ISOUSB request

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ISOUSB request

Post#1 by Blaze » 31 Mar 2017, 20:28

Suggestion to add isousb-1.5.xzm (mirror) in Porteus.
A graphical tool to copy a hybrid ISO onto a USB key.
I found this tool here and added Russian localization to isousb-1.5.xzm.

But one thing that I don't like and it must be fixed - after use this tool, the file system of usb convert to isofs and I can't to copy, execute, remove, etc in this usb stick with isofs.

Probably, master of bash Bogomips or someone else can fix it (If it's possible) :)

Code: Select all


# Written by Patrice Bourrel (Esclapion) for Manjaro Linux
# Description : used to write an installation ISO on a USB stick
# Version 1.4 of 04/20/2014

LG=`echo "$LANG" | cut -c1-2`
case $LG in

[0]="Selecciona la ISO a copiar"
[1]="Sortir d'isousb"
[4]="Mida en GB"
[5]="Selecciona la unitat de disc USB"
[6]="Ves en compte si la mida és massa gran"
[7]="ATENCIÓ ! ! !"
[8]="Podria ser un disc dur extern.\nContinuar ?"
[9]="Problema amb l'eina, contacta amb l'autor"
[10]="Porcentatge fet"
[11]="Còpia de"
[12]="Pots extreure la clau USB si vols"
[13]="Fi de la còpia"

[0]="Wahl der ISO-Datei"
[1]="Isousb beenden"
[4]="Grösse in GB"
[5]="Wahl des USB-Sticks"
[6]="Achtung!\nAlle Daten auf dem gewählten Laufwerk\nwerden gelöscht.\nBeenden Sie das Programm, falls Sie anhand\nder 'Grösse in GB' Ihren USB-Stick nicht\neindeutig erkennen können."
[7]="ACHTUNG ! ! !"
[8]="Dies könnte eine externe Festplatte sein.\nFortfahren?"
[9]="Fehler im Programm. Bitte den Autor benachrichtigen."
[11]="Kopie von"
[12]="Der USB-Stick kann jetzt entfernt werden."
[13]="Kopiervorgang abgeschlossen"

[0]="Επιλέτε το ISO προς αντιγραφή"
[1]="Τερματισμός isousb"
[4]="Μέγεθος σε GB"
[5]="Επιλέξτε το δίσκο USB"
[6]="Προσέξτε μήπως το μέγεθος είναι πολύ μεγάλο"
[7]="ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ! ! !"
[8]="Θα μπορούσε να είναι εξωτερικός σκληρός δίσκος.\nΣυνέχεια ?"
[9]="Πρόβλημα στο εργαλείο. Επικοινωνήστε με τον συγγραφέα του."
[10]="Ποσοστό έτοιμο"
[11]="Αντιγραφή του"
[12]="Μπορείτε να αφαιρέσετε τον δίσκο εάν επιθυμείτε"
[13]="Η αντιγραφή τελείωσε"

[0]="Seleccionar la ISO a copiar"
[1]="Cerrar isousb"
[4]="Tamaño en GB"
[5]="Seleccionar la unidad USB"
[6]="Controlar que el tamaño del ISO no sea demasiado grande"
[7]="ATENCIÓN ! ! !"
[8]="Podría ser un disco rigido esterno.\nContinuar ?"
[9]="Problema con la herramienta, contactar con el autor"
[10]="Porcentaje completado"
[11]="Copia de"
[12]="Puede extraer la llave si quiere"
[13]="Copia completada"

[0]="Sélectionnez l'ISO à copier"
[1]="Quitter isousb"
[4]="Taille en Go"
[5]="Sélectionnez votre clé USB"
[6]="Attention si taille trop grande"
[7]="ATTENTION ! ! !"
[8]="Ça pourrait être un disque dur externe.\nContinuer ?"
[9]="Problème dans l'outil. Contactez l'auteur"
[10]="Pourcentage fait"
[11]="Copie de"
[12]="Vous pouvez retirer la clé si vous le souhaitez"
[13]="Fin de la copie"

[0]="Selezionare la ISO da copiare"
[1]="Chiudere isousb"
[4]="Dimensione in GB"
[5]="Selezionare l'unità USB"
[6]="Controllare che la dimensione della ISO non sia troppo grande"
[7]="ATTENZIONE ! ! !"
[8]="Potrebbe essere un disco rigido esterno.\nContinuare ?"
[9]="Problemi con lo strumento, contattare l'autore"
[10]="Percentuale completato"
[11]="Copia di"
[12]="Puoi estrarre la chiave se vuoi"
[13]="Copia completata"

