well Ahau for gtk environment xfburn work if you use it as a standalone software with libburn no problem with data,but if i have to do a hit list from a mp3 folder i have to use gstreamer plugin. i have used a lot sox with another burning software but this is a bit outdated,so if the point is a kiosk edition no problem with it, but user can do everything with a whole system.k3b is part of kde so this software have to stay within kde.ps:btw if you have skill with cli not problem to do a cd without gui
Simpleburn seems VERY light weight. The only external dep i needed to pull in was mpg123 (260Kb) as all the other deps are included in Porteus base. Be aware that Mencoder has been removed from MPlayer (at least in my version) and this will be needed in order to create or rip DVD. I am testing the audio extraction now which will tell me if conversion to/from mp3 is successful.
## Not looking good. Seems to sit there doing nothing. No usable error message in console. Back to the drawing board.
After modifying the code i have it extracting to flac and mp3. The progress bar was broken due to an attempt at dividing by zero. This should be easily fixed, or i can write another front end for it. I'll probably go with this as it is super lightweight compared to the competition.
How do i become super user?
Wear your underpants on the outside and put on a cape.
No i compiled from source. I have it working now. See edit in above post. After investigation, not all these deps are included in Porteus base but i am sorting through them now.
How do i become super user?
Wear your underpants on the outside and put on a cape.
This is not parsing correctly and the track times are not being listed one per line (even grep is not working for output). Almost 1am so i need to get some sleep.
How do i become super user?
Wear your underpants on the outside and put on a cape.
I've modified pburn-3.7.18 and have it working in Porteus now except for one nagging bug. After closing the last window a runaway process still exists. This process is called 'func' and this script is called by many other scripts. I just can't seem to kill it.
How do i become super user?
Wear your underpants on the outside and put on a cape.
I don't know how to link to the topic,so here it is again:
while using pb-burn there is a notification-window which displays the (really not needed)output of wodim.you have to close it with the so called Emergency-stop button If you close that window with the X-button in the window-frame, you will get
the 100%-cpu-usage for "func" which stays even if you close the application.
Is this what you mean?
Oh.....just reloaded the site;
It seem's that I'm typing much to slow.