure out how to get packages easier than lots of searching 'n asking. Apparently I just got slapt-get working, installed 'n updated. Thanks! Then got a gimp that actually works (newer version didn't work), but I can't find where the module is!? OK...guess the slapt-get put the module in the module's folder (?) cause it's there now. ;)
Now it's easy to create Porteus modules using getmod.
Sorry, my English is bad.

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slapt-get: slapt-get is an APT like system for Slackware package management.

Post#5 by Karmi » 22 Jul 2022, 17:53

babam wrote:
22 Jul 2022, 16:50
Karmi wrote:
11 Jul 2022, 02:06
OK...I've been trying to figure out how to get packages easier than lots of searching 'n asking. Apparently I just got slapt-get working, installed 'n updated. Thanks! Then got a gimp that actually works (newer version didn't work), but I can't find where the module is!? OK...guess the slapt-get put the module in the module's folder (?) cause it's there now. ;)
Now it's easy to create Porteus modules using getmod.
I cannot figure out how to add getmod. What am I missing?

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slapt-get: slapt-get is an APT like system for Slackware package management.

Post#6 by babam » 22 Jul 2022, 18:05

Karmi wrote:
22 Jul 2022, 17:53

I cannot figure out how to add getmod. What am I missing?
Download link has been updated, download 011-slapt-get*
Sorry, my English is bad.

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slapt-get: slapt-get is an APT like system for Slackware package management.

Post#7 by Karmi » 22 Jul 2022, 18:18

babam wrote:
22 Jul 2022, 18:05
Karmi wrote:
22 Jul 2022, 17:53

I cannot figure out how to add getmod. What am I missing?
Download link has been updated, download 011-slapt-get*
Thanks...again! :worthy:

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slapt-get: slapt-get is an APT like system for Slackware package management.

Post#8 by babam » 24 Jul 2022, 05:10

slapt-get-0.11.6-x86_64-2gv.txz ---> Upgraded
getmod ---> Added -s (search) option to search for packages.
Sorry, my English is bad.

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slapt-get: slapt-get is an APT like system for Slackware package management.

Post#9 by rych » 13 Aug 2022, 10:21

babam, very nice thank you. This for example just worked:

Code: Select all

root@porteus:~# getmod -s calibre
calibre-bin-5.43.0-x86_64-1salix15.0  (Ebook manager)
root@porteus:~# getmod -m calibre-bin
whereas this failed:

Code: Select all

root@porteus:~# pmod -s calibre
Looking for calibre in package list. Please wait... DONE
No package name matches the pattern.

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slapt-get: slapt-get is an APT like system for Slackware package management.

Post#10 by beny » 13 Aug 2022, 16:45

hi rych: the slackpkg update is mandatory for a good search, if you see the slackpkg+ configure you can check the repository and you can choose the best for you,btw you can add also your own i think,but i am not shure.
guest@porteus:~$ sudo pmod -s calibre

Looking for calibre in package list. Please wait... DONE

The list below shows all packages with name matching "calibre".

[unin] alienbob : calibre2-2.85.1-x86_64-1alien
[unin] slackonly : calibre-3.48.0-x86_64-1_slonly
[unin] slackonly : calibre-bin-5.15.0-x86_64-1_slonly
[mask] alienbob : calibre-5.43.0-x86_64-1alien
[mask] ponce : calibre-3.48.0-x86_64-1ponce

You can search specific files using "slackpkg file-search file".

guest@porteus:~$ sudo pmod -m calibre-3.48.0-x86_64-1ponce

Looking for calibre-3.48.0-x86_64-1ponce in package list. Please wait... DONE

Preparing list [1/1]
slackpkg 15.0.10 / slackpkg+ 1.8.0

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slapt-get: slapt-get is an APT like system for Slackware package management.

Post#11 by rych » 14 Aug 2022, 16:05

beny, of course I updated, but look:

Code: Select all

root@porteus:~# pmod -u

Updating the package lists...
2022-08-15 04:03:54 URL:https://mirrors.slackware.com/slackware/slackware64-15.0/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc [163/163] -> "/tmp/slackpkg.tlajfN/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc" [1]
2022-08-15 04:03:59 URL:https://slakfinder.org/slackpkg+15/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc [455/455] -> "/tmp/slackpkg.tlajfN/CHECKSUMS.md5-slackpkgplus.asc" [1]
Files //var/lib/slackpkg/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc and /tmp/slackpkg.tlajfN/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc differ

