Lynx desktop files - using a text-browser efficiently

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Lynx desktop files - using a text-browser efficiently

Post#1 by por01 » 21 Apr 2018, 21:29

OS: Porteus LXDE 4.0rc4 64bit

It is good that Portues does not come with a preinstalled GUI browser. I use several live distros and waste a lot of time to disable the preinstalled Firefox, its system wide extensions, etc. I am doing this since the official, downloadable Firefox is a true portable application: it can be used without problems runned from your custom directory, without any installation. In addition, it updates itself automatically. Just this is the feature for I prefer to use the portable Firefox instead of the preinstalled version (in a live system you have to use a software as it is, howerver in case of a GUI browser it is important to have the latest version). But now I want to write about Lynx text-browser wich is preinstalled in Porteus, and can be used to download Firefox...

Using a CLI browser is not so easy like a GUI one. But if you learn a few things, it can be used very effectively, too. And it has also certain advantages: requires little system resources, it is very fast, no web scripts (yes, sometimes this is a big advantage...).

A bit of a help

Code: Select all

# lynx --help
How to copy page URL or a link address to clipboard

Press Shift-G to show the address of the current document, Shift-E to show the address of the selected link.

Select the URL (or other text) with mouse: drag over the text, while keeping pressed the left mouse button. Click with middle mouse button in an other terminal (or text editor) to paste the selection.

If the URL is too long, use left and right arrow keys (Ctrl-A, Ctrl-E), and select in pieces. Delete all with Ctrl-U. Exit from the box with Ctrl-U, Enter.

Open an other Lynx instance, press G, paste the previously selected URL with middle mouse button click, and press Enter to jump to the URL. To download a file: open a terminal in the directory where to download (PCManFM > F4), type wget (and Space), paste the download URL with middle mouse button click, Enter.

Navigate within the page with PgDn, PgUp, End, Home. Go to the next link with Down arrow key, to the previous one with Up. Jump to the selected link with Right or Enter. Go back (to previous page) with Left, show history with Backspace.

Go to main screen: M > Y. Exit Lynx: Shift-Q.

Lynx links

Lynx (web browser) - Wikipedia
LYNX - The Text Web-Browser - Official website
The Lynx Help Page - quick-links and detailed documentation
Lynx Users Guide

Desktop files

To use Lynx efficiently, I created desktop files for different use cases. From the menu I can execute Lynx to search, to open dictionary, etc.

I created a custom 'Text-browser' submenu for Lynx desktop files. Into the /etc/xdg/menus/ entered (after 'System Tools' submenu, since they are ordered alphabetically):

Code: Select all

	<!-- Text-browser -->
	</Menu>	 <!-- End Text-browser -->

Created file in /usr/share/desktop-directories directory with the following content:

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]

Now we can create in /usr/share/applications directory our Lynx desktop files. If they have 'Text-browser' category, they will appear in Text-browser submenu.

Note: there is no need to place/copy factually the files presented above: it is enough to symlink them. Actually I use Porteus in live mode and run config scripts (cliexec, guiexec cheatcodes) to set the system and applications. I use config script also for creating Text-browser submenu...

My Lynx desktop files


Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lynx browser - DictZone en-hu
Comment=English-Hungarian dictionary Angol-magyar szótár | reject all cookies
Exec=xterm -T "Lynx DZ en-hu" -fa Monospace -fs 10 -geometry 80x40 -e "lynx -display_charset=UTF-8 -nolog -tlog=off -cookies=off"


Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lynx browser - DictZone hu-en
Comment=Hungarian-English dictionary Magyar-angol szótár | reject all cookies
Exec=xterm -T "Lynx DZ hu-en" -fa Monospace -fs 10 -geometry 80x40 -e "lynx -display_charset=UTF-8 -nolog -tlog=off -cookies=off"


Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lynx browser - DuckDuckGo
Comment=Search the World Wide Web with Lynx text-browser | reject all cookies
GenericName=Web browser
Exec=xterm -T "Lynx DDG" -fa Monospace -fs 10 -fg black -bg "#eeeeee" -geometry 80x40 -e "lynx -display_charset=UTF-8 -nocolor -nolog -tlog=off -cookies=off"


Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lynx browser - DuckDuckGo ac
Comment=Search the World Wide Web with Lynx text-browser | accept all cookies
GenericName=Web browser
Exec=xterm -T 'Lynx DDG ac' -fa Monospace -fs 10 -geometry 80x40 -e 'lynx -display_charset=UTF-8 -nolog -tlog=off -accept_all_cookies'


Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lynx browser - DuckDuckGo c
Comment=Search the World Wide Web with Lynx text-browser | handling cookies on
GenericName=Web browser
Exec=xterm -T "Lynx DDG c" -fa Monospace -fs 10 -fg cyan -bg blue -geometry 80x40 -e "lynx -display_charset=UTF-8 -nocolor -nolog -tlog=off"


Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lynx browser - mnt directory
Comment=Browse the file system or press G to jump to a URL with Lynx text-browser | reject all cookies
GenericName=Web browser
Exec=xterm -T "Lynx mnt" -fa Monospace -fs 10 -fg black -bg "#eeeeee" -geometry 80x40 -e "lynx /mnt -display_charset=UTF-8 -nocolor -nolog -tlog=off -cookies=off"


Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lynx browser - mnt directory ac
Comment=Browse the file system or press G to jump to a URL with Lynx text-browser | accept all cookies
Exec=xterm -T "Lynx mnt ac" -fa Monospace -fs 10 -fg cyan -bg blue -geometry 80x40 -e "lynx /mnt -display_charset=UTF-8 -nolog -tlog=off -accept_all_cookies"


Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lynx browser - mnt directory c
Comment=Browse the file system or press G to jump to a URL with Lynx text-browser | handling cookies on
Exec=xterm -T "Lynx mnt c" -fa Monospace -fs 10 -fg cyan -bg blue -geometry 80x40 -e "lynx /mnt -display_charset=UTF-8 -nocolor -nolog -tlog=off"

If you have created your own bookmarks.html file


Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lynx browser - Bookmarks
Comment=Open your bookmarks with Lynx text-browser | reject all cookies
Exec=xterm -T "Lynx Bookmarks" -fa Monospace -fs 10 -fg black -bg "#eeeeee" -geometry 80x40 -e "lynx file://localhost/YOUR/PATH/bookmarks.html -display_charset=UTF-8 -nocolor -nolog -tlog=off -cookies=off"


Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lynx browser - Bookmarks c
Comment=Open your bookmarks with Lynx text-browser | handling cookies on
Exec=xterm -T "Lynx BM c" -fa Monospace -fs 10 -fg cyan -bg blue -geometry 80x40 -e "lynx file://localhost/YOUR/PATH/bookmarks.html -display_charset=UTF-8 -nocolor -nolog -tlog=off"


Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lynx browser - Bookmarks ac
Comment=Open your bookmarks with Lynx text-browser | accept all cookies
Exec=xterm -T "Lynx BM ac" -fa Monospace -fs 10 -geometry 80x40 -e "lynx file://localhost/YOUR/PATH/bookmarks.html -display_charset=UTF-8 -nolog -tlog=off -accept_all_cookies"

Updated help

Little Lynx lift

Code: Select all

# lynx --help
To view available hotkesy press K. Go to a URL with G hotkey. Refresh the page with Ctrl-R. List the links in the current document with L. Display information on the current document and link: =. Toggle source/presentation: \. Quit the browser: Q. Quit unconditionally: Shift-Q.


Navigate within the page with PgDn (Space), PgUp, End, Home. Forward half a page with ), back with (. Forward two lines with Ctrl-N, back with Ctrl-P. Go to the next link (or text area) with Down arrow key or Tab, to the previous one with Up. Go to Toolbar or Banner: #. Last link on the line $, first ^. Jump to the selected link with Right or Enter. Return to previous page with Left, show history with Backspace or Ctr-H. Return to main screen (first screen, home page): M, Y.


Search within a normal document: press /, type in your query, press Enter. Next occurence N, previous Shift-N. You can retrieve your previous searches by pressing the up-arrow or down-arrow keys at the prompt for a search word or string.

Search index documents with S key. More info: Lynx Users Guide.

Copy, paste, jump

Press Shift-G to show the address of the current document, Shift-E to show the address of the selected link.

Select the URL (or other text) with mouse: drag over the text, while keeping pressed the left mouse button. Click with middle mouse button in an other terminal (or text editor) to paste the selection. (Selecting and pasting with mouse works in a text editor, GUI browser, too.)

If the URL is too long, use left and right arrow keys (Ctrl-A, Ctrl-E), and select in pieces. Delete all with Ctrl-U. Exit from the box: Ctrl-U, Enter.

Open an other Lynx instance, press G, paste the previously selected URL with middle mouse button click (this will paste the current clipboard content, so you can open a link copied from a GUI browser too (and vice versa)), and press Enter to jump to the URL.


