search order for the /porteus folder

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search order for the /porteus folder

Post#1 by rych » 24 May 2024, 10:00

Suppose I have multiple /porteus (and /porteux) folders on different partitions and disks

I'd like the booting process to find the right one in the following order:

1. All (adjacent) partitions on the current drive -- the drive which we're booting from

2. All partitions on other plugged in drives in whatever order

Is that the case already for both Porteus and PorteuX?

What I DON'T want is the search order to be simply: /mnt/sda*, /mnt/sdb*, /mnt/sdc* etc. :)

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search order for the /porteus folder

Post#2 by porteux » 24 May 2024, 12:29

On PorteuX if you run the installer for Linux it will create an UUID in the storage initrd, and that will be used during boot time to try to boot from this unit first (including all partitions).

I couldn't find any other way to identify the booting unit during initrd time, which is the moment we look for the base modules. If you find a better approach, I'll be happy to use it. :)

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search order for the /porteus folder

Post#3 by rych » 24 May 2024, 12:53

porteux wrote:
24 May 2024, 12:29
if you run the installer
Thanks :) I don't run any installers though. In my case a simple grub loader in the /EFI folder loads vmlinuz/initrd passing a from-label cheatcode. But even without that cheatcode the /porteus folder is somehow found anyway! The question is how. I'm going to have to look into initrd myself to find out. I'm preparing for multiple /porteus folders scenario and need to know the search logic. I don't want to use any UUID, LABEL etc., nor any other "from" cheatcode.

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search order for the /porteus folder

Post#4 by Ed_P » 24 May 2024, 17:04

I use grub2 to boot my porteus/x USB systems and in the grub2 boot menu I use Search to find a file on the drive and set Root to the drive's address.

Code: Select all

set bootmgr=/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi          #grubx64.efi    # bootx64.efi

set bootdrv=$root
search -f $bootmgr --set=root
echo bootmgr: $bootmgr
sleep -v -i 3
if [ $root != $bootdrv ]; then
   chainloader $bootmgr
   echo "----------------------------------------"
   echo USB drive NOT found.
   sleep -v -i 10
set root=$bootdrv


set porteus_parms="volume=33 reboot=cold extramod=/Modules"  
set bootdrv=$root
search -f /boot/syslinux/vmlinuz --set=root
if [ $root != $bootdrv ]; then
   linux  /boot/syslinux/vmlinuz $porteus_parms
   initrd /boot/syslinux/initrd.xz
   echo "----------------------------------------"
   echo USB drive NOT found.
   sleep -v -i 10
set root=$bootdrv
I've also used:

search -f /edsdrv.txt --set=root
:) :good:

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search order for the /porteus folder

Post#5 by porteux » 24 May 2024, 22:33

rych wrote:
24 May 2024, 12:53
I don't want to use any UUID, LABEL etc., nor any other "from" cheatcode.
I'm afraid there's no generic/agnostic way to do that.

During initrd time there's no way to know which unit it was loaded from. Putting UUID either inside initrd or in porteu[s/x].cfg seems to be the only way. If you find another way, that would be genious and we would be forever grateful, really :)

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search order for the /porteus folder

Post#6 by rych » 25 May 2024, 13:05

porteux wrote:
24 May 2024, 22:33
During initrd time there's no way to know which unit it was loaded from
Anyway, it is the linuxrc that finds the /porteus folder (aka the location of the porteus-...cfg file and the location of the /porteus/changes) even without any "from" cheatcode. The question is how it chooses the right /porteus folder when there are more than one of those!?

Could you help me with my experiment below? My porteus USB is always recognized as /dev/sdb, but I now have an identical grub loader on my /dev/sda drive which happens to be the system static SSD disk. At boot, in the UEFI menu I choose to boot the grub from /mnt/sda1/EFI. It "successfully" finds the porteus folder on /mnt/sdb2! Actually, it's hard to make it forget that location!

I don't want to unplug the USB yet. Instead I want the initrd to start finding a new, fresh porteus on /mnt/sda2. A simple /mnt2/sda2/porteus folder with the porteus-...cfg file, with properly populated /mnt/sda2/porteus/base, and an empty /mnt/sda2/porteus/changes still aren't enough: initrd even though loaded off /mnt/sda1 is still finding and using the /mnt/sdb2/porteus! Why?! What's so special about that copy of /porteus :) Maybe initrd favours USB drives over static disks? Or does it favor "b" over "a"?

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search order for the /porteus folder

Post#7 by porteux » 25 May 2024, 21:04

rych wrote:
25 May 2024, 13:05
The question is how it chooses the right /porteus folder when there are more than one of those!?
It lists the available units using ls /mnt | tac and search in this order. In this case tac will revert the lines that normal ls outputs, and because portable units are usually in the end, by using tac we are most likely booting over portable units, which makes sense given the portable characteristics of the system.