2022-08-15 04:04:02 URL:https://mirrors.slackware.com/slackware/slackware64-15.0/ChangeLog.txt [1915051/1915051] -> "/tmp/slackpkg.tlajfN/ChangeLog.txt" [1]
		List of all files
2022-08-15 04:04:07 URL:https://mirror.lagoon.nc/slackware/slackware64-15.0/patches/MANIFEST.bz2 [11191977/11191977] -> "/tmp/slackpkg.tlajfN/patches-MANIFEST.bz2" [1]
2022-08-15 04:04:09 URL:https://mirror.lagoon.nc/slackware/slackware64-15.0/slackware64/MANIFEST.bz2 [4199768/4199768] -> "/tmp/slackpkg.tlajfN/slackware64-MANIFEST.bz2" [1]
2022-08-15 04:04:11 URL:https://mirror.lagoon.nc/slackware/slackware64-15.0/extra/MANIFEST.bz2 [1644807/1644807] -> "/tmp/slackpkg.tlajfN/extra-MANIFEST.bz2" [1]
2022-08-15 04:04:12 URL:https://mirror.lagoon.nc/slackware/slackware64-15.0/pasture/MANIFEST.bz2 [127791/127791] -> "/tmp/slackpkg.tlajfN/pasture-MANIFEST.bz2" [1]
2022-08-15 04:04:13 URL:https://mirror.lagoon.nc/slackware/slackware64-15.0/testing/MANIFEST.bz2 [34527/34527] -> "/tmp/slackpkg.tlajfN/testing-MANIFEST.bz2" [1]
2022-08-15 04:04:15 URL:https://slakfinder.org/slackpkg+15/MANIFEST.bz2 [590/590] -> "/tmp/slackpkg.tlajfN/SLACKPKGPLUS_slackpkgplus-MANIFEST.bz2" [1]
2022-08-15 04:04:17 URL:https://mirrors.slackware.com/slackware/slackware64-15.0/CHECKSUMS.md5 [1147007/1147007] -> "/tmp/slackpkg.tlajfN/CHECKSUMS.md5" [1]
2022-08-15 04:04:19 URL:https://slakfinder.org/slackpkg+15/CHECKSUMS.md5 [2253/2253] -> "/tmp/slackpkg.tlajfN/CHECKSUMS.md5-slackpkgplus" [1]
		Package List
2022-08-15 04:04:20 URL:https://mirror.lagoon.nc/slackware/slackware64-15.0/FILELIST.TXT [1497401/1497401] -> "/tmp/slackpkg.tlajfN/FILELIST.TXT" [1]
		Package descriptions
2022-08-15 04:04:21 URL:https://mirror.lagoon.nc/slackware/slackware64-15.0/patches/PACKAGES.TXT [32757/32757] -> "/tmp/slackpkg.tlajfN/patches-PACKAGES.TXT" [1]
2022-08-15 04:04:23 URL:https://mirror.lagoon.nc/slackware/slackware64-15.0/PACKAGES.TXT [864745/864745] -> "/tmp/slackpkg.tlajfN/slackware64-PACKAGES.TXT" [1]
2022-08-15 04:04:24 URL:https://mirror.lagoon.nc/slackware/slackware64-15.0/extra/PACKAGES.TXT [36524/36524] -> "/tmp/slackpkg.tlajfN/extra-PACKAGES.TXT" [1]
2022-08-15 04:04:25 URL:https://mirrors.slackware.com/slackware/slackware64-15.0/pasture/PACKAGES.TXT [1477/1477] -> "/tmp/slackpkg.tlajfN/pasture-PACKAGES.TXT" [1]
2022-08-15 04:04:26 URL:https://mirrors.slackware.com/slackware/slackware64-15.0/testing/PACKAGES.TXT [728/728] -> "/tmp/slackpkg.tlajfN/testing-PACKAGES.TXT" [1]
2022-08-15 04:04:27 URL:https://slakfinder.org/slackpkg+15/PACKAGES.TXT [624/624] -> "/tmp/slackpkg.tlajfN/SLACKPKGPLUS_slackpkgplus-PACKAGES.TXT" [1]
	Formatting lists to slackpkg style...
		Package List: using CHECKSUMS.md5 as source
		Package descriptions

root@porteus:~# pmod -s calibre

Looking for calibre in package list. Please wait... DONE

No package name matches the pattern.

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slapt-get: slapt-get is an APT like system for Slackware package management.

