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Tiny C Compiler 0.9.27

Posted: 15 Jun 2021, 09:22
by supertabs
Download here (tcc_0.9.27_compiled_by_gcc_7.3.0.xzm)


Code: Select all

Checksum of tcc_0.9.27_compiled_by_gcc_7.3.0.xzm
md5 f2dd1a086fb48596c12211f0d452bb0c
sha1 3f50292ca516da2ace59dab5c154fa12100a82af
sha256 6a4d59908936abbee9365333ebe2def013d04defc17d1dc6e4e2b3c10ba0ac70

Binary directory    /usr/bin
TinyCC directory    /usr/lib/tcc
Library directory   /usr/lib
Include directory   /usr/include
Manual directory    /usr/share/man
Info directory      /usr/share/info
Doc directory       /usr/share/doc
Source path         /home/guest/Documents/tcc-0.9.27
C compiler          gcc (7.3)
Target OS           Linux
CPU                 x86_64


Tiny C Compiler 0.9.27 - Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Fabrice Bellard

Test Summary
------------ hello-exe ------------
../tcc -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. ../examples/ex1.c -o hello && ./hello || (set -x; ../tcc -vv; ldd ../tcc; exit 1)
Hello World
------------ hello-run ------------
../tcc -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -run ../examples/ex1.c || (set -x; ../tcc -vv; ldd ../tcc; exit 1)
Hello World
gcc -o libtcc_test libtcc_test.c ../libtcc.a -fno-strict-aliasing -I.. -I..  -lm -ldl
------------ libtest ------------
./libtcc_test -B.. -I../include -I.. -I..
Hello World!
fib(32) = 2178309
add(32, 64) = 96
gcc -o tcctest.gcc tcctest.c -DCONFIG_LDDIR="\"lib64\"" -DTCC_TARGET_X86_64 -fno-strict-aliasing -I.. -I..  -w -O0 -std=gnu99 -fno-omit-frame-pointer
./tcctest.gcc > test.ref
------------ test3 ------------
../tcc -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -DCONFIG_LDDIR="\"lib64\"" -DTCC_TARGET_X86_64 -run ../tcc.c -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -DCONFIG_LDDIR="\"lib64\"" -DTCC_TARGET_X86_64 -run ../tcc.c -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -DCONFIG_LDDIR="\"lib64\"" -DTCC_TARGET_X86_64 -run ../tcc.c -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -run tcctest.c > test.out3
Auto Test3 OK
------------ memtest ------------
gcc -fno-strict-aliasing -I.. -I..  -DCONFIG_LDDIR="\"lib64\"" -DTCC_TARGET_X86_64 -DMEM_DEBUG=2 ../tcc.c -lm -ldl -o memtest-tcc
./memtest-tcc -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -DCONFIG_LDDIR="\"lib64\"" -DTCC_TARGET_X86_64 ../tcc.c -lm -ldl
./memtest-tcc -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -DCONFIG_LDDIR="\"lib64\"" -DTCC_TARGET_X86_64 -run ../tcc.c -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. ../tests/tcctest.c
------------ dlltest ------------
../tcc -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -DCONFIG_LDDIR="\"lib64\"" -DTCC_TARGET_X86_64 -DLIBTCC_AS_DLL ../libtcc.c -lm -ldl -shared -o
../tcc -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -DCONFIG_LDDIR="\"lib64\"" -DTCC_TARGET_X86_64 -DONE_SOURCE=0 ../tcc.c -lm -ldl -Wl,-rpath=. -o tcc2
./tcc2 -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -DCONFIG_LDDIR="\"lib64\"" -DTCC_TARGET_X86_64 -run ../tcc.c -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -run ../examples/ex1.c
Hello World
------------ dlltest with PIC ------------
gcc -fno-strict-aliasing -I.. -I..  -fPIC -DCONFIG_LDDIR="\"lib64\"" -DTCC_TARGET_X86_64 -DLIBTCC_AS_DLL -c ../libtcc.c
../tcc -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. libtcc.o -lm -ldl -shared -o
../tcc -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -DCONFIG_LDDIR="\"lib64\"" -DTCC_TARGET_X86_64 -DONE_SOURCE=0 ../tcc.c -lm -ldl -Wl,-rpath=. -o tcc2
./tcc2 -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -DCONFIG_LDDIR="\"lib64\"" -DTCC_TARGET_X86_64 -run ../tcc.c -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -run ../examples/ex1.c
Hello World
gcc -o abitest-cc abitest.c ../libtcc.a -fno-strict-aliasing -I.. -I..  -lm -ldl -w
../tcc -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -o abitest-tcc abitest.c ../libtcc.c -DCONFIG_LDDIR="\"lib64\"" -DTCC_TARGET_X86_64 -lm -ldl
------------ abitest ------------
./abitest-cc -B.. -I../include -I.. -I..
ret_int_test... success
ret_longlong_test... success
ret_float_test... success
ret_double_test... success
ret_longdouble_test... success
ret_2float_test... success
ret_2double_test... success
ret_8plus2double_test... success
ret_6plus2longlong_test... success
ret_mixed3_test... success
reg_pack_test... success
reg_pack_longlong_test... success
sret_test... success
one_member_union_test... success
two_member_union_test... success
many_struct_test... success
many_struct_test_2... success
many_struct_test_3... success
stdarg_test... success
stdarg_many_test... success
stdarg_struct_test... success
arg_align_test... success
./abitest-tcc -B.. -I../include -I.. -I..
ret_int_test... success
ret_longlong_test... success
ret_float_test... success
ret_double_test... success
