German webbrowser

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Posts: 1
Joined: 22 Oct 2022, 10:23
Distribution: Porteus Kiosk

German webbrowser

Post#1 by Tommy » 22 Oct 2022, 10:27

Hi all,
i want to use Porteus Kiosk with an german language webbrowser. During the installation only english version of Firefox or Chrome will be downloaded. Does anybody know how to build an custom image with an german webbrowser? Thank you in advance for your help! Have a nice weekend!

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German webbrowser

Post#2 by Rava » 27 Oct 2022, 00:31

Hi Tommy
do you have access to a regular Porteus 5.0?

Then boot that up and use update-browser

Code: Select all

root@porteus:/# update-browser 

Download live script from server to update a web browser.
usage: /usr/bin/update-browser <option=-d,-h> <browser option=-g,-c,-f,-o,-p,-b,-n,-y>
  -d : use current directory for build work. 
   *note: this option is passed to the live script. 
  -g : google-chrome. 
  -c : chromium. 
  -f : firefox. 
  -o : opera. 
  -p : palemoon. 
  -b : basilisk. 
  -v : vivaldi. 
  -n : netsurf. 
  -y : youtube-dl, terminal program for downloading youtube(and other) videos. 
  -h : show this usage. 
You will be asked which language you want the browser to be.
Then the module will be created for you.

use that module to create your custom ISO.

I can help you with modules or creating ISO's, but I never ever used Kiosk myself, so for anything Kiosk specific I cannot help.

Hope the above still helps you in getting at least closer to your goal. :)

Here is what you need to do to get FFx ESR in German using a local hard disk tmp folder (/mnt/sdb2/tmp/) instead of /tmp :

Code: Select all

root@porteus:/# cd /mnt/sdb2/tmp/
root@porteus:/mnt/sdb2/tmp# update-browser -d -f
 Starting checks ... 
[OK] User is root.
[OK] Distro is Porteus
Downloading live script ...
Downloading: update-firefox-live  DONE
Work will be done in: /mnt/sdb2/tmp 
 Checking if firefox is installed ... 
firefox is not installed
 Checking for Porteus ... 
[PASS] Distro is Porteus

 Fetching latest firefox version info... 
The Porteus SERVER version is :  105.0.2 
The Firefox ESR version is    :  102.4.0esr 
The Firefox CURRENT version is:  106.0.2 
The Firefox BETA version is   :  107.0b5 
 You can choose to download the premade module from our server(en-US locale) 
 or download one of the versions from mozilla, 
 which enables you to choose your language and set a custom homepage. 

 Would you like to download the porteus server version? [y/n] [** n ** pressed]

Please choose a release from the menu:

1) esr
2) current
3) beta
#? 1
ESR version chosen

 Would you like to download  firefox-102.4.0esr  ? [y/n] [** n ** pressed]
 Set your home page. 
 Leave blank for: and press enter to continue.
[PASS] Homepage is available

Choose a locale from the list.

 1) ach		 25) es-AR	  49) it	   73) rm
 2) af		 26) es-CL	  50) ja	   74) ro
 3) an		 27) es-ES	  51) ka	   75) ru
 4) ar		 28) es-MX	  52) kab	   76) si
 5) ast		 29) et		  53) kk	   77) sk
 6) az		 30) eu		  54) km	   78) sl
 7) be		 31) fa		  55) kn	   79) son
 8) bg		 32) ff		  56) ko	   80) sq
 9) bn		 33) fi		  57) lij	   81) sr
10) br		 34) fr		  58) lt	   82) sv-SE
11) bs		 35) fy-NL	  59) lv	   83) ta
12) ca-valencia	 36) ga-IE	  60) mk	   84) te
13) ca		 37) gd		  61) mr	   85) th
14) cak		 38) gl		  62) ms	   86) tl
15) cs		 39) gn		  63) my	   87) tr
16) cy		 40) gu-IN	  64) nb-NO	   88) trs
17) da		 41) he		  65) ne-NP	   89) uk
18) de		 42) hi-IN	  66) nl	   90) ur
19) dsb		 43) hr		  67) nn-NO	   91) uz
20) el		 44) hu		  68) oc	   92) vi
21) en-CA	 45) hy-AM	  69) pa-IN	   93) xh
22) en-GB	 46) ia		  70) pl	   94) xpi
23) en-US	 47) id		  71) pt-BR	   95) zh-CN
24) eo		 48) is		  72) pt-PT	   96) zh-TW
#? 18
(I abort there since I do not want that module to be made, it's just a demonstration on how to do it for you. :) )
Yours Rava