Post#12 by beny » 14 Aug 2022, 16:17

Code: Select all

  # Configuration for slackpkg+.
# Please read manpage: "man slackpkgplus.conf" and documentation /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/README

# Enable (on) / Disable (off) slackpkg+

# set to '0' to never show the download progress bar
# set to '1' to show the bar only in download packages (default)
# set to '2' to always show the download bar
# set to '3' for a debug mode

# Enable TERSE to use a smaller output in installpkg/upgradepkg

# Enable a smaller output for slackpkg search. It replace first column with one colorized
# on:    [unin] uninstalled, [inst] installed, [upgr] upgrade, [mask] uninstalled/masked
# tiny:  [-] uninstalled, [I] installed, [I] upgrade, [M] uninstalled/masked
# off:   leave unchanged and black/white.

# Use proxy. Leave commented to use system settings.

# By default slackpkg+ deny to install 32bit packages.
# Set this flag to 'on' allow slackpkg+ to install 32bit packages on a 64bit slackware 
# installation (possibly unsafe). Please, do not install both 32 and 64bit of the same 
# package to avoid problems, and NEVER upgrade existing 64bit packages with relative 32bit package.
# Do not forget to install the multilibs.

# Enable (on) / Disable (off) the official slackpkg blacklist. May be useful to temporarily skip
# the slackware blacklist. You can also override it from command line:
# 'USEBL=off slackpkg upgrade-all'

# Enable (on) / Disable (off) the legacy blacklist system ignoring the improvement
# from slackpkg 15. Some improvement are not useful with third party repositories
# Note that the legacy system does apply it as regex to the entire pkglist row
# repository, name, version, arch, build, fullname, series/path, extension.

# Add custom option to 'wget'.
# You can solve the repository unavailability problems by set a timeout here
# Also add "-q" for super terse output (useful with USETERSE=on)
WGETOPTS="--timeout=20 --tries=2"

# If you want replace wget with another downloader search DOWNLOADCMD in documentation
# at /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/README
#DOWNLOADCMD="wget2 --progress=bar -O"

# Enable (on) / Disable (off) checking disk space to download and install packages. Default to "off"

# Defines if the changelog of any third party repository must be searched in parent URL when not found in base URL.
# Can be set to "on" or "off" (default)

# Use the cache for metadata files (CHECKSUMS.md5,...). Enable it (on) to speedup the slackpkg update
# process by downloading just new files (see README). Disabled by default (off)

# You can download-only by setting DOWNLOADONLY to 'on'. You may (you should) also use it in command line,
# for example: "DOWNLOADONLY=on slackpkg upgrade-all". Useful for large upgrades.
# You may also use 'slackpkg download' if you want to download few packages

# Enable (on) / Disable (off) notification events (see notifymsg.conf)

# Enable (on) / Disable (off) the greylist feature. See /etc/slackpkg/greylist

# Defines if commands 'search' and 'file-search' are case-sensitive (on) or not (off). Default to "on"

# Defines if command 'file-search' does search Whole Word (on) or accept partial words (off). Note that
# you may obtains many many results searching a short partial word

# Select the show order in dialog box. Available "package" "repository" "tag" "path" "arch"

# Allow to show more details of the package in 'slackpkg info <package>'. Accepts "none", "basic", "filelist"

# Enable (on) / Disable (off) a Strict GPG Check. A repository should contains packages signed
# with the only original GPG-KEY. In some custom repository may be wanted to mix heterogeneous
# packages; to use that repository set Strict GPG Check to off. P.S: a repository can
# contain just ONE gpg-key; you may manually import the other.

# If two or more repositories contains some same packages, you can specify
# from which repository you prefer to search it.
# The syntax is "<repository_name>:<package_name>"
# Accepts regular expressions. To give priority to an entire repository use "<repository_name>"

# Examples:
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( restricted:vlc )
# OR
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( myrepo )
# if you have two repositories to give priority you must set both in the same line
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( myrepo restricted:vlc )
# If you want a multilib system, uncomment the 'multilib' repository and set:
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( multilib )
# (Use /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/setupmultilib.sh to setup a multilib configuration)

# Otherwise you can try to upgrade a package from a repository that contains a package with the
# same tag of the already installed package. Typically that means to upgrade a package from the
# same author of the already installed package.
# Note that this method may not works properly where two repositories contains a package with the
# same tag.
# Set TAG_PRIORITY to 'on' to enable this function

# List repositories you want to use (defined below)
# remember to launch 'slackpkg update' if you modify this row.
#REPOPLUS=( slackpkgplus restricted alienbob )
REPOPLUS=( slackpkgplus slackonly restricted alienbob ponce )

# Define mirrors (uncomment one or more mirror; remember to add it to REPOPLUS)
# GPG Note: after adding/renaming a repository, you must to run 'slackpkg update gpg';
#           some repositories as salixos, have a partial GPG support;
#           for that repositories you may need to run slackpkg with 'slackpkg -checkgpg=off ...'