ret_longdouble_test... success
ret_2float_test... success
ret_2double_test... success
ret_8plus2double_test... success
ret_6plus2longlong_test... success
ret_mixed3_test... success
reg_pack_test... success
reg_pack_longlong_test... success
sret_test... success
one_member_union_test... success
two_member_union_test... success
many_struct_test... success
many_struct_test_2... success
many_struct_test_3... success
stdarg_test... success
stdarg_many_test... success
stdarg_struct_test... success
arg_align_test... success
../tcc -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -o asm-c-connect asm-c-connect-1.c asm-c-connect-2.c
../tcc -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -c -o asm-c-connect-1.o asm-c-connect-1.c
../tcc -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -c -o asm-c-connect-2.o asm-c-connect-2.c
../tcc -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -o asm-c-connect-sep asm-c-connect-1.o asm-c-connect-2.o
------------ asm-c-connect-test ------------
./asm-c-connect > asm-c-connect.out1 && cat asm-c-connect.out1
* x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x5 x6-2 x6-1 *
./asm-c-connect-sep > asm-c-connect.out2 && cat asm-c-connect.out2
* x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x5 x6-2 x6-1 *
../tcc -B.. -I../include -I.. -I.. -o vla_test vla_test.c
------------ vla_test-run ------------
test1... success
test2... success
test3... success
------------ tests2-dir ------------
make -k -C tests2
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/guest/Documents/tcc-0.9.27/tests/tests2'
Test: 00_assignment...
Test: 01_comment...
Test: 02_printf...
Test: 03_struct...
Test: 04_for...
Test: 05_array...
Test: 06_case...
Test: 07_function...
Test: 08_while...
Test: 09_do_while...
Test: 10_pointer...
Test: 11_precedence...
Test: 12_hashdefine...
Test: 13_integer_literals...
Test: 14_if...
Test: 15_recursion...
Test: 16_nesting...
Test: 17_enum...
Test: 18_include...
Test: 19_pointer_arithmetic...
Test: 20_pointer_comparison...
Test: 21_char_array...
Test: 22_floating_point...
Test: 23_type_coercion...
Test: 24_math_library...
Test: 25_quicksort...
Test: 26_character_constants...
Test: 27_sizeof...
Test: 28_strings...
Test: 29_array_address...
Test: 30_hanoi...
Test: 31_args...
Test: 32_led...
Test: 33_ternary_op...
Test: 35_sizeof...
Test: 36_array_initialisers...
Test: 37_sprintf...
Test: 38_multiple_array_index...
Test: 39_typedef...
Test: 40_stdio...
Test: 41_hashif...
Test: 42_function_pointer...
Test: 43_void_param...
Test: 44_scoped_declarations...
Test: 45_empty_for...
Test: 46_grep...
Test: 47_switch_return...
Test: 48_nested_break...
Test: 49_bracket_evaluation...
Test: 50_logical_second_arg...
Test: 51_static...
Test: 52_unnamed_enum...
Test: 54_goto...
Test: 55_lshift_type...
Test: 60_errors_and_warnings...
Test: 64_macro_nesting...
Test: 67_macro_concat...
Test: 70_floating_point_literals...
Test: 71_macro_empty_arg...
Test: 72_long_long_constant...
Test: 75_array_in_struct_init...
Test: 76_dollars_in_identifiers...
Test: 77_push_pop_macro...
Test: 78_vla_label...
Test: 79_vla_continue...
Test: 80_flexarray...
Test: 81_types...
Test: 82_attribs_position...
Test: 83_utf8_in_identifiers...
Test: 84_hex-float...
Test: 85_asm-outside-function...
Test: 86_memory-model...
Test: 87_dead_code...
Test: 88_codeopt...
Test: 89_nocode_wanted...
Test: 90_struct-init...
Test: 91_ptr_longlong_arith32...
Test: 92_enum_bitfield...
Test: 93_integer_promotion...
Test: 94_generic...
Test: 95_bitfields...
Test: 95_bitfields_ms...
Test: 96_nodata_wanted...
Test: 97_utf8_string_literal...
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/guest/Documents/tcc-0.9.27/tests/tests2'
------------ pp-dir ------------
make -k -C pp
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/guest/Documents/tcc-0.9.27/tests/pp'
PPTest 01 ...
PPTest 02 ...
PPTest 03 ...
PPTest 04 ...
PPTest 05 ...
PPTest 06 ...
PPTest 07 ...
PPTest 08 ...
PPTest 09 ...
PPTest 10 ...
PPTest 11 ...
PPTest 12 ...
PPTest 13 ...
PPTest 14 ...
PPTest 15 ...
PPTest 16 ...
PPTest 17 ...
PPTest 18 ...
PPTest 19 ...
PPTest 20 ...
PPTest 21 ...
PPTest pp-counter ...
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/guest/Documents/tcc-0.9.27/tests/pp'

> /bin/tcc: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, stripped
> /lib64/ symbolic link to
> /lib64/ ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, not stripped (0x00007ffe27848000) => /lib64/ (0x00007ff2f3b0d000) => /lib64/ (0x00007ff2f3905000) => /lib64/ (0x00007ff2f3515000)
	/lib64/ (0x00007ff2f3ead000)

GLIBC >= 2.27 (Based on the linked,
               please kindly test it on your own system)
GCC C header files >= 7.3.0  (It may/will work without gcc, but be sure
                              to provide c header files within
                              your system, if unsure, install 05-devel.xzm)