[0]="Wybierz obraz ISO do skopiowania"
[1]="Zakończ isousb"
[4]="Rozmiar w GB"
[5]="Wybierz swój dysk USB"
[6]="Uważaj jeśli rozmiar jest zbyt duży"
[7]="UWAGA ! ! !"
[8]="To może być zewnętrzny dysk twardy.\nKontynuować ?"
[9]="Problem z narzędziem, skontaktuj się z autorem"
[10]="Procent ukończenia"
[12]="Możesz odpiąć swój dysk jeśli chcesz"
[13]="Koniec kopiowania"

[0]="Selecione a ISO para copiar"
[1]="Sair isousb"
[4]="Tamanho em GB"
[5]="Selecione o seu USB drive"
[6]="Atenção tamanho muito grande"
[7]="ATENÇÃO ! ! !"
[8]="Poderia ser um disco rígido externo. \nContinuar ?"
[9]="Problema na ferramenta. Contactar o autor."
[11]="Copiar de"
[12]="Você já pode remover o seu USB drive."
[13]="Fim de copiar"

[0]="Selectați ISO-ul de copiat"
[4]="Dimensiune în GB"
[5]="Selectați drive-ul USB"
[6]="Verificați dacă mărimea este prea mare"
[7]="ATENȚIE ! ! !"
[8]="Ar putea fi un hard disc extern.\nContinuați ?"
[9]="Problemă cu unealta, contactați autorul"
[10]="Procent terminat"
[11]="Copie al"
[12]="Puteți scoate cheia dacă doriți"
[13]="Copiere terminată"

[0]="Выберите ISO образ для копирования его содержимого на USB накопитель"
[4]="Размер в Гб"
[5]="Выберите USB-накопитель"
[6]="Внимание! Все данные на выбранном накопителе будут удалены!!!\nОстерегайтесь, если размер содержимого ISO образа превышает размер USB накопителя!"
[8]="Это может быть внешний жесткий диск.\nПродолжить ?"
[9]="Проблема в сценарии isousb, обратитесь к автору."
[10]="Выполняется копирование"
[11]="Копирование содержимого"
[12]="Копирование содержимого ISO образа на USB накопитель успешно завершено.\nДля корректного перемонтирования USB накопителя извлеките и снова подключите его."
[13]="Копирование успешно завершено"

[0]="Kopyalanacak kalıbı seçiniz"
[1]="Isousb den çık"
[4]="Yüklenecek boyut"
[5]="USB sürücünüzü seçin"
[6]="Boyut çok büyükse dikkat edin"
[7]="DİKKAT! ! !"
[8]="Harici bir sürücü olabilir.\nDevam ?"
[9]="Araçta problem var, yayınlayıcı ile irtibat kurun"
[10]="Tamamlanan yüzde"
[11]="Kopyalanan kalıp"
[12]="USB anahtarını isterseniz çıkarabilirsiniz"
[13]="Kopyalama bitti"

[0]="Select the ISO to be copied"
[1]="Exit isousb"
[4]="Size in GB"
[5]="Select your USB drive"
[6]="Beware if size is too large"
[7]="WARNING ! ! !"
[8]="It could be an external hard drive.\nContinue ?"
[9]="Problem in the tool, contact the author."
[10]="Percentage done"
[11]="Copy of"
[12]="You can remove the key if you want."
[13]="End of copy"

NomIso=`zenity --file-selection --title="${M[0]}" --filename=/home/$USER/ --file-filter=*.iso`
[ $? -eq 0 ] || exit 0

while [ $Boucle = 1 ]
  # List of devices that are in /dev/disk/by-path
  # ---------------------------------------------
  for i in $(ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/*-usb-* | sed -n -e 's/.*\///' -e /[a-z]$/p | sort -d)

  # List of devices seen by blkid
  # -----------------------------
  for j in $(blkid -o device | sed -e 's/[0-9]*$//' -e 's/\/dev\///' | uniq | sort -d)

  # List of files seen by the two
  # -----------------------------
  for ((i=0; i < nbval1; i++))
    for ((j=0; j < nbval2; j++))
      if [ ${Liste1[$i]} = ${Liste2[$j]} ]; then