Of course you can change that to be in any order you want, but as I said, there's no way to determine which unit initrd is booting from.

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search order for the /porteus folder

Post#8 by rych » 26 May 2024, 11:14

OK then. We're going to have to help initrd find the right /porteus. After all we know the right one. In my case different /porteus folders live on differently Labelled partitions. So, even if my frugal sda installation will be a copy of my sdb (USB) installation, there will be at least one difference. Let's make /mnt/sda1/local.cfg and /mnt/sdb1/local.cfg with respectively:

Code: Select all

set PorteusLabel=PorteuSX
set PorteuXLabel=PorteuSX

Code: Select all

set PorteusLabel=PorteusUSB
set PorteuXLabel=PorteuXUSB
then inside both grub.cfg we have the same lines, for example:

Code: Select all

#get local PorteusLabel, PorteuXLabel
source /local.cfg
menuentry 'Porteus 1920x1080' {
	linux  /boot/vmlinuz from=LABEL:$PorteusLabel changes=EXIT:/porteus login=root load=1920x1080 fsck
	initrd /boot/initrd.zst
So no need for either initrd or grub to introspect where they're loading from: the user would have edited the local.cfg with the right Labels in each installation

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search order for the /porteus folder

Post#9 by tome » 28 May 2024, 18:55

Thomas M added from=ask cheatcode, see: ... c1ba9b47ff
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search order for the /porteus folder

Post#10 by rych » 20 Jul 2024, 11:21

OK. I've made identical installations of my PorteusUSB and Porteus-labeled internal disk (let's call it the frugal installation).

When the USB is NOT plugged I can run the frugal Porteus no problem!

Now I plug the PorteusUSB. Again, from the UEFI BIOS menu I choose the correct grub EFI bootloader that lives on the internal (always identified as sda1) FAT32 partition and has in the local grab.cfg:
I see the right grub menu then, using the above grub.cfg, I'm quite sure.

However, this time, the presence of sdb makes initrd confused trying to find the right porteus folder, I think:


After I press Enter it then finds and loads porteus from /mnt/sdb3/ instead of /mnt/sda5 !!

Even though we still have:

Code: Select all

root@porteus:~# echo $from

root@porteus:~# blkid -s LABEL -o value /dev/sdb3
root@porteus:~# blkid -s LABEL -o value /dev/sda5
Looking at that section (?) in initrd/linuxrc I don't see any sh/mkdir/rm commands at all:

Code: Select all

# Find *.cfg file:
echo $i"searching for $CFG file"
if [ $IP ]; then BOOTDEV=network; CFGDEV=/mnt/nfs
	for x in `lspci | grep 0200: | cut -d: -f3-4 | sed s/:/.*/g | tr a-z A-Z`; do modprobe `grep $x /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/modules.alias | tail -n1 | rev | cut -d" " -f1 | rev` 2>/dev/null; done
	ls /sys/class/net | grep -q eth || { for x in `find /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net -name "*.ko" | sed 's/.ko//g'`; do modprobe `basename $x` 2>/dev/null; ls /sys/class/net | grep -q eth && break || modprobe -r `basename $x` 2>/dev/null; done; }
	mkdir -p /mnt/nfs/porteus /mnt/nfs/storage; udhcpc; modprobe nfsv4; mount -t nfs4 $IP:/srv/pxe/porteus /mnt/nfs/porteus -o ro,nolock 2>/dev/null || { modprobe nfsv3; mount -t nfs $IP:/srv/pxe/porteus /mnt/nfs/porteus -o ro,nolock 2>/dev/null; }
	MAC=`ifconfig | grep eth0 | cut -d: -f5-7 | sed s/://g | cut -d" " -f1`
	if [ "$CHANGES" = /srv/pxe/storage ]; then
		if lsmod | grep -q nfsv3; then
			mount -t nfs $IP:/srv/pxe/storage /mnt/nfs/storage -o rw,nolock 2>/dev/null && { mkdir -p /mnt/nfs/storage/client-$MAC/changes/home; CHANGES="/storage/client-$MAC"; }
			mount -t nfs4 $IP:/srv/pxe/storage /mnt/nfs/storage -o rw,nolock 2>/dev/null && { mkdir -p /mnt/nfs/storage/client-$MAC/changes/home; CHANGES="/storage/client-$MAC"; }
elif [ $ISO ]; then CFGDEV=/mnt/isoloop
	locate -e $FROM && { BOOTDEV=/mnt/$DEV; mkdir /mnt/isoloop; mount -o loop /mnt/$DEV/$LPTH /mnt/isoloop; ISOSRC=/mnt/$DEV/$LPTH; }
	if [ $FROM ]; then
		locate -e $FROM/porteus/$CFG
		if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
			DIR=`echo $LPTH | rev | cut -d/ -f3- | rev`; [ $DIR ] && FOLDER=$DIR/porteus
			echo -e "${YELLOW}from= cheatcode is incorrect, press enter to search through all devices${RST}"
			read -s; search -e porteus/$CFG
		search -e porteus/$CFG || lazy -e porteus/$CFG
Could someone please help me understand this mystery? Which code and where tries to still work with sdb USB when I try my best to point everything at sda internal disk?

