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Moderator: M. Eerie

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M. Eerie
Posts: 622
Joined: 31 Aug 2017, 21:18
Distribution: Nemesis Xfce/MATE x64


Post#1 by M. Eerie » 04 Jun 2023, 12:37

Following this thread, I've tried to compile everything in this script.

Note, it is a work in progress, but it should work in most scenarios.

Once you have selected the module to act upon, press '?' key to get a help screen.

Please, give your feedback.

Code: Select all

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Nemaster v.20230620
# dependencies: fzf, pactree, paccheck
# Credits to ncmprhnsbl and Will Conner, author of yayfzf (,
# from whom I borrowed many of the ideas included in this script. 
# ===============================================================

#set -x
[[ $EUID -eq 0 ]] || su -c "$0"
. /usr/share/porteus/porteus-functions

   warn() { tput bold; for i in {1,0,1,0,1}; do tput setaf $i; tput sc; printf "$*"; tput el; tput rc; sleep 0.1; done; tput sgr0; echo; } >&2
 notify() { tput bold; for i in {2,0,2,0,2}; do tput setaf $i; tput sc; printf "$*"; tput el; tput rc; sleep 0.1; done; tput sgr0; echo; } >&2
confirm() { echo; tput setaf 6; read -n1 -rsp "$1"; tput sgr0; echo -e "\n"; [[ ${REPLY,} == y ]]; } >&2
YLW=$(tput setaf 3;tput bold); rst=$(tput sgr0)

printf "\e[8;240;800t"
trap "$(printf "\e[8;24;80t")" SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM

for reqcmd in {fzf,pactree,paccheck}; do command -v $cmd 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "Please install $reqcmd and run again"; exit 1; }; done
[ -f /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.bak ] && mirrorlist-toggle >/dev/null 2>&1 ### Allow rolling repos

cat <<EOH >$_Help
${YLW}NEMASTER:${rst}: Remaster your Nemesis modules interactively

		    ${YLW}Ctrl-a      ${rst}Select all
		    ${YLW}Ctrl-t      ${rst}Toggle Selection
		    ${YLW}Tab         ${rst}Select individual package/s
		    ${YLW}Shift-Tab   ${rst}Unselect individual package/s
		    ${YLW}Ctrl-p      ${rst}(un)Hide preview-window

		    ${YLW}Enter       ${rst}Execute command
		    ${YLW}Esc         ${rst}Skip/Quit
		    ${YLW}?           ${rst}Help (this page)

	By using this program, YOU ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY for 
	what happens to your system.

	Nemesis is a system derived from Artix, which in turn is derived
	from ArchLinux. Therefore, an average knowledge of pacman usage
	is assumed.

	It is strongly recommended that you READ THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW
	and MAKE A BACKUP of your modules before proceeding.

	The program involves 7 steps:

	1. Select a module to remaster from your ${PORTDIR}
	and subdirs. You can search by typing part of his name.

	2. REMOVE orphan packages found (if any).
	If in doubt, press <Ctrl+a> then <Enter>

	3. REMOVE packages from module.
	This option has been included to complete the set of possible actions.
	Can be useful when full remastering or when removing obsolete packages.
	Use only in case you know what you're doing, otherwise, press <Esc>.

	4. ADD missing dependencies reported by LIVE SYSTEM.
	A target module for every missing dependency is suggested, but
	you decide which ones and where they will be placed.
	Of course, you can press <Esc> to skip this step.
	(No fonts/cursors are mandatory dependencies...)

	5. UPDATE packages in module.
	Press <Ctrl-a> to select all, then <Enter> to update them.

	6. ADD any arbitrary package(s) into the module.
	You can search by typing part of his name and select them with
	<Tab>. Press <Enter> when done.

	7. Finally, you can add AUR packages previously built.
	They *must* be placed anywhere *under your ${YLW}/home${rst}* folder.

	To create your own bundle, create an empty folder, then right click
	and build a new (empty) module. You can use it later to inject packages
	into it.

	A logfile will be created allowing to review what has been updated.

	Hopefully, the progressive use of this script will help you 
	to keep your Nemesis in an optimal state.

	Happy Nemastering!

