How to efficiently slim down brave browser?

Post links to your 64bit module repos here. Repo maintainers are responsible for resolving any issues caused by their xzm's.
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How to efficiently slim down brave browser?

Post#1 by Rava » 04 Oct 2021, 14:27

Trying to minimize the size of the module of brave-bin-1:1.30.86-1-x86_64

Using extracted brave-bin-1:1.30.86-1-x86_64.pkg

All files (all locales) kept results a huge 101.07 MB xzm module.
Stripping it down to only de + en-GB slims it down to 95.80 MB (still too large foe my tastes)

Compared to 78.48 MB of chromium-ungoogled-92.0.4515.159-x86_64-en-GB-1alien.xzm the brave module is still unsatisfactory large.

Does anyone have experience what could be safely removed?

What is the difference between chromium-ungoogled and brave browser?
Both seem to remove the google spy and such parts of chrome/chromium.

But when we look at the size of the standard module of brave browser with only one locale language, it looks like they also added stuff, how else can the size of 95.80 MB MB explained vs 78.48 MB of chromium-ungoogled? That's extra 17.32 MB - only the size difference. (Compared to my 13.04 MB for my gimp-2.10.22-x86_64-2_stripped+minimal_dependencies_rava.xzm)
Yours Rava