If your PaleMoon crashes owing to being on oxygen-gtk, this little program will help you change to any other gtk theme. Please be sure to check file type of downloaded file (Click on blue button with white downward arrow for hassle-free download) using file, just to ensure it's not zipped, before md5sum check,
Run(Alt+F2): gtk-chtheme
Tested under kde. Program originally written for gnome, so possibly compatible with other DEs. Runs on Porteus 3.1 as well.
Bundling Doc
Code: Select all
root@porteus:/home/guest# sh p10/Por/xzmod.sh -q p10/Por/PaleMoon/gtk-ch_161014 ./ /mnt/sda4/mods/
Default Module Name: gtk-ch_161014.xzm
Installing to Fakeroot Directory
gtk-chtheme-0.3.1-i386-1: 0.3.1-1 Gtk+ 2.0 theme preview and selection [60K]
libpangox-1_0_0-0.0.2-i386-5: - pango library X backend [150K]
Creating Module gtk-ch_161014.xzm
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 1 processor
Creating 4.0 filesystem on /mnt/sda4/mods//gtk-ch_161014.xzm, block size 262144.
[=============================================================================|] 15/15 100%
Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, xz compressed, data block size 262144
compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, compressed xattrs
duplicates are removed
Filesystem size 57.28 Kbytes (0.06 Mbytes)
loop3 7:3 0 64.7M 0 loop /mnt/live/memory/images/003-kde.xzm
loop4 7:4 0 44K 0 loop /mnt/live/memory/images/slackyd-1.0.20110809-i486-4sl.xzm
loop5 7:5 0 528K 0 loop /mnt/live/memory/images/sudo-1.8.9p5-i486-1.xzm
loop6 7:6 0 60K 1 loop /mnt/live/memory/images/gtk-ch_161014.xzm
guest@porteus:~$ cp /mnt/sda4/mods/gtk-ch_161014.xzm gtk-chtheme-0.3.1-porteus3.0.1-i386-1-kde.xzm