_Prepare() {
	rm "/var/cache/pacman/pkg/*" >/dev/null 2>&1 # clear package cache
	if [ ! -f /var/lib/pacman/local/ALPM_DB_VERSION ]; then 
	   #setup-pman ||
	    ( pacman-db-upgrade; haveged; pacman-key --init; pacman-key --populate archlinux artix; pkill haveged; pacman -Syy; )

_Nemaster() {
	XPATH="$(find "$PORTDIR" -iname '*.xzm' | fzf --header 'Select module to Nemaster (type something to filter)')"
	X="${XPATH##*/}"; X="${X%-*}"; test "${#X}" -le 5 && X="${XPATH##*/}" && X="${X%.xzm}" ### Ensure module name is not ### X="${X::-4}" XDIR="${XPATH%/*}"
	[ -z "$XMODS" ] && XMODS=$(mktemp -d)
	cd $XMODS || exit
	unsquashfs -f -d "${X}" "${XPATH}"
	dB="$(pacman-conf DBPath)"
	cp -as --parents "$dB"{sync,local/ALPM_DB_VERSION} "$X"
	XPKGS="$(pacman -Qqr $X)"

	paccheck | awk '/unsatisfied/ {print $1 $4}' | tr -d "'" > /tmp/MISSING
	for pkg in $(awk -F: '{print $1}' /tmp/MISSING); do wmod $pkg \
		| sed -r 's/([a-z])-[0-9]+\.[0-9].+/\1/g'; done > /tmp/PARENTMOD
	paste <(awk -F: '{print $1}' /tmp/PARENTMOD) <(awk -F: '{print $2}' /tmp/MISSING) | sort -u > /tmp/SUGGESTED

	### pacman -Qqnr "$X" | xargs -ro pacman --logfile "$X"-pacman.log -Sddr "$X" --asdeps --noconfirm --overwrite "*"
	FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--ansi --border --border-label-pos=3 --color=label:bold:#FFB900,spinner:#98BC99,prompt:#98BEDE --exit-0 --info=inline --keep-right --layout=reverse-list --marker + --pointer ➤ --prompt search> --multi --preview-window=right,60%:wrap --print-query --reverse --bind ctrl-a:select-all,ctrl-d:deselect-all,ctrl-t:toggle-all,ctrl-p:toggle-preview,enter:clear-query+accept --scrollbar  "

	pacman -Qqdt \
		--bind "?:preview:(cat $_Help)" --preview "pacman -Si {1}" \
		--bind "change:reload:sleep 0.1 {q} {}" \
		--border-label="[ REMOVE ORPHANS packages in module $X ]" \
		--header "<Enter> to EJECT <Esc> to skip or <?> for help" \
 		| xargs -ro pacman --logfile "$X"-pacman.log -Rddr "$X" --noconfirm
	echo "$XPKGS" \
		--bind "?:preview:(cat $_Help)" --preview "pacman -Si {1}" \
		--border-label="[ REMOVE EXISTING packages in module $X ]" \
		--header "<Enter> to EJECT <Esc> to skip or <?> for help" \
		| xargs -ro pacman --logfile "$X"-pacman.log -Rddr "$X" --noconfirm

	awk -F: '{print $2}' /tmp/MISSING \
		--bind "?:preview:(cat $_Help)" --preview "grep $X /tmp/SUGGESTED" \
		--border-label="[ ADD MISSING DEPS to module $X ]" \
		--preview-label=" SUGGESTED PACKAGES TO ADD: " \
		--header "<Enter> to ADD <Esc> to skip or <?> for help" \
		| xargs -ro pacman --logfile "$X"-pacman.log -Sddr "$X" --asdeps --noconfirm --overwrite "*"

	pacman -Qqur "$X" \
		--bind "?:preview:(cat $_Help)" --preview "pacman -Si {1}" \
		--border-label="[ UPDATE EXISTING packages in module $X ]" \
		--header "<Enter> to UPDATE <Esc> to skip or <?> for help" \
		| xargs -ro pacman --logfile "$X"-pacman.log -Sddr "$X" --asdeps --noconfirm --overwrite "*"

	pacman -Slq \
		--bind "?:preview:(cat $_Help)" --preview "pacman -Si {1}" \
		--border-label "[ ADD NEW packages to $X module ]" \
		--header "<Enter> to INJECT <Esc> to skip or <?> for help" \
		--sync \
		| xargs -ro pacman --logfile "$X"-pacman.log -Sddr "$X" --asdeps --noconfirm --overwrite "*"

	find /home -type f '(' -name *.zst -o -name *.xz ')' -print \
		--bind "?:preview:(cat $_Help)" --preview "pacman -Si {1}" \
		--border-label="[ ADD AUR local built packages in $X ]" \
		--header "<Enter> to INJECT <Esc> to skip or <?> for help" \
		| xargs -ro pacman --logfile "$X"-pacman.log -Uddr "$X" --asdeps --noconfirm --overwrite "*"