  # User's choice
  # -------------


  while [ "$choix" -lt 0 -o "$choix" -ge $nbchoix ]
    for ((i= 0; i < $nbchoix; i++))
      taille=`fdisk -s ${Choix[$i]}`
      Taille[$i]=$(((taille + 500000) / 1000000))
      printf "%d %s %5d\n" $i ${Choix[$i]} ${Taille[$i]} >> $fictemp
    echo "$i ${M[1]}" >> $fictemp
    rep=`zenity --list --height=250 --width=400 --column="${M[2]}" --column="${M[3]}" --column="${M[4]}" $(cat $fictemp) --title="${M[5]}" --text="${M[6]}"`
    rm $fictemp
    case "$rep" in
      [0-$((nbchoix -1))])
        if [ ${Taille[$rep]} -gt 128 ]; then
           zenity --question --title="${M[7]}" --text "${M[8]}"
           [ $? -ne 0 ] && { choix=-1; Boucle=1; }
        exit 0
        zenity --error --text="${M[9]}"
        exit 1

# Loop of copy with progress bar
# ------------------------------
taille=`fdisk -s "$NomIso"`
(while [ $l -lt $taille ]; do
  echo "dd if=$NomIso of=${Choix[$choix]} bs=8192000 count=1 skip=$i seek=$i oflag=direct" > $fictemp
  dd if="$NomIso" of=${Choix[$choix]} bs=8192000 count=1 skip=$i seek=$i oflag=direct >>$fictemp 2>&1
  [ $? -ne 0 ] && break
  rm $fictemp
  echo -e "$q \n#""${M[10]}"" : $q %"
done) | zenity --progress --width 650 --auto-close --title "${M[11]}"" $NomIso"

if [ -f $fictemp ]; then
  zenity --error --text="$(cat $fictemp)"
  rm $fictemp
  exit 1
  sync; sync
  zenity --info --text="${M[12]}" --title="${M[13]}"
  exit 0
Plus of this tool that he is run under the root and copies the original permissions and this ability can solve this issue
Linux 6.6.11-porteus #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sun Jan 14 12:07:37 MSK 2024 x86_64 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1270 v6 @ 3.80GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
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Re: Porteus-v3.2.2 bug reports here

Post#2 by Ed_P » 31 Mar 2017, 21:46

Blaze wrote:But one thing that I don't like and it must be fixed - after use this tool, the file system of usb convert to isofs and I can't to copy, execute, remove, etc in this usb stick with isofs.
So basically it makes the USB drive a CD!! The files are there and can't be changed. Not necessarily a bad thing. Is the USB drive bootable?

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Re: Porteus-v3.2.2 bug reports here

Post#3 by Blaze » 01 Apr 2017, 09:25

Ed_P wrote:So basically it makes the USB drive a CD!!
Yes, this tool is format all current data on your USB flash drive and convert USB2CD.
Ed_P wrote:Is the USB drive bootable?

Pointless thing :(
Linux 6.6.11-porteus #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sun Jan 14 12:07:37 MSK 2024 x86_64 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1270 v6 @ 3.80GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
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Re: Porteus-v3.2.2 bug reports here

Post#4 by Ed_P » 02 Apr 2017, 01:13

Blaze wrote:I found this tool here and added Russian localization to isousb-1.5.xzm.

But one thing that I don't like and it must be fixed - after use this tool, the file system of usb convert to isofs and I can't to copy, execute, remove, etc in this usb stick with isofs.
Is this the same app?? Cause it says it is bootable on Windows systems.

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Re: Porteus-v3.2.2 bug reports here

Post#5 by Blaze » 02 Apr 2017, 07:11

Ed_P wrote:Is this the same app??

If I use isousb-1.5.xzm - my flash drive Is not determined at boot up of bios. USB stick does not present :o
Linux 6.6.11-porteus #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sun Jan 14 12:07:37 MSK 2024 x86_64 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1270 v6 @ 3.80GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
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Re: Porteus-v3.2.2 bug reports here

Post#6 by Ed_P » 02 Apr 2017, 17:57

We're missing something. A driver maybe? The author certainly wouldn't create an app that creates non-accessible USB drives.

