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Firewall. Serbian Latin keyboard layout. youtube-dl

Posted: 19 Apr 2018, 23:09
by por01
OS: Porteus LXDE 4.0rc4 64bit


When I activeted Porteus firewall (Menu > System Tools > Porteus Settings Centre > Security >Firewall: on | Mode: normal), it failed ping command and mpv's access to some online streams, like:

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So, I don't use Porteus firewall, but execute firewall file at system start. This ensures security and allows ping and all online streams.

The content of firewall file:

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# A very basic IPtables / Netfilter script

# Flush the tables to apply changes
iptables -F

# Default policy to drop 'everything' but our output to internet
iptables -P FORWARD DROP
iptables -P INPUT   DROP
iptables -P OUTPUT  ACCEPT

# Allow established connections (the responses to our outgoing traffic)
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

# Allow local programs that use loopback (Unix sockets)
iptables -A INPUT -s -d -i lo -j ACCEPT

# Uncomment this line to allow incoming SSH/SCP conections to this machine,
# for traffic from (you can use also use a network definition as
# source like
# iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT

In persistence mode, we can execute firewall in /etc/rc.d/rc-local file:

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Check /../../changes/etc/rc.d directory, and delete Porteus firewall files (rc.FireWall, rc4.d/ if exist.

Serbian Latin keyboard layout

Until now I found only Portues live system with working boot option for setting Serbian Latin keyboard layout. In other distros I get only Serbian Cyrillic layout. Unfortunately, if I set Serbian Latin, I can set only this layout.

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I tried any possible combinations: kmap=rs:latin,hu; kmap=hu,rs:latin; kmap=hu:standard,rs:latin; kmap=hu kmap=rs:latin... But I got only Serbian Cyrillic or I did not get at all Serbian layout.


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$ youtube-dl 
bash: /usr/bin/youtube-dl: /usr/bin/python3: bad interpreter: No such file or directory


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# curl -L -o /usr/bin/youtube-dl