_SanitizeDB() {
	# Because of partial upgrades (i.e. pacman -Sddr or -Uddr ...), every package in module will be marked as explicit sooner or later.
	# Trying to revert the situation in order to track down new/obsolete dependencies
	printf "\nPrevious explicit packages count: "; notify $(wc -l <<<"$(pacman -Qqer $X)")
	pacman -Dr "$X" - <<<"$XPKGS" --asdeps >/dev/null 2>&1 ### Mark every package as a dependency by default. Then...
	for pkg in $XPKGS; do [[ $(pactree -r $pkg | wc -l ) -eq 1 ]] && XPLCT+=( "$pkg" ); done
	pacman -Dr "$X" ${XPLCT[@]} --asexplicit >/dev/null 2>&1
	printf "Explicit packages count after database sanitize: "; notify ${#XPLCT[@]}
	printf "Dependencies count after database sanitize: "; notify $(wc -l <<<"$(pacman -Qqdr $X)")
	printf "Total packages in module: "; notify $(wc -l <<<"$XPKGS")

_FixPerms() {
	[ -z "$X" ] && return
	warn "Resetting permissions in: $X" && confirm "Press 'y' when ready "
	chmod -f 711 "$X"/var/db/sudo/ >/dev/null 2>&1
	chmod -f 700 "$X"/etc/polkit-1/rules.d "$X"/var/db/sudo/lectured/ "$X"/var/lib/NetworkManager/ "$X"/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ >/dev/null 2>&1
	chmod -f 750 "$X"/root "$X"/etc/sudoers.d/ "$X"/etc/openvpn/{client,server}/ "$X"/{usr/share,etc}/polkit-1/rules.d/ >/dev/null 2>&1
	chmod -f 755 "$X"/etc "$X"/etc/local.d "$X"/usr "$X"/usr/local "$1"/usr/local/bin >/dev/null 2>&1
	chmod -f 555 "$X"/{proc,sys}/ "$X"/srv/ftp >/dev/null 2>&1
	chmod -f 775 "$X"/var/games >/dev/null 2>&1
	chmod -f 1777 "$X"/var/{spool/mail,tmp} >/dev/null 2>&1
	find "$X"/usr/share/{applications,backgrounds,fonts,icons,themes} -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1
	find "$X"/usr/share/{applications,backgrounds,fonts,icons,themes} -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1
	find "$X"/usr/share/{applications,backgrounds,fonts,icons,themes} \( -type d -o -type f \) ! -user root -exec chown 0: {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1
	find "$X"/usr/share/{applications,backgrounds,fonts,icons,themes} -type l ! -user root -exec chown -h 0: {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1
	find "$X"/home/guest \( -type d -o -type f \) ! -user guest -exec chown guest: {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1
	find "$X"/home/guest -type l ! -user guest -exec chown -h guest: {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1
	chown 0: /home >/dev/null 2>&1
	chown 0:43 "$X"/etc/shadow
	chown polkitd:polkitd "$X"/etc/polkit-1/rules.d
	sed -i 's/wheel/root/' "$X"/{etc,usr/share}/polkit-1/rules.d/50-default.rules >/dev/null 2>&1 ### FIX root password issue
	## Fix cups admin address
	sed -i usr/share/applications/cups.desktop -e 's^:631/^:631/admin^g' 2>/dev/null

_Strip() {
	printf "Size before strip: "; notify "$(du -sh "$X" | awk '{print$1}')"
	### TODO Export headers & pkgconfigs instead of strip them, as they are to be included later in 05-devel
	#mkdir -p $EXP/{headers,input,language,man} >/dev/null 2>&1
	[ "$X" = "05-devel" ] || {
		[ -z "$X" ] || rm -r usr/lib/{libgdruntime.*,libgphobos.*,libgo.*,libasan.*,libtsan.*,libgfortran.*,libitm.*,liblsan.*,libobjc.*,libquadmath.*,libubsan.*,libatomic_ops*} >/dev/null 2>&1
		[ -z "$X" ] || rm -r usr/{src,include} usr/share/{aclocal,cmake,devhelp,gir-1.0,info,licenses,man,pkgconfig} lib/pkgconfig usr/lib/pkgconfig usr/include/* >/dev/null 2>&1  #libgomp, is needed by ffmpeg
		[ -z "$X" ] || find "$X" -type f \( -name "*.c" -o -name "*.cmake" -o -name "*.deps" -o -name "*.gir" -o -name "*.h" -o -name "*.a" -o -name "*.la" -o -name "*.m4" -o -name "*.o" -o -name "*.pc" -o -name "*.prl" -o -name "*.vapi" \) -delete
	[ -z "$X" ] || rm -rf "$X"/usr/{doc,info,man} usr/lib/systemd/* "$X"/tmp >/dev/null 2>&1
	[ -z "$X" ] || rm -rf "$X"/usr/share/{doc,gtk-doc,help,locale,sounds/alsa,*/translations,vala} usr/share/i18n/charmaps/*.gz tmp/* >/dev/null 2>&1
	[ -z "$X" ] || find "$X" -type f \( -iname "AUTHORS*" -o -iname "COPYING*" -o -iname "README*" -o -iname "LICENSE*" \) -delete
	[ -z "$X" ] || find "$X"/usr/share/mime/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -not -name packages -exec rm -rf "{}" \; 2>&1
	[ -z "$X" ] || rm -r "$X$dB"{sync,local/ALPM_DB_VERSION} 2>&1
	printf "Size after strip: "; notify "$(du -sh "$X" | awk '{print$1}')"
	if confirm "Do you prefer zstd faster compression (10% bigger size)? [y/*] "; then
		mksquashfs "$X" "$X"-$(date '+%Y%m%d').xzm -comp zstd -b 256K
		dir2xzm "$X" "$X"-$(date '+%Y%m%d').xzm

