Deactivation Error

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Re: Deactivation Error

Post#1 by Ahau » 21 Nov 2013, 06:36

What module is it, does it contain a program or daemon, etc., that is running? Generally speaking, when I've had trouble deactivating, it's been because there's a process still running or a binary from another module that requires a library contained in the module in question. There may be better ways to troubleshoot it, but if it were me and I was trying to avoid a reboot (I rarely am because I reboot all the time), I might try changing to init 3 and deactivating manually, searching for executables in the module and making sure they aren't running, or see if you can find out what's keeping a file there open. This is an ugly hack but it might shed some light on the situation -- replace 003-lxde.xzm with your module name:

Code: Select all

for a in `find /mnt/live/memory/images/003-lxde.xzm/`; do b=`echo $a|sed -e 's@/mnt/live/memory/images/003-lxde.xzm@@g'`;lsof $b; done
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Re: Deactivation Error

Post#2 by fanthom » 24 Nov 2013, 11:42

please check if your case matches one described here (porteus-0.9 - yeah!) and if solution is still valid: ... =1005#p927
Please add [Solved] to your thread title if the solution was found.

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