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Are posts in other languages translated to english?

Posted: 06 Jan 2017, 17:30
by Vic
I am just curious whether the posts in other languages are integrated (translated) into the english only section or is that possibly relevant information never to be read by english only readers, like me.


Re: Are posts in other languages translated to english?

Posted: 06 Jan 2017, 18:18
by Ed_P
Vic wrote:is that possibly relevant information never to be read by english only readers, like me.
If they don't know how to use that's probably true. :wink:

Re: Are posts in other languages translated to english?

Posted: 06 Jan 2017, 19:50
by Vic
Cool. I have not used google for quite some time, so I forgot about that feature.

If only DDG did that.

Thanks, Ed_P


Re: Are posts in other languages translated to english?

Posted: 07 Jan 2017, 00:48
by ncmprhnsbl
also, check out polyglot ... its in the menu under Network..
this is a gtkdialog script written by brokenman(gui for
which (i think) is using
some others are mentioned:
also i believe chrome includes a google translate feature and there is also an addon for firefox, "Translate This!" which also uses google translate