	rm -r "$X"
	unset X

_Bye() {
	printf "\e[8;24;80t"
	rm /tmp/{MISSING,PARENTMOD,SUGGESTED} $_Help >/dev/null 2>&1
	[ -d "$XMODS" ] && ( xdg-open $XMODS & disown )

TheRightThing() {
while confirm "Ready to Nemaster? [y/*] "; do TheRightThing || _Bye; done

exit 0
# M"""""""`YM                                         dP
# M  mmmm.  M                                         88
# M  MMMMM  M .d8888b. 88d8b.d8b. .d8888b. .d8888b. d8888P .d8888b. 88d888b.
# M  MMMMM  M 88ooood8 88'`88'`88 88'  `88 Y8ooooo.   88   88ooood8 88'  `88
# M  MMMMM  M 88.  ... 88  88  88 88.  .88       88   88   88.  ... 88
# M  MMMMM  M `88888P' dP  dP  dP `88888P8 `88888P'   dP   `88888P' dP
Demo. Remastering original 002-gui-20230603.xzm module:

NEW Demo. Remastering original 002-gui-20230603.xzm module:

Demo: Full remastering 003-shared. (Or how to use 003-shared module to build your own toolkit module)
Last part shows the new packages working together after module has been activated.


EDIT: There's a bug: 05-devel shouldn't be stripped

EDIT #2:
* Changes in user interface and Documentation.
* Strip routine still needs finetuning for 05-devel

EDIT #3:
* Added new demo (get a FULL-HD .gif (57.02MB) version here)
* Corrected _Strip routine
* Still a work in progress but can be considered a working version. (Unless anyone reports bugs)

EDIT #4:
* Adapted to suit the wmod function after the last change in 001-CORE
* More finetuning in user interface and documentation.
* Maybe include a REMOVE pkgs routine to allow a full module remaster.
* Strip function still needs some rework.

EDIT #5:
* Still more finetuning in user interface and documentation.
* REMOVE pkgs routine included to allow a full remastering.
* Mirrors automatically toggled if necessary.
* Strip function will be fixed next.

EDIT #6:
* Added a check to prevent the module filename from being squeezed too much
* Added the option to save the module with zstd compression
* Some minor corrections
* Strip function is 400 lines long. Still undecided if including it in the script or as a file apart to be sourced
Last edited by M. Eerie on 21 Jun 2023, 11:19, edited 24 times in total.
> Does not compute_ 🖖

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M. Eerie
Posts: 622
Joined: 31 Aug 2017, 21:18
Distribution: Nemesis Xfce/MATE x64


Post#2 by M. Eerie » 06 Jun 2023, 17:16

Forgot to include :oops:

You need to do a modification in whichmod in order to spot dependencies location

Not needed anymore
Last edited by M. Eerie on 09 Jun 2023, 10:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Post#3 by ncmprhnsbl » 07 Jun 2023, 04:55

i made a small change when i included the script: lines 206/7 (now 229/30)

Code: Select all

	find "$X" -type f \( -name "AUTHORS*" -o -name "COPYING*" -o -name "README*" -o -name "LICENSE*" -o -name "*.c" -o -name "*.cmake" -o -name "*.deps" -o -name "*.gir" -o -name "*.h" -o -name "*.la" -o -name "*.m4" -o -name "*.o" -o -name "*.pc" -o -name "*.prl" -o -name "*.vapi" \) -delete ### -o -name "*.a"
	find "$X"/usr/share/mime/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -not -name packages -exec rm -rf "{}" \; 2>&1

