Error - Performing Porteus update check
Error - Performing Porteus update check
nice so you can boot directly into the bottom one. thats what I was missing trying to get into the lilo boot manager. which is disabled on uefi. so if you have a system doesnt have CSM this would work.
otherwise you can just run the porteus installer to have it install a boot sector on the partition
otherwise you can just run the porteus installer to have it install a boot sector on the partition
- Ed_P
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Error - Performing Porteus update check
I can use either menu to boot my USB drive on my EFI system. One boots to the Porteus menu, one boots Porteus directly.
What is CSM again?
What is CSM again?

Error - Performing Porteus update check
CSM will boot the lilo bootloader if you install it with the porteus installer to the partition. so CSM becomes redundant on uefi because you can boot directly in using grub2 on option2.
Error - Performing Porteus update check
But I have another problem that seems to have been solved for the moment
when I installed Porteus 5.01 a few days ago in my PC after installing end restarting it it goes in black screen and stayed like that for a few minutes nothing only black screen so after spending some days with problem (maybe is my pc problem not new) So I found a solution I created another partition with EXT4 file end installed Porteus 4
end this one opened in my Pc very normaly never problems with him ..ok installed Porteus 4 with grub end now i have all two Porteus in two different partitions end when i go to starting it opens first Porteus 4 and then I go and choose Porteus 5 and so it opens without problem i.e. through Porteus 4 I manage to open Porteus 5.01
first i have installed Porteus 5.01 in his partition on HDD and after those problems (i wrote above) i founded that solution on a other partiton EXT4 i installed Porteus 4 with grub and after that i start PC and automaticaly the first of all two Porteus is the 4 that opened i choise from Porteus 4 Menu (see the Fig below) going to ----Plop ......manager----- and there is option for Porteus 5.01 and USB so i choise Porteus 5.01 and this restart finally Porteus 5.01 with no more black screen or frize ecc. thats all

But I have another problem that seems to have been solved for the moment
when I installed Porteus 5.01 a few days ago in my PC after installing end restarting it it goes in black screen and stayed like that for a few minutes nothing only black screen so after spending some days with problem (maybe is my pc problem not new) So I found a solution I created another partition with EXT4 file end installed Porteus 4
end this one opened in my Pc very normaly never problems with him ..ok installed Porteus 4 with grub end now i have all two Porteus in two different partitions end when i go to starting it opens first Porteus 4 and then I go and choose Porteus 5 and so it opens without problem i.e. through Porteus 4 I manage to open Porteus 5.01
first i have installed Porteus 5.01 in his partition on HDD and after those problems (i wrote above) i founded that solution on a other partiton EXT4 i installed Porteus 4 with grub and after that i start PC and automaticaly the first of all two Porteus is the 4 that opened i choise from Porteus 4 Menu (see the Fig below) going to ----Plop ......manager----- and there is option for Porteus 5.01 and USB so i choise Porteus 5.01 and this restart finally Porteus 5.01 with no more black screen or frize ecc. thats all

Last edited by Ed_P on 19 Jan 2025, 21:31, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added another BBCode link for a image.
Reason: Added another BBCode link for a image.
- Ed_P
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Error - Performing Porteus update check
I am unable to find a link with Google to a CSM app website.
Added in 15 minutes 25 seconds:
I can't make out the Porteus menu's version, you overwrote it with 4 which implies you're booting a 3.0 or 5.0 system rather than a 5.01 system.

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Error - Performing Porteus update check
CSM stands for Compatibility Support Module,
which is an option found in many computers’ BIOS settings.
This option allows to select between two different boot modes:
UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) mode or Legacy BIOS-Compatibility mode.
Enabling this will allow the computer to launch OSes that are not compatible with UEFI.
CSM stands for Compatibility Support Module,
which is an option found in many computers’ BIOS settings.
This option allows to select between two different boot modes:
UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) mode or Legacy BIOS-Compatibility mode.
Enabling this will allow the computer to launch OSes that are not compatible with UEFI.
Error - Performing Porteus update check
no noo, you are wrong
I downloaded this image from the web because I didn't want to restart my PC but is really what i wrote above
i start pc Porteus 4 is opened i go to - PLop boot manager - see Fig posted here - and there is option to choise Porteus 5.01 or USB
but i go now to find some photo with my phone during restart and i post here after
Here is the answer with no words
Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

no noo, you are wrong
I downloaded this image from the web because I didn't want to restart my PC but is really what i wrote above
i start pc Porteus 4 is opened i go to - PLop boot manager - see Fig posted here - and there is option to choise Porteus 5.01 or USB
but i go now to find some photo with my phone during restart and i post here after
Here is the answer with no words

Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Error - Performing Porteus update check
now I know how to post images properly...

now I know how to post images properly...

