Any audio experts out there? - tips on creating loopable video

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Any audio experts out there? - tips on creating loopable video

Post#1 by Rava » 24 Sep 2023, 05:22

Maybe you heard about the WC Donalds Japan advertising that managed to get the US of A internet viral and kaboom even though any country outside of Japan is not the target audience for that clip. The many many downsides of an exploitable and deplorable company like Freak Donalds aside, I still like the clip an try to cut off the end with just the WC-D logo while keeping the family part and make a loop out of it.

Got the clip via
yt-dlp -f http-10368 ... 3140132045 -O WcDonalds-Japan-Ad-Goes-Viral-Thanks-to-Family-Values-Over-Western-Politics-2023-1.mp4
Using lossless cut the 4th attempt at a cut cut off the unwanted video part:
ffmpeg -hide_banner -i WcDonalds-Japan-Ad-Goes-Viral-Thanks-to-Family-Values-Over-Western-Politics-2023-1.mp4' -t '17.91790' -map '0:0' '-c:0' copy -map '0:1' '-c:1' copy -map_metadata 0 -movflags '+faststart' -default_mode infer_no_subs -ignore_unknown -f mp4 -y 'WcDonalds-Japan-Ad-Goes-Viral-Thanks-to-Family-Values-Over-Western-Politics-2023-1-'
But the cut on the audio part is still awful. Since the audio track and video track need no sync (the sound is just feel-good-jazz and the 3 characters make no sounds I can hear) I think the best approach would be export the audio as wav and use audacity for editing the sound track?

Any audio experts out there that can give me some pointers?

Added in 2 minutes 20 seconds:
The naming of the video is not by me, I found it via a website that puts their reasoning of why the viral sensation happened in the clip's title and lazy me just went with that.

Added in 6 minutes 46 seconds:
The original title is this

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マクドナルド - 特別じゃない、しあわせな時間。 translates that as

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McDonald's - Not Special, Happier Times.

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McDonald's - Not Special, Happy Hour.
I am sure our resident Japanese cat neko could tell us what a accurate translation would be.
I presume it is some wordplay between "happy hour" or some other slogan of WC-D and "Happier Times" that only work that way in Japanese.

(neko is Japanese for cat, in case you wonder why I called him that)
Yours Rava