Rendered HTML documents, and plain text files, may be printed with P while viewing the document. Example:

Code: Select all

# lynx
P > Save to a local file > Enter > Enter a filename: Lynx_users_guide.txt. The text file will be downloaded in the current directory (normally in your home directory). To change the location type (paste) in the path before the filename: /tmp/Lynx_users_guide_20180423.txt (added the download date, too). All output filename entries are saved in a circular buffer, and any previous entry can be retrieved for re-use by pressing the up-arrow or down-arrow keys at the prompt.

To save the HTML page press D. If a link for an HTML, plain text, or binary file is selected, will be downloaded that item. Lynx will transfer the file, without rendering, into a temporary location (in /tmp directory (when you quit Lynx these files will be deleted), so for downloading big files see the next section) and offer a list of options. Choose 'Save to disk' and enter the path and filename. When saving an HTML document it is important to name the document with .html or .htm extension. Example:

Code: Select all

# lynx
D > Save to disk > Enter > Enter a filename: /tmp/Lynx_users_guide_20180423.html.gz > Enter. Unzip the file:

Code: Select all

# gunzip /tmp/Lynx_users_guide_20180423.html.gz
Move the HTML file to your storage device.

Download a file

Open a terminal in the directory where to download (PCManFM > F4), type wget (and Space), paste the download URL with middle mouse button click, press Enter. Use '-c' option to continue an interrupted download, '-O' option to set the download directory and name for file, or to set just the name.


The best color combination for reading a text is black foreground with white background. If you want to use Lynx with these colors apply '-nocolor' option for Lynx and '-fg black -bg white' option for xterm terminal in your desktop files. To use Lynx with its default colors, do not use '-nocolor' option, and do not set xterm colors.

Wikipedia issue: (for unknown reason) when using black foreground with white background, the majority of text area will get white foreground with black background. Press Ctrl-L to reverse it. Unfortunately, after moving to next page you have to use Ctrl-L again.


There are some websites which work only if you accept cookies.


DictZone is a Hungarian GPL2 dictionary website, it has interface with English, German, Romanian, and other languages, too. You can change the language in a GUI browser on the right top of the page, in a text-browser bellow the search box.

All available dictionaries (Hungarian interface):

All available dictionaries (English interface):

Depending on your browser language settings, you may not get English interface with the above URL. In this case change to English interface as described above. Once opened all available dictionaries page, changing to an other language will open all available dictionaries in that language. Using the URL informations you can create your custom dictionary desktop files.

DictZone provides the pronunciation of words and sentences in written and vocal form (not for all languages). For vocal one you need a GUI browser. You can find sample sentences in the dictionaries, too.

How to use DictZone

Select the search box (text area), placed before 'Submit' button. Enter your word(s). Select 'Submit' button. Press Enter or Right.

Updated dictionary desktop files


Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lynx browser - DictZone en-hu en
Comment=English-Hungarian dictionary | reject all cookies
Exec=xterm -T "Lynx DZ en-hu en" -fa Monospace -fs 10 -geometry 80x40 -e "lynx -display_charset=UTF-8 -nolog -tlog=off -cookies=off"


Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lynx browser - DictZone en-hu hu
Comment=Angol-magyar szótár | reject all cookies
Exec=xterm -T "Lynx DZ en-hu hu" -fa Monospace -fs 10 -geometry 80x40 -e "lynx -display_charset=UTF-8 -nolog -tlog=off -cookies=off"


Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lynx browser - DictZone hu-en en
Comment=Hungarian-English dictionary | reject all cookies
Exec=xterm -T "Lynx DZ hu-en en" -fa Monospace -fs 10 -geometry 80x40 -e "lynx -display_charset=UTF-8 -nolog -tlog=off -cookies=off"


Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lynx browser - DictZone hu-en hu
Comment=Magyar-angol szótár | reject all cookies
Exec=xterm -T "Lynx DZ hu-en hu" -fa Monospace -fs 10 -geometry 80x40 -e "lynx -display_charset=UTF-8 -nolog -tlog=off -cookies=off"
Last edited by Ed_P on 23 Apr 2018, 18:12, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Added [b]por01[/b]'s Updated help.

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Lynx desktop files - using a text-browser efficiently

Post#2 by Ed_P » 21 Apr 2018, 23:02

Wow!! :shock:


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Lynx desktop files - using a text-browser efficiently

Post#3 by brokenman » 22 Apr 2018, 01:06

That's great! Thanks for the write-up, I enjoyed it a lot. I'm a user.
How do i become super user?
Wear your underpants on the outside and put on a cape.