Error - Performing Porteus update check
During some days after installed in..HDD... Porteus 5.01
and starting in Graphic Mode
it was only this white line was pulsating (see Fig below)

for many minutes nothiiiiing happens
some time it opened and after some minutes his comeback to black screen -
after some days with this problem
I found this solution meny times wrote above
I installet Porteus 4 in USB and open it Fresh Mod end there i installet Porteus 4 with (Porteus Installer Option) in the second Partition with EXT4 during installation i checked option install Grub end after installation i reboot Pc
at the start i have the Porteus 4 interface (see Fig below)

and there i go to choise PLop BootManager and there is (see Fig below)

option to choise Porteus 5.01 or USB

so i click it and after that directly without restart is opened interface of Porteus 5.01 so after that i opened it and work proply with no black screen any more

During some days after installed in..HDD... Porteus 5.01
and starting in Graphic Mode
it was only this white line was pulsating (see Fig below)

for many minutes nothiiiiing happens
some time it opened and after some minutes his comeback to black screen -
after some days with this problem
I found this solution meny times wrote above
I installet Porteus 4 in USB and open it Fresh Mod end there i installet Porteus 4 with (Porteus Installer Option) in the second Partition with EXT4 during installation i checked option install Grub end after installation i reboot Pc
at the start i have the Porteus 4 interface (see Fig below)

and there i go to choise PLop BootManager and there is (see Fig below)

option to choise Porteus 5.01 or USB

so i click it and after that directly without restart is opened interface of Porteus 5.01 so after that i opened it and work proply with no black screen any more

Error - Performing Porteus update check
im sorry im not expert in informatic to understand OS problems i can work in 3D with some programs Design, Architecture ecc but not know nothing in how works Linux Os (inside) sorry for that
i can only repet what (writet) above (+Figs).
Having all two Porteus 4 - 5.01 installet in two different partitions EXT4 end Grub installet with Porteus 4
so when i start the Pc the first is open Porteus 4 interface
after i go to PLop Boot Manager and there shoising Porteus 5.01
and there imediatly is opened Porteus 5.01 interface Graphical Mode after 7 sec his start and opened normaly ..thats all
in the Images posted above is clearly show the way...
: all two Porteus 4 - 5.01 are installed in HDD nothing to do with USB.
maybe you're telling me about this
APPEND changes=/porteus/ noauto copy2ram
At this moment as I write to you I am on Porteus 5.01
im sorry im not expert in informatic to understand OS problems i can work in 3D with some programs Design, Architecture ecc but not know nothing in how works Linux Os (inside) sorry for that
i can only repet what (writet) above (+Figs).
Having all two Porteus 4 - 5.01 installet in two different partitions EXT4 end Grub installet with Porteus 4
so when i start the Pc the first is open Porteus 4 interface
after i go to PLop Boot Manager and there shoising Porteus 5.01
and there imediatly is opened Porteus 5.01 interface Graphical Mode after 7 sec his start and opened normaly ..thats all
in the Images posted above is clearly show the way...
: all two Porteus 4 - 5.01 are installed in HDD nothing to do with USB.
maybe you're telling me about this
APPEND changes=/porteus/ noauto copy2ram
At this moment as I write to you I am on Porteus 5.01
- Ed_P
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Error - Performing Porteus update check
Finally able to logon again.
Yes, exactly.
Now, more thoughts.
When you turn the pc on and boot it what is the first thing you see? Post what you see.
When you try to boot Porteus 5.01 the first time, push the tab key when the mouse is on the Graphic menu option, post what do you see?
When you try to boot Porteus 5.01 via the Porteus 4.0 Plop menu and the Porteus 5.01 menu appears, what do you see when on it's Graphic menu and you push the tab key?
And you mentioned a grub install, can you post the grub menu screen and maybe the grub.cfg file.
Just trying to understand why/how one 5.01 boot option fails and one works.
BTW Post the output of this terminal command: (easiest way is to copy & paste command into the terminal window)
then copy the terminal window output and post the output into your posting with code tags top and bottom.
Added in 4 hours 33 minutes 1 second:

Now, more thoughts.

When you turn the pc on and boot it what is the first thing you see? Post what you see.
When you try to boot Porteus 5.01 the first time, push the tab key when the mouse is on the Graphic menu option, post what do you see?
When you try to boot Porteus 5.01 via the Porteus 4.0 Plop menu and the Porteus 5.01 menu appears, what do you see when on it's Graphic menu and you push the tab key?
And you mentioned a grub install, can you post the grub menu screen and maybe the grub.cfg file.
Just trying to understand why/how one 5.01 boot option fails and one works.

BTW Post the output of this terminal command: (easiest way is to copy & paste command into the terminal window)
Code: Select all
lsblk -f --output NAME,FSTYPE,LABEL | grep -v loop

Added in 4 hours 33 minutes 1 second:
Thank you donald, I just saw this.

Error - Performing Porteus update check
Sorry for responding late
Porteus 5.01 now opened only via (Porteus 4 Plop B M )
because Porteus 4 installet with Grub...
I did as you wrote and after opened Porteus 5.01 interface I pressed Tab in my keyboard and thats the result
see Fig below

Sorry for responding late
Porteus 5.01 now opened only via (Porteus 4 Plop B M )
because Porteus 4 installet with Grub...
I did as you wrote and after opened Porteus 5.01 interface I pressed Tab in my keyboard and thats the result
see Fig below

Code: Select all
lsblk -f --output NAME,FSTYPE,LABEL | grep -v loop
├─sda1 ntfs
├─sda2 ext4 Porteus 5.01
└─sda3 ext4 Porteus 4
- Ed_P
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Error - Performing Porteus update check
No problem. I've been having troubles signing on too.
OK so 5.01 opens with changes=/porteus/porteus noauto copy2ram parms which are the same parms as what you posted as being in the porteus.cfg file.
So the Plop boot is using the file you changed.
How did 4.0 get installed with Grub? Where did Grub come from, how did Grub install an ISO, who/what created the Grub menu, and why doesn't the grub menu display when you turn the pc on? When you get a chance please post the output of this command:
ls /mnt/sda1/ | grep -e grub