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Re: Porteus-v3.2.2 bug reports here

Post#7 by port » 03 Apr 2017, 17:55

Blaze wrote: But one thing that I don't like and it must be fixed - after use this tool, the file system of usb convert to isofs and I can't to copy, execute, remove, etc in this usb stick with isofs.

Probably, master of bash Bogomips or someone else can fix it (If it's possible) :)

Plus of this tool that he is run under the root and copies the original permissions and this ability can solve this issue
This tool copies raw data from dvd/cd to usb, low level copy using dd, so the filesystem gets copied too and thus you have a complete clone of data including ISO filesystem.
I find this tool pretty unuseful unless you really want to convert a usb in a CD/DVD due to lack of DVD discs and abundance of USB pens.

I really don't know what you want when saying this would be a great tool if usb wouldn't get converted to ISO fs, what you are saying is this tool would be great if it wouldn't work ;-)

If what you want is to get a bootable & writeable usb with all data from DVD that looks like a DVD and also like a usb conventional fs (ext?, vfat...) then you will need to convert it to hybrid ISO, usually this will require original ISO to be built in a special way but you can use tools to patch it (isohybrid, etc)

if what you want is simply put all dvd data in usb pen, it would be better to actually mount iso file and copy all data to usb partition.

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Re: Porteus-v3.2.2 bug reports here

Post#8 by Ed_P » 03 Apr 2017, 19:14

port wrote:unless you really want to convert a usb in a CD/DVD due to lack of DVD discs and abundance of USB pens.
hmmm... An interesting point. You have no more discs, or you have a bunch of discs and a new pc which doesn't have a CD/DVD drive so you want to backup the discs to USB drives. Either situation seems reasonable. But with the discs all on USB drives what do you do with the USB drives if they can't be read??? We're missing a piece.

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Re: Porteus-v3.2.2 bug reports here

Post#9 by port » 03 Apr 2017, 19:24

Ed_P wrote: hmmm... An interesting point. You have no more discs, or you have a bunch of discs and a new pc which doesn't have a CD/DVD drive so you want to backup the discs to USB drives. Either situation seems reasonable.
if your main interest is just backup CD/DVD discs the better way is to make it iso files and save them all into usb drive, the only drawback is if you want to boot from them, i.e. if you have a LiveCD you want to backup while still being useful, in this case use hybrid ISO
Ed_P wrote: But with the discs all on USB drives what do you do with the USB drives if they can't be read??? We're missing a piece.
what do you mean with usb drives that can't be read? you can always read usb drives even those created with this curious tool

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Re: Porteus-v3.2.2 bug reports here

Post#10 by Ed_P » 04 Apr 2017, 02:53

port wrote:if your main interest is just backup CD/DVD discs the better way is to make it iso files and save them all into usb drive, the only drawback is if you want to boot from them, i.e. if you have a LiveCD you want to backup while still being useful, in this case use hybrid ISO
I boot standard ISO files all the time with Grub4DOS (non-UEFI) and Grub2Win (UEFI). Windows Recovery, BArtPE, Porteus, etc.

