xfce 4.6

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xfce 4.6

Post#1 by Ahau » 15 Mar 2011, 06:22

As stated in another thread, here's my module for xfce 4.6. It's a work in progress (and much work is needed). At this point, it's just a bunch of packages from slackyd thrown together. If I get a chance, I'll try compiling version 4.8, and work on themes, icons, and customization for porteus. You can start it by logging in to text mode and running 'startxfce4', or edit /etc/rc.d/rc4.d to have it run automatically.

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Re: xfce 4.6

Post#2 by Hamza » 15 Mar 2011, 06:24

What is needed in your module ? libs ? icons ?

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Re: xfce 4.6

Post#3 by blablotin » 31 Jul 2011, 14:30


How did you build XFCE please?

I have compilled from source, for each folders I did
"export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/root/xfxe4.8/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
./configure --prefix=/root/xfxe4.8
make install

after last compil, moved all into ./usr/
and to finish: a dir2lzm. and delete /root/xfce4.8/

Now that I want to start xfce, it is not found by kdm, and when I do init 3 and

Code: Select all

xinit /usr/bin/xfce4-session
and I have
"Unable to determine failsafe session. Possible causes : xfconfd isn't running
(D-Bus setup problem), environment variable $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is set incorrectly
(must include "/root/xfce4.8/etc"), or xfce4-sessions is installed incorrectly."
and X close.

XFCE work if I restore the /root/xfce4.8 by extracting modules to root and moving /root/xfce4.8/usr to /root/xfce4.8/ but since it create duplicate of modules files, it should be avoided

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Re: xfce 4.6

Post#4 by Ahau » 31 Jul 2011, 17:17

that was some time ago... I believe I converted slackware .txz's and merged them into a module. I did not compile it from source. I think I used xwmconfig to select it while starting from text mode, or I ran startxfce or something similar from /etc/rc.d/rc.4. sorry to not have more help for you!
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