# Slackware 15.0 - x86_64
# use this to keep the slackpkg+ package updated to the latest stable release

# use the development branch to use the mainline version and help develop by reporting bugs.

# Local repository:
# Local packages (you do not need metadata nor 'slackpkg update' command):
# Remote packages (you do not need metadata)

# SBo SlackBuilds. Uncomment it to allow slackpkg to search SlackBuilds on SlackBuilds.org
# This does not replace sbopkg; slackpkg just report the package, version and url; you may
# download it via 'slackpkg download <packagename>' and build it yourself or via sbopkg.

# Plugin section:
# Here you can enable some optional feature. Please read documentation before enable it.
# ZLookKernel can help you to rebuild initrd and reinstall lilo/elilo/grub. This feature was
# removed in slackpkg-15.0. 'enable' this setting to enable it.
# read /usr/libexec/slackpkg/functions.d/zlookkernel.sh for more information
# It will ask confirmations at every step, unless you will set 'PLUGIN_ZLOOKKERNEL_PROMPT=off'
# It will manage /boot/vmlinuz by default; if you use kernel generic, please set
# the PLUGIN_ZLOOKKERNEL_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-generic to manage it
# ZChangeLog track all repository changes everytime you run 'slackpkg update'
# It write the changelog at /var/lib/slackpkg/RepoChangeLog.txt
# 'enable' this setting to enable it. Also set 'PLUGIN_ZCHANGELOGS_SHOW=on' to print
# the changes in standard output at the end of 'update' process.
# read /usr/libexec/slackpkg/functions.d/zchangelog.sh for more information

# Supported Repositories (see /usr/doc/slackpkg+-* for details and notes):
#slackpkgplus:  https://slakfinder.org/slackpkg+{dev,1.7,1.8,15}/
#multilib:      https://slackware.nl/people/alien/multilib/{15.0,current}/
#alienbob:      https://slackware.nl/people/alien/sbrepos/{15.0,current}/{x86,x86_64}/
#restricted:    https://slackware.nl/people/alien/restricted_sbrepos/{15.0,current}/{x86,x86_64}/
#msb:           https://slackware.uk/msb/{15.0,current}/latest/{x86,x86_64}/
#csb:           https://slackware.uk/csb/{15.0,current}/{x86,x86_64}/
#slackers:      https://slack.conraid.net/repository/slackware64-current/
#slackonly:     https://packages.slackonly.com/pub/packages/15.0-x86_64/
#slackel:       http://www.slackel.gr/repo/{i486,x86_64}/current/
#slint:         https://slackware.uk/slint/x86_64/slint-15.0/
#salixos:       https://download.salixos.org/{i486,x86_64}/15.0/
#salixextra:    https://download.salixos.org/{i486,x86_64}/extra-15.0/
# ponce          http://ponce.cc/slackware/slackware64-15.0/packages/                                                                                      
hi rych this is the slackpkg+ configure that i use for porteus5 try if work for you,calibre is not a package standard so you can't downlod it from a standard repository and you remeber that calibre have 21 deps to work on ps: with slacpkg+ only the salix repository seem that have trouble to work,but you can use slackfinder if you need it,and pmod work well on the other repos

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slapt-get: slapt-get is an APT like system for Slackware package management.

Post#13 by rych » 15 Aug 2022, 10:26

beny, Next time I can't find a package I might try to install slackpkg+ too. At the moment I'm a bit confused with various package managers. At least babam's slapt-get/getmod worked in this case and was easy. So I just wanted to report it in his thread and say thanks.

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slapt-get: slapt-get is an APT like system for Slackware package management.

Post#14 by beny » 15 Aug 2022, 18:11

hi rych no problem but the slackpkg+ is part of the slackpkg porteus package so you don't have to install nothing.

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slapt-get: slapt-get is an APT like system for Slackware package management.

Post#15 by babam » 20 Aug 2022, 11:49

UPDATE 2022-08-20: Added ability to download multiple packages.

Code: Select all

# getmod -m package1 package2 ...
https://drive.google.com/uc?export=down ... VQHHElUjEC

c50892d9efc72a9f078d1a4d6d458440 011-slapt-get-0.11.6-x86_64-2gv.xzm

Note: Before running getmod (slapt-get) to download/build the module it is highly recommended to do this step

Code: Select all

cd /var/lib/pkgtools/packages
sudo ln -s gtk3-classic* gtk+3-3.24.33-x86_64-1
sudo ln -s boost-stripped* boost-1.78.0-x86_64-1
sudo ln -s llvm-stripped* llvm-13.0.0-x86_64-1
Last edited by babam on 28 Aug 2022, 09:46, edited 4 times in total.
Sorry, my English is bad.

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