Code: Select all

D:\>dir ISOs\*.iso
 Volume in drive D is Data
 Volume Serial Number is 7A52-1711

 Directory of D:\ISOs

12/27/2016  01:09 PM     1,387,069,440 2016-12-13-pixel-x86-jessie.iso
02/11/2016  05:08 PM       250,675,200 abSlak_100216.iso
02/25/2017  02:56 PM       713,031,680 antiX-16.1_x64-full.iso
12/26/2016  03:05 PM        17,942,528 cd140201.iso
02/24/2016  02:13 PM     1,558,183,936 GoboLinux-015-i686.iso
02/20/2017  02:30 PM     1,192,230,912 MX-16_x64.iso
04/22/2014  03:14 PM       661,499,904 pebuilder.iso
11/29/2016  12:08 PM       283,140,096 Porteus-CINNAMON-v3.2.1-x86_64.iso
01/01/2017  03:04 AM       285,229,056 Porteus-CINNAMON-v3.2.2-x86_64.iso
05/03/2016  10:47 AM        55,574,528 Porteus-Kiosk-3.7.0-i586.iso
02/22/2016  05:11 PM       217,962,496 Porteus-LXQT-v3.1-x86_64-nu-r.iso
02/03/2015  12:46 AM       194,439,168 Porteus-LXQT-v3.1-x86_64-nu.iso
12/14/2014  05:55 PM       195,305,472 Porteus-LXQT-v3.1-x86_64.iso
01/07/2016  01:33 AM       260,876,288 porteus-nemesis-v3.5-lxde-x86_64.iso
01/31/2015  08:56 AM       190,763,008 Porteus-RazorQT-v3.0.1-i486-nu.iso
09/15/2014  07:19 PM       224,536,576 Porteus-RazorQT-v3.0.1-i486.iso
01/31/2015  12:12 AM       198,993,920 Porteus-RazorQT-v3.0.1-x86_64-nu.iso
10/02/2016  01:23 PM       233,545,728 Porteus-RazorQT-v3.0.1-x86_64.iso
02/27/2017  10:19 PM       270,417,920 Porteus-XFCE-v4.0.0-x86_64.iso
08/29/2015  10:36 PM            34,816 Recovery.iso
12/22/2016  11:38 AM       405,235,712 REPAIR_DISC_WINDOWS_10_64_BIT.iso
06/07/2012  04:40 PM       191,782,912 REPAIR_DISC_WINDOWS_7_64_BIT.iso
02/27/2013  07:23 PM       237,113,344 REPAIR_DISC_WINDOWS_8_64_BIT.iso
01/09/2017  12:19 AM     1,977,614,336 slackware64-live-cinnamon-current.iso
04/22/2016  02:42 PM       734,003,200 slackware64-live-xfce-current.iso
02/07/2016  06:45 PM       304,087,040 ubuntu-mini-remix-15.10-amd64.iso
              26 File(s) 12,241,289,216 bytes
port wrote:what do you mean with usb drives that can't be read? you can always read usb drives even those created with this curious tool
Not according to Blaze.
Blaze wrote:But one thing that I don't like and it must be fixed - after use this tool, the file system of usb convert to isofs and I can't to copy, execute, remove, etc in this usb stick with isofs.

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Re: Porteus-v3.2.2 bug reports here

Post#11 by port » 04 Apr 2017, 13:35

Ed_P wrote:
port wrote:if your main interest is just backup CD/DVD discs the better way is to make it iso files and save them all into usb drive, the only drawback is if you want to boot from them, i.e. if you have a LiveCD you want to backup while still being useful, in this case use hybrid ISO
I boot standard ISO files all the time with Grub4DOS (non-UEFI) and Grub2Win (UEFI). Windows Recovery, BArtPE, Porteus, etc.

Code: Select all

D:\>dir ISOs\*.iso
12/27/2016  01:09 PM     1,387,069,440 2016-12-13-pixel-x86-jessie.iso
02/11/2016  05:08 PM       250,675,200 abSlak_100216.iso
04/22/2014  03:14 PM       661,499,904 pebuilder.iso
11/29/2016  12:08 PM       283,140,096 Porteus-CINNAMON-v3.2.1-x86_64.iso
01/01/2017  03:04 AM       285,229,056 Porteus-CINNAMON-v3.2.2-x86_64.iso
05/03/2016  10:47 AM        55,574,528 Porteus-Kiosk-3.7.0-i586.iso
04/22/2016  02:42 PM       734,003,200 slackware64-live-xfce-current.iso
02/07/2016  06:45 PM       304,087,040 ubuntu-mini-remix-15.10-amd64.iso
              26 File(s) 12,241,289,216 bytes
All those iso images are OS images and yes they are bootable but they are not an ISO 9660 fs but an extension probably "El Torito" extension just to make it bootable, I was talking about ISO 9660 filesystem and booting from usb drive, the only way to boot from USB drive making it also read write is hybrid ISO, maybe you can also get a bootable usb driver if your source is a bootable iso image (such as El Torito extension) without proper patching but not by default in any ISO 9660 and also it wouldn't be writeable.

Hybrid ISO saves MBR with boot code and partion table just for appearing as a writable media to OS, bootable DVD/CD ISO does not.
Ed_P wrote:
port wrote:what do you mean with usb drives that can't be read? you can always read usb drives even those created with this curious tool
Not according to Blaze.
Blaze wrote:But one thing that I don't like and it must be fixed - after use this tool, the file system of usb convert to isofs and I can't to copy, execute, remove, etc in this usb stick with isofs.
What Blaze is saying here is he can't write to usb stick (copy, remove...) and thus he cannot write usb drive but sure he can read it since he's able to get a file listing.