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search order for the /porteus folder

Post#11 by Otto » 20 Jul 2024, 13:09

Suppose I have multiple /porteus (and /porteux) folders on different partitions and disks
If not mistaken what you want.
My system is multiboot, I can boot porteus/porteux as many I want in the same partition or many partition(s) on internal and/or external media.
Boot parameter is absolute necessary. Porteus/porteux must be in subfolder like P1...Pn/porteus or Px1...Pxn/porteux. Have fun!

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search order for the /porteus folder

Post#12 by Ed_P » 20 Jul 2024, 14:57

When booting with multiple systems present I find the use of UUID works best.

Code: Select all

APPEND changes=EXIT:UUID:C23A-6012/changes/50save.dat extramod=UUID:C23A-6012/Modules 

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search order for the /porteus folder

Post#13 by rych » 21 Jul 2024, 12:01

Ed_P wrote:
20 Jul 2024, 14:57
When booting with multiple systems present I find the use of UUID works best
OK, thanks, I should try it then. But in theory, from:LABEL should work too!

The above section of initrd/linuxrc calls the locate() function defined in the initrd/finit:

Code: Select all

# Find location of Porteus files
locate() { LPATH=`echo $2 | cut -b-5 | sed s@/dev@/mnt@`
if [ $LPATH = /mnt/ ]; then
    DEV=`echo $2 | cut -d/ -f3`; LPTH=`echo $2 | cut -d/ -f4-`; SLEEP=6
    while [ $SLEEP -gt 0 -a ! -b /dev/$DEV ]; do nap; let SLEEP=SLEEP-1; fstab; done
    [ -d /mnt/$DEV ] || mount_device $DEV
    [ $1 /mnt/$DEV/$LPTH ]
elif [ $LPATH = UUID: -o $LPATH = LABEL ]; then
    ID=`echo $2 | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d/ -f1`; LPTH=`echo $2 | cut -d/ -f2-`; DEV=`blkid | grep $ID | cut -d: -f1 | cut -d/ -f3`; SLEEP=6
    while [ $SLEEP -gt 0 -a "$DEV" = "" ]; do nap; let SLEEP=SLEEP-1; fstab; DEV=`blkid | grep $ID | cut -d: -f1 | cut -d/ -f3`; done
    [ -d /mnt/$DEV ] || mount_device $DEV
    [ $1 /mnt/$DEV/$LPTH ]
    LPTH=$2; search $* || lazy $*
fi }
which may have a bug, but it's very cryptic to understand. ncmprhnsbl, if you see this could you spot the problem? Why does it pick up sdb paths at all when LABEL:Porteus is of the /mnt/sda5 (and we were bootloaded from /mnt/sda1 if it matters)?

We did establish earlier that we have to help initrd find the right porteus folder, on the correct partition. I thought differentiating them by different labels would be best, so I have

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linux  /boot/vmlinuz from=LABEL:Porteus
Why is it still confused?

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search order for the /porteus folder

Post#14 by ncmprhnsbl » 21 Jul 2024, 23:49

just quickly skimming through this topic, am i correct that your two labels are Porteus and PorteusUSB ?
in this case simple grep won't differentiate if the target is Porteus .. the other way around should be ok..

Code: Select all

$ echo -e "Porteus\nPorteusUSB" > test 

$ cat test               

$ grep Porteus test                                         

$ grep PorteusUSB test

##  -w, --word-regexp         match only whole words
$ grep -w Porteus test
so using grep -w might be the way

Code: Select all

    ID=`echo $2 | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d/ -f1`; LPTH=`echo $2 | cut -d/ -f2-`; DEV=`blkid | grep -w $ID | cut -d: -f1 | cut -d/ -f3`; SLEEP=6
    while [ $SLEEP -gt 0 -a "$DEV" = "" ]; do nap; let SLEEP=SLEEP-1; fstab; DEV=`blkid | grep -w $ID | cut -d: -f1 | cut -d/ -f3`; done
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search order for the /porteus folder

Post#15 by rych » 22 Jul 2024, 12:38

ncmprhnsbl wrote:
21 Jul 2024, 23:49
Porteus and PorteusUSB
Oh that's so funny :ROFL: Yes, the crazy thought of trying different labels did cross my mind. I thought it was too childish though. Thanks for spotting it! Well done! I've relabeled the internal Porteus partition to PortInt, so that I now have "PortInt" and "PorteusUSB" -- 2 words that aren't substrings of the other. But, it is a bug, would you agree :) Would you fix it maybe in the next version of initrd, please?

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