Bricscad-V11.3.8-1-en_US for Porteus V1.0 is out! (updated!)

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Bricscad-V11.3.8-1-en_US for Porteus V1.0 is out! (updated!)

Post#1 by wread » 21 May 2011, 21:15

To all interested in an Autocad-clone for Porteus!

Version 11.3.8 of Bricscad is out!
Former version's (11.3.5) main bug was a broken selection of the dock-able tools from the Bricscad menu, limiting the power of the program. This has been, among others, corrected. The new version can be downloaded from

It is a 30-day trial again, renewable with a click to AF mode! :lol:
Your personal settigs can be saved in /rootcopy/root/.bricscad/config, so you dont loose them every time you start it in AF. :good:


Edit: Version 11.3.6 of Bricscad is out:
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