pburn not working for me

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pburn not working for me

Post#1 by francois » 23 Jun 2013, 03:28

Just to say that pburn does not work for me. I just tried to burn a music cd. Do you have much sucess with it?

I get the following error message:

Code: Select all

cdda2wav: Invalid argument. Cannot open output fd 0.
Do you have any idea about what I should do?
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Re: pburn not working for me

Post#2 by beny » 23 Jun 2013, 09:46

have you installed ffmpeg too? pburn it is like a chinese box need more software to use it

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Re: pburn not working for me

Post#3 by francois » 24 Jun 2013, 01:41

Thanks for your suggestion. :)

I still have the same error message with ffmpeg and dependencies:

Code: Select all

cdda2wav: Invalid argument. Cannot open output fd 0.
No answers on that side:

Code: Select all

root@porteus:~# slackyd -d ffmpeg

Warning: package `liborbit2_2.14.18-0.1_amd64' isn't standard. Skipping.
Checking ffmpeg-1.0.1-x86_64-2sl: done.

All packages "ffmpeg" checked are ok !

root@porteus:~# slackyd -d pburn

Warning: package `liborbit2_2.14.18-0.1_amd64' isn't standard. Skipping.
Checking pburn-3.7.5-noarch-4_PORT2: done.

All packages "pburn" checked are ok !

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Re: pburn not working for me

Post#4 by brokenman » 24 Jun 2013, 11:40

ORBit2 should be retrieved from slackware.
http://www.slackware.org.uk/slacky/slac ... 2/2.14.19/
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Re: pburn not working for me

Post#5 by francois » 24 Jun 2013, 13:16

Sometimes I read a litlle fast.

However, orbit2 did not made a difference: pburn contrarily to k3b that I have installed with success and operated will not do the job.

I am working with porteus 2.1 rc1 edition.
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Re: pburn not working for me

Post#6 by francois » 25 Jun 2013, 01:07

Brasero does not work for me too. And slackyd dependency check is:

Code: Select all

root@porteus:~# slackyd -d brasero

Checking brasero-3.4.1-x86_64-3sl: done.

All packages "brasero" checked are ok !

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Re: pburn not working for me

Post#7 by francois » 25 Jun 2013, 01:28

Is there a peculiar reason why we left k3b from the porteus 1.0 edition? :cry:
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Re: pburn not working for me

Post#8 by fanthom » 25 Jun 2013, 01:43

Is there a peculiar reason why we left k3b from the porteus 1.0 edition?
k3b brings 10MB of size to the ISO while pburn around 100KB. i'll test burning audio CD's myself next week.

btw: k3b is in 64bit repo for people who prefer it over pburn. few clicks and you have it.
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Re: pburn not working for me

Post#9 by wread » 25 Jun 2013, 02:13

@francois, @brokenman
Why don't you try pburn in KDE4?
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Re: pburn not working for me

Post#10 by francois » 25 Jun 2013, 10:32

Sorry if I did not mention. It does not work for me in kde4 2.1 rc1 64bit. I imagine that if you say that, that it works for you?
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Re: pburn not working for me

Post#11 by Ahau » 25 Jun 2013, 15:20

We've had a few reports now of issues with pburn. I'm exploring alternatives for use in LXDE/Xfce, here are a couple I'd like folks to try, and maybe I'll put it up to a vote ( I don't burn CD's very often so it doesn't really matter to me which we use):

Simpleburn - this is a light weight burning application that is written in C. I've prepared packages here:
64-bit: http://porteus-xfce.googlecode.com/file ... -1Ahau.tgz
32-bit: http://porteus-xfce.googlecode.com/file ... -1Ahau.tgz

Burnbox - this is a gtkdialog script like pburn, but it's from the Slitaz project. It's far simpler code, so there are fewer options but it is also more maintainable this way (only 600+ lines of code). If this works well and people like it, I'd be willing to fork and maintain it. Slitaz has moved it to yad (yet another dialog) in it's latest version, and I'd likely stick with gtkdialog (which is why I'd be forking it rather than pulling directly from Slitaz).