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Re: Porteus-v3.2.2 bug reports here

Post#12 by Ed_P » 04 Apr 2017, 16:10

port wrote:All those iso images are OS images and yes they are bootable but they are not an ISO 9660 fs but an extension probably "El Torito" extension just to make it bootable,
OK. FWIW This is the code I use to use to make BartPE ISOs.

Code: Select all

mkisofs.exe  -iso-level 4  -volid "BartPE" -b bootsect.bin -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -hide bootsect.bin -hide boot.catalog -o "D:\Users\Ed\PEBuilder\pebuilder.iso" "BartPE" 
if errorlevel = 1 pause
goto END
port wrote:What Blaze is saying here is he can't write to usb stick (copy, remove...) and thus he cannot write usb drive but sure he can read it since he's able to get a file listing.
I interpret his use of the word "execute" to mean "not readable".
Blaze wrote:But one thing that I don't like and it must be fixed - after use this tool, the file system of usb convert to isofs and I can't to copy, execute, remove, etc in this usb stick with isofs.

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Re: Porteus-v3.2.2 bug reports here

Post#13 by Blaze » 04 Apr 2017, 17:44

A little clarity
port wrote:This tool copies raw data from dvd/cd to usb, low level copy using dd, so the filesystem gets copied too and thus you have a complete clone of data including ISO filesystem.

I can clone ISO to USB, and fs of USB stick convert to isofs.
I can read isofs and copy data from isofs to another fs.
Copy any data from another fs to isofs is impossible.
Remove data from isofs is't possible too.
Ed_P wrote:I interpret his use of the word "execute" to mean "not readable".
About "execute" I mean bootable usb drive, but this does not happen.
Blaze wrote:Pointless thing :(

I thought that this tool transfer all data to USB stick and don't touch current file system and probably makes bootable USB stick.
Plus I can work with these data - I mean rwx :)

Sorry about my English.
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ISOUSB request

Post#14 by port » 04 Apr 2017, 18:30

Blaze wrote: I thought that this tool transfer all data to USB stick and don't touch current file system and probably makes bootable USB stick.
Plus I can work with these data - I mean rwx :)
the better and simple way to achieve this is simply mount iso image file and the copy content to usb drive, something like this (supposing usb drive is mounted in /mnt/usb):

Code: Select all

# mloop myimage.iso
# cp -a /mnt/loop/* /mnt/usb/
# uloop

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Re: Porteus-v3.2.2 bug reports here

Post#15 by port » 04 Apr 2017, 18:39

Ed_P wrote:
port wrote:All those iso images are OS images and yes they are bootable but they are not an ISO 9660 fs but an extension probably "El Torito" extension just to make it bootable,
OK. FWIW This is the code I use to use to make BartPE ISOs.

Code: Select all

mkisofs.exe  -iso-level 4  -volid "BartPE" -b bootsect.bin -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -hide bootsect.bin -hide boot.catalog -o "D:\Users\Ed\PEBuilder\pebuilder.iso" "BartPE" 
if errorlevel = 1 pause
goto END
Ok, so as you use -b option to create iso images you are creating iso file images with El Torito extension and thus they're bootable, as you can see in man page of mkisofs from cdrtools you are using:
-b eltorito_boot_image
-eltorito-boot eltorito_boot_image

Specifies the path and filename of the boot image to be
used when making an "El Torito" bootable CD. The path-
name must be relative to the source path and inside the
source tree specified to mkisofs. This option is
required to make an "El Torito" bootable CD. The boot
image must be exactly the size of either a 1200, 1440,
or a 2880 kB floppy, and mkisofs will use this size
when creating the output ISO-9660 filesystem. It is
assumed that the first 512 byte sector should be read
from the boot image (it is essentially emulating a nor-
mal floppy drive). This will work, for example, if the
boot image is a boot floppy.

If the boot image is not an image of a floppy, you need
to add one of the options: -hard-disk-boot or
-no-emul-boot. If the system should not boot off the
emulated disk, use -no-boot.

More than one boot entry may be specified, see
-eltorito-platform and -eltorito-alt-boot on how to
specify more boot entries. The first boot entry is the
default boot entry. Additional boot entries are
members for a multi boot configuration.

If the -sort option has not been specified, the boot
images are sorted with low priority (+2) to the begin-
ning of the medium. If you don't like this, you need
to specify a sort weight of 0 for the boot images. ... ofs.8.html

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