White ninja
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Lynx desktop files - using a text-browser efficiently

Post#4 by por01 » 23 Apr 2018, 17:04

Thank you for your appreciative words. :)

Since I cannot edit my post, I add some updates here as comment.

Updated help

Little Lynx lift

Code: Select all

# lynx --help
To view available hotkesy press K. Go to a URL with G hotkey. Refresh the page with Ctrl-R. List the links in the current document with L. Display information on the current document and link: =. Toggle source/presentation: \. Quit the browser: Q. Quit unconditionally: Shift-Q.


Navigate within the page with PgDn (Space), PgUp, End, Home. Forward half a page with ), back with (. Forward two lines with Ctrl-N, back with Ctrl-P. Go to the next link (or text area) with Down arrow key or Tab, to the previous one with Up. Go to Toolbar or Banner: #. Last link on the line $, first ^. Jump to the selected link with Right or Enter. Return to previous page with Left, show history with Backspace or Ctr-H. Return to main screen (first screen, home page): M, Y.


Search within a normal document: press /, type in your query, press Enter. Next occurence N, previous Shift-N. You can retrieve your previous searches by pressing the up-arrow or down-arrow keys at the prompt for a search word or string.

Search index documents with S key. More info: Lynx Users Guide.

Copy, paste, jump

Press Shift-G to show the address of the current document, Shift-E to show the address of the selected link.

Select the URL (or other text) with mouse: drag over the text, while keeping pressed the left mouse button. Click with middle mouse button in an other terminal (or text editor) to paste the selection. (Selecting and pasting with mouse works in a text editor, GUI browser, too.)

If the URL is too long, use left and right arrow keys (Ctrl-A, Ctrl-E), and select in pieces. Delete all with Ctrl-U. Exit from the box: Ctrl-U, Enter.

Open an other Lynx instance, press G, paste the previously selected URL with middle mouse button click (this will paste the current clipboard content, so you can open a link copied from a GUI browser too (and vice versa)), and press Enter to jump to the URL.


Rendered HTML documents, and plain text files, may be printed with P while viewing the document. Example:

Code: Select all

# lynx
P > Save to a local file > Enter > Enter a filename: Lynx_users_guide.txt. The text file will be downloaded in the current directory (normally in your home directory). To change the location type (paste) in the path before the filename: /tmp/Lynx_users_guide_20180423.txt (added the download date, too). All output filename entries are saved in a circular buffer, and any previous entry can be retrieved for re-use by pressing the up-arrow or down-arrow keys at the prompt.

To save the HTML page press D. If a link for an HTML, plain text, or binary file is selected, will be downloaded that item. Lynx will transfer the file, without rendering, into a temporary location (in /tmp directory (when you quit Lynx these files will be deleted), so for downloading big files see the next section) and offer a list of options. Choose 'Save to disk' and enter the path and filename. When saving an HTML document it is important to name the document with .html or .htm extension. Example:

Code: Select all

# lynx
D > Save to disk > Enter > Enter a filename: /tmp/Lynx_users_guide_20180423.html.gz > Enter. Unzip the file:

Code: Select all

# gunzip /tmp/Lynx_users_guide_20180423.html.gz
Move the HTML file to your storage device.

Download a file

Open a terminal in the directory where to download (PCManFM > F4), type wget (and Space), paste the download URL with middle mouse button click, press Enter. Use '-c' option to continue an interrupted download, '-O' option to set the download directory and name for file, or to set just the name.


The best color combination for reading a text is black foreground with white background. If you want to use Lynx with these colors apply '-nocolor' option for Lynx and '-fg black -bg white' option for xterm terminal in your desktop files. To use Lynx with its default colors, do not use '-nocolor' option, and do not set xterm colors.

Wikipedia issue: (for unknown reason) when using black foreground with white background, the majority of text area will get white foreground with black background. Press Ctrl-L to reverse it. Unfortunately, after moving to next page you have to use Ctrl-L again.


There are some websites which work only if you accept cookies.


DictZone is a Hungarian GPL2 dictionary website, it has interface with English, German, Romanian, and other languages, too. You can change the language in a GUI browser on the right top of the page, in a text-browser bellow the search box.

