How to check a Porteus download's md5sum in Windows

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How to check a Porteus download's md5sum in Windows

Post#1 by Ed_P » 26 May 2022, 07:09

If you download a Porteus ISO, or xzm, file in Windows and want to check the file's md5sum value before testing it this script helps.


Code: Select all

@echo off&Title Download MD5sum check&MODE CON: COLS=95 LINES=7

set Ctr=0
set File=iso
set Folder=C:\Users\Ed\Downloads
:: Change the Folder setting to match your system's Download folder location

if "%1" neq "" set File=%1

for /F  "delims=> tokens=1 skip=1" %%i in ('dir %Folder%\*.%File% /B /O:D') do ( 
   if "%Ctr%" equ "0" set File=%%i
      set Ctr=1)

echo CertUtil -hashfile %Folder%\%File% MD5
CertUtil -hashfile %Folder%\%File% MD5

pause > nul
Create a shortcut on your desktop for running the md5sum.cmd script and run it after the download finishes. The script creates the md5sum for the most recently downloaded ISO file. To run for xzm files run the script from a command prompt with 'xzm' as an argument. As in:

Code: Select all

md5sum.cmd  xzm