citations about Porteus on external websites

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citations about Porteus on external websites

Post#1 by Michele13 » 03 Jun 2015, 18:43

Hi guys, I've cited the admins in this forum because I'm going to make a Debian LiveCD similar to porteus. Here
What do they think about Porteus on other websites? post other citations about Porteus if you wish. I'll always use porteus, don't's unbeatable on it's job. I hope that the next release will be more stable with less bugs :)

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Re: citations about Porteus on external websites

Post#2 by francois » 04 Jun 2015, 23:44

Nice to you to port porteus outside this community of ours. :D

You could make a summary of the procedure and add it to our porteus derivative section under a new thread, with a link to crunchbang forum:

Or add it to an already existing thread of mine. See porteus-debian clone (porteus-wheezy):

See porteus-archlinux clone, which might interest you:
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