Speech Dispatcher

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Speech Dispatcher

Post#1 by rych » 12 Jun 2024, 11:30

Firefox complains: "You can't use speech synthesis because Speech Dispatcher won't open" linking to https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/speechd-setup. On that page it's suggested to test it like this:

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root@porteus:~# spd-say hi
Failed to connect to Speech Dispatcher:
Error: Can't connect to unix socket /run/user/0/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock: No such file or directory. Autospawn: Autospawn failed. Speech Dispatcher refused to start with error code, stating this as a reason: /usr/bin/speech-dispatcher: error while loading shared libraries: libdotconf.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I've installed the missing library?

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root@porteus:~# getmod -m dotconf
====> '/tmp/dotconf-1.3-x86_64-3.xzm' was created successfully.
But the spd-say hi is now just playing an incomprehensible long phrase instead of "hi"

So looks like our current speech-dispatcher is incomplete or broken. Maybe it's worth building a new version too, as Porteus has an older one:

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root@porteus:~# getmod -s libdotconf
root@porteus:~# spd-say -v
spd-say 0.10.2
Could someone advise or fix this please?

White ninja
White ninja
Posts: 20
Joined: 28 Mar 2024, 02:13
Distribution: Porteus-v5.01

Speech Dispatcher

Post#2 by giftedsoul » 10 Jan 2025, 12:34

Seems no body answer the query... or IF you found any solution, do share pls as I am also a victim of this Mozilla problem at my PORTEUS 5.0.1

thanks in advance.

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