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Posted: 29 Nov 2013, 09:52
by fanthom
from where you modules come from? i bet it does not happen on vanilla ISO?
please generate xpsinfo raport and will have a look on it.

btw: moving to bug reports


Posted: 29 Nov 2013, 22:23
by fanthom
these deps are optional and does not prevent the main package from functioning properly. cant be included in the ISO by default due to their size (mysql, qt, samba, etc are huge).


Posted: 30 Nov 2013, 10:05
by fanthom
missing optional deps are like plug'n'play stuff. if you add them - they work ootb, if you do not have them then PC will still be running fine (but without extra functionality).
if still not clear - you can take two approaches when creating ISO:
a) compile gvfs without samba support so 'slackyd -d' wont complain. drawback - if user wants samba support then must recompile gvfs against it.
b) compile gvfs with samba support and do not include it in the ISO (due to samba package size). drawback - 'slackyd -d' will complain about missing dep.

i thing b) is far better than a)


Posted: 30 Nov 2013, 12:38
by francois

It is really nice that you take the time explaining what is behind the hood. This last explanation of yours is really clear. :)


Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 00:55
by brokenman
I think Fanthom understood perfectly. I think it is obvious that you are not compiling an ISO but downloading a precompiled ISO. Let ME see if I understand correctly. You started a default ISO up, fired up slackyd and checked for missing deps. The answers came back:

- aaa_elflibs-14.0-x86_64-4
- gcc-java-4.7.1-x86_64-1
- mysql-5.5.29-x86_64-1_slack14.0
- qt-4.8.2-x86_64-4
- samba-3.6.20-x86_64-1_slack14.0
- tcl-8.5.11-x86_64-1
- tk-8.5.11-x86_64-1

These are all optional extras. Nothing like the wheels of a car, without which, the car would not function. Your default ISO functions perfectly well. These are more like aircon, a dashboard computer and fluffy dice hanging from the rearview mirror (do people still use those?)

gcc-java is required for compiling
qt is a huge package and not required unless you want to compile/run qt apps. Some desktops include a stripped version.
samba is only required if you want to share the contents of your car with other drivers. It's huge and some desktops leave it out. Mate includes a stripped version.
tcl/tk are a pair of coding apps required only for compiling or writing code.

For your final answer about mysql. Read the output of slackyd when you run it. It is a dependency of perl. It is not essential for basic functionality by anything in the default ISO, hence leaving it out. I hope that helps clarify something. Please remember we are trying to find the balance between a lightweight and functioning ISO. The majority of users just want a working desktop and don't tinker with compiling apps or development. Keeping everyone happy is not going to happen, so we aim for the majority.


Posted: 03 Dec 2013, 01:16
by francois
In fact, and others should correct me if I did not understood, there are some or many necessary dependencies that could be found in mysql that would be missing. You do not necessarily need mysql, but only the missing libraries. In short, Fanthom says that the messages provided by slackyd -d are false positive for the functioning of porteus stock. It works without them perfectly. And he does not want to include them in the porteus iso to the cost of additional weight. Porteus is slim. :D

For example, libav, libformat and two other dependencies are necessary in the right form and in the right folder (i.e. in /usr/share/local/ folder) for ssr (simplescreenrecorder) to be built from source, slackyd -d ssr could report ffmpeg missing instead of these four libraries. However, all you need are these first four libraries.