All available dictionaries (Hungarian interface):

All available dictionaries (English interface):

Depending on your browser language settings, you may not get English interface with the above URL. In this case change to English interface as described above. Once opened all available dictionaries page, changing to an other language will open all available dictionaries in that language. Using the URL informations you can create your custom dictionary desktop files.

DictZone provides the pronunciation of words and sentences in written and vocal form (not for all languages). For vocal one you need a GUI browser. You can find sample sentences in the dictionaries, too.

How to use DictZone

Select the search box (text area), placed before 'Submit' button. Enter your word(s). Select 'Submit' button. Press Enter or Right.

Updated dictionary desktop files


Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lynx browser - DictZone en-hu en
Comment=English-Hungarian dictionary | reject all cookies
Exec=xterm -T "Lynx DZ en-hu en" -fa Monospace -fs 10 -geometry 80x40 -e "lynx -display_charset=UTF-8 -nolog -tlog=off -cookies=off"


Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lynx browser - DictZone en-hu hu
Comment=Angol-magyar szótár | reject all cookies
Exec=xterm -T "Lynx DZ en-hu hu" -fa Monospace -fs 10 -geometry 80x40 -e "lynx -display_charset=UTF-8 -nolog -tlog=off -cookies=off"


Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lynx browser - DictZone hu-en en
Comment=Hungarian-English dictionary | reject all cookies
Exec=xterm -T "Lynx DZ hu-en en" -fa Monospace -fs 10 -geometry 80x40 -e "lynx -display_charset=UTF-8 -nolog -tlog=off -cookies=off"


Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lynx browser - DictZone hu-en hu
Comment=Magyar-angol szótár | reject all cookies
Exec=xterm -T "Lynx DZ hu-en hu" -fa Monospace -fs 10 -geometry 80x40 -e "lynx -display_charset=UTF-8 -nolog -tlog=off -cookies=off"

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Lynx desktop files - using a text-browser efficiently

Post#5 by Ed_P » 23 Apr 2018, 18:14

I added them to the opening post for you por01. :)

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Lynx desktop files - using a text-browser efficiently

Post#6 by por01 » 23 Apr 2018, 19:06

Actually, my aim was that these desktop files to be included in Porteus (with some modifications, if you think so...). Since it would be a great help in using the system until the user get a GUI browser (and after, too). This would not burden too much the size of Portues; only needs packages already installed.

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Lynx desktop files - using a text-browser efficiently

Post#7 by Ed_P » 23 Apr 2018, 21:03

Another option that could help new users would be if these files were available to them in an xzm module. While copying and pasting into new desktop files is rather straight forward new users might not know that they need to set them as executable or how to.

brokenman might even add it to the Porteus website if it works.

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Lynx desktop files - using a text-browser efficiently

Post#8 by nanZor » 16 Apr 2019, 07:13

This Lynx fan says WOW! But I don't really use it for online web site stuff, but mostly internal file browsing with just a period directing it to the filesystem:

Code: Select all

lynx .
Man, I'm even wondering about a "lynx-friendly" hypertext system doc - so you can read it from a OFFLINE shell-only environment, or perhaps even something something simple you can even read in Dillo (which btw will browse internal filesystems same way appending a period after it, ie 'dillo .' )

Coming to the forums is cool, but maybe a hypertext linked system doc like helpful cheatcodes -- you know old-school simple like most of the *BSD docs.... maybe even a desktop icon to it where the default opening page (configurable) jumps right into the Porteus system docs..

like a link from
CAN'T READ THIS DOCUMENT WITH SMALL FONTS? <<---- links to "reboot with the 'nomodeset' cheatcode suggestion...

stuff like that. Great writeup on lynx man!
That's a UNIX book - cool. -Garth

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Lynx desktop files - using a text-browser efficiently

Post#9 by ncmprhnsbl » 16 Apr 2019, 08:19

nanZor wrote:
16 Apr 2019, 07:13
Man, I'm even wondering about a "lynx-friendly" hypertext system doc - so you can read it from a OFFLINE shell-only environment

Code: Select all

lynx /usr/doc/Porteus-FAQ/index.html
or with a 'normal' browser..
warning: some of these docs are horribly out of date..
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Lynx desktop files - using a text-browser efficiently

Post#10 by nanZor » 16 Apr 2019, 22:58

Oh man - sorry about that. It was right in front of my face. Some other nice goodies in there too.

Ok, a little out of date, but still - THANKS to all for putting that in there. A nice little template for further use! And lynx-friendly to boot.
That's a UNIX book - cool. -Garth

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