Code: Select all

	[ -z "$X" ] || find "$X" -type f \( -name "AUTHORS*" -o -name "COPYING*" -o -name "README*" -o -name "LICENSE*" -o -name "*.c" -o -name "*.cmake" -o -name "*.deps" -o -name "*.gir" -o -name "*.h" -o -name "*.la" -o -name "*.m4" -o -name "*.o" -o -name "*.pc" -o -name "*.prl" -o -name "*.vapi" \) -delete ### -o -name "*.a"
	[ -z "$X" ] || find "$X"/usr/share/mime/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -not -name packages -exec rm -rf "{}" \; 2>&1
only as a safety thing in the case of misuse: ie. key mashing causing these to execute without $X being defined, causing stuff in the live system to be deleted, notably the mime stuff.. (i know because i did just that :p )
unless there's some other reason not to preface the finds with that?
M. Eerie wrote:
06 Jun 2023, 17:16
You need to do a modification in whichmod in order to spot dependencies location:
three(or more) ways to go with this:
1. i change whichmod to this ... can't see any reason not to
2. include a dedicated function to handle this within nemaster
3. include this function (along with some others i have laying around) in /usr/share/porteus-functions(even a separate nemesis-functions), that can be sourced by nemaster (or whatever other script or even bash.rc for direct terminal fun)
i think i just convinced myself of no.3. (8
M. Eerie wrote:
04 Jun 2023, 12:37
Strip routine still needs finetuning for 05-devel
something else to consider: technically, all the new headers&pkgconfig from 001,002s,003-shared should go to some 'export' location to be then placed in the 05-devel

also btw js78 is no longer in nemesis (polkit uses duktape) and cinnamon has js102 so it's not relevent to devel any more (probly never was, since afaik nothing other than cjs and gjs need it, and there's no need to compile them)
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M. Eerie
Posts: 622
Joined: 31 Aug 2017, 21:18
Distribution: Nemesis Xfce/MATE x64


Post#4 by M. Eerie » 07 Jun 2023, 08:09

ncmprhnsbl wrote:
07 Jun 2023, 04:55
unless there's some other reason not to preface the finds with that?
Certainly no reason. Only a miss on my side. *HERE*
ncmprhnsbl wrote:
07 Jun 2023, 04:55
i think i just convinced myself of no.3.
I was planning a delta with no.2, but I'd suggest to change whichmod as per no.1, then proceed to no.3 and include (please) your nemesis-functions :roll:
Just confirm your decision and I will follow it.

As we now have fzf, I have myself some that I think useful. Things like this:

Code: Select all

alias spotpkg='find /mnt/live/memory/images/*/var/lib/pacman/local -type d | fzf'
or the function:

Code: Select all

fuzzyactivate() { activate $(find "$PORTDIR"/ -name "*.xzm" | fzf --multi )
export -f fuzzyactivate
fzf provides a lot of possibilities.
ncmprhnsbl wrote:
07 Jun 2023, 04:55
js78 is no longer in nemesis

What would be the proper way to upload new deltas? Cumulatively, against the original...?
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Post#5 by ncmprhnsbl » 07 Jun 2023, 14:04

M. Eerie wrote:
07 Jun 2023, 08:09
I was planning a delta with no.2, but I'd suggest to change whichmod as per no.1, then proceed to no.3 and include (please) your nemesis-functions :roll:
Just confirm your decision and I will follow it.
feel free to change whichmod as per no.1 and we can work towards compiling a collection of functions to add.
M. Eerie wrote:
07 Jun 2023, 08:09
What would be the proper way to upload new deltas? Cumulatively, against the original...?
deltas can get tricky .. probly against the original keeps it straight forward while advising users to keep a backup of that original.
while we're talking deltas, could you add this change to your next one:

Code: Select all

sed -i 's/community/universe/' 001-core/usr/local/bin/pman
i forgot to update pman to suit the arch repo changes (community merged into extra.. and universe was missing too)
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M. Eerie
Posts: 622
Joined: 31 Aug 2017, 21:18
Distribution: Nemesis Xfce/MATE x64


Post#6 by M. Eerie » 07 Jun 2023, 14:15

ncmprhnsbl wrote:
07 Jun 2023, 14:04
feel free to change whichmod as per no.1
Will do 1
ncmprhnsbl wrote:
07 Jun 2023, 14:04
could you add this change to your next one:
Will do 2.
> Does not compute_ 🖖

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