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Software development going full circle…

Posted: 21 Aug 2022, 23:15
by Rava
While looking up what remmina is (because of bundles - remmina-1.4.27-x86_64-1-alldesktops.xzm ) I first looked into Remmina and since it mentions that its "uses FreeRDP as foundation" I switched to Remote Desktop Protocol: Non-Microsoft implementations .

By know I learned that remmina and FreeRDP are both free (and presumably open) implementations. RDP is the SM-Witzlos "Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) […] proprietary protocol developed by Micky$oft".
And now it gets funny:
Remote Desktop Protocol: Non-Microsoft implementations
FreeRDP offers server implementations for macOS and Windows. On other systems including Linux, software packages may build upon FreeRDP to implement a complete server. Weston, the compositor in Wayland, uses FreeRDP to implement an rdp server it terms "rdp-backend". This server is in turn used by Microsoft to provide graphics support (WSLg) in its Windows Subsystem for Linux.
So, SM creates the proprietary RDP, FreeRDP offers server implementations for Mac and Windows, Weston builds up on FreeRDP to implement an rdp server it terms "rdp-backend" - and finally, SM-Witless uses that very "rdp-backend" for its own Linux Subsystem.

Full circle:

proprietary - RDP
free - FreeRDP
free - FreeRDP+Weston = rdp-backend
free - rdp-backend used by SM-Witzlos for its Linux Subsystem (which is again as un-free as SM-Witless can manage it).


Software development going full circle…

Posted: 08 Jun 2024, 17:22
by Mel1974
This kind of interdependency showcases the intricate, often cyclical nature of software development. In this context, understanding mvp in software meaning becomes crucial. It refers to the strategy of focusing on the core functionalities necessary to deploy the software and get feedback early on.