noarch module: http://porteus-xfce.googlecode.com/files/burnbox.xzm

I tested burnbox and it successfully burned the slitaz .iso to a DVD and made it bootable. I have not tried it with an audio cd because I don't have any music files hanging around, so please give it a shot. If you are converting mp3's you will need the 'mpg123' package (included in my lxde RC1.5 module but not RC1 stuff), you can get it here:
32-bit: http://slackware.cs.utah.edu/pub/slackw ... i486-1.txz
64-bit: http://slackware.cs.utah.edu/pub/slackw ... 6_64-1.txz

If you want to do a video cd or super video cd, it will require vcdimager package (available through slackbuilds.org) - I may remove this option as I imagine it's rarely used and I'd like to remove the dependency.

Converting some formats may also require ffmpeg.
Please take a look at our online documentation, here. Suggestions are welcome!

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Re: pburn not working for me

Post#12 by donald » 25 Jun 2013, 16:55

I have tested audio-burning with pburn and this is what I got

cdrecord:...........Cannot open '/tmp/pburn_tmp/*_pburn.wav'.

as you can see pburn is looking for *_pburn.wav, but the files in
that Folder have the original names.
After renaming the files manually it works.
(the symlinks are ok)----ffmpeg must be installt.

At an Users view, this prog is unuseable and should be replaced
with something better.

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Re: pburn not working for me

Post#13 by beny » 25 Jun 2013, 17:16

libburn,xfburn.gstreamer and plugin do the task if the environment is xfce this is the software to manage burning work,and work very well.

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Re: pburn not working for me

Post#14 by donald » 25 Jun 2013, 19:18

Folder--Browse--Add, work for audio-cd but not for data-cd

Enable decoding video should be uncheckt by default.

trying to burn an audio-cd:
Burn type = audio-cd
Folder/Browse/Add = work ----Burn disk----- Infobox "install package" appears,
"This option depends on cdrkit.Installing cdrkit as root:
bash: subox: Kommando not found.
Press ENTER to close and Proceed with decoding..."

Enable decoding video was uncheckt.

After pressing ENTER the cd was burned ,recognized as an audio-cd and playable
I can not test DVD-option
For an inexperienced user it might be to complicated to choose the right values
in the settings-tab

In General:
for burning audio-cd's corectly, it is important that you can choose between
TAO = Track at once
DAO = Disk at once
If you can't use DAO, long tracks, (Classic-music) with several Indices inside,
will be splitted.
TAO turns the laser off to insert a 2-second pause between each track.

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Re: pburn not working for me

Post#15 by Ahau » 25 Jun 2013, 19:56

Thanks for testing, donald!

I'll have to edit the code a little to get around the errors you saw; slitaz uses cdrkit while Slackware uses cdrtools (cdrkit is a port of cdrtools and the two conflict with each other); subox is a gtkdialog authentication box, similar to gksu, kdesu and ktsuss (the last of which is the default in Porteus). In order to work around the cdrkit dependency, I added a shortcut from cdrecord to wodim (the cdrkit equivalent) but I didn't see that it ran a check for the package as well.

I'll put a little more elbow grease into this if folks think it has potential. I imagine folks who are frequently wanting to burn CD's and need a lot of options will download and install something like k3b or brasero; the benefit of forking something like this is that I'll have a lot of control (pretty much any options that are available to the command line can be added to or taken away from the front end, but the down side is that it takes more time and effort to maintain than simply compiling and packaging another project.

@beny -- as you know, I have a long-standing hatred of gstreamer; because of that, perhaps I am being too stubborn in not building xfburn as a part of Xfce, and I may have to re-evaluate my position before this is done :)
Please take a look at our online documentation, here. Suggestions are welcome!

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