autologin broke after username and passwords changed

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autologin broke after username and passwords changed

Post#1 by brent3hasty » 06 Oct 2012, 21:24

I have a fresh built usb stick with Porteus 32-bit, it booted to kde with autologin, I changed the password for root, then deleted the "guest" account using kuser, and created a new user "userxxx" and set the UID to 1000 (the same as guest was), then I went to kcontrol and set the system administration>login manager>convience from guest to userxxx as the user to autologin. However when I reboot from the usb stick it tries to launch kde but fails and falls back to command line. When I reboot from the usb stick and slect always fresh it autologsin and loads kde.

How do I get it to autologin my set userxxx?

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Re: autologin broke after username and passwords changed

Post#2 by brent3hasty » 06 Oct 2012, 21:25

ps, when it fails to launch kde and kicks me to the command line I can login as userxxx and issue startx and everything works, I want to eliminate the need to login from command line and manually startx, need autologin fix?

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Re: autologin broke after username and passwords changed

Post#3 by fanthom » 07 Oct 2012, 07:36

hi brent3hasty,

please edit /etc/rc.d/rc.M and replace 'guest' with name of your user.

would it make sense to replace 'toroot' cheatcode with 'autologin=' so users could specify any user they want?
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Re: autologin broke after username and passwords changed

Post#4 by brokenman » 07 Oct 2012, 19:12

would it make sense to replace 'toroot' cheatcode with 'autologin=' so users could specify any user they want?
I believe this is a better solution as shown in the above example where a user changes the user name. It could replace 'toroot' and makes it more flexible. I vote yes!
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Re: autologin broke after username and passwords changed

Post#5 by Hamza » 07 Oct 2012, 19:22

My vote is No. Because an unauthorized user can access to another account like in Windoze. Many accounts. If we can block 'on-the-fly boot command edit' with TAB button then I'll vote Yes!

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Re: autologin broke after username and passwords changed

Post#6 by fanthom » 08 Oct 2012, 08:39

so far user could just use 'toroot' cheatcode to access other accounts so 'autologin=user_name' wont change much.
we can't afford disabling command line editing in standard editions.

will implement 'autologin=xx' in rc.M.
'autologin=root' will replace 'toroot' cheatcode
'autologin=' will replace 'noautologin'

this way we reduce number of cheats and extend Porteus functionality :)


please add 'autologin=' to your TODO list for documentation updates for porteus-2.0.

'autologin=' is a bit long to type. let's stick to 'login=' instead.
please also mention that it's going to work for GUI only as autologin to text mode is a bit more complicated (and requires external utility) as per:
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Re: autologin broke after username and passwords changed

Post#7 by Hamza » 08 Oct 2012, 09:26

we can't afford disabling command line editing in standard editions.
I understand. We may add an option to disable it for "experimented users" ? A cheat in syslinux/isolinux cfg files ?

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Re: autologin broke after username and passwords changed

Post#8 by fanthom » 08 Oct 2012, 11:01

We may add an option to disable it for "experimented users" ? A cheat in syslinux/isolinux cfg files
setting 'timeout' value to '0' in porteus.cfg is all what user need to do to disable commandline editing.
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Re: autologin broke after username and passwords changed

Post#9 by Hamza » 08 Oct 2012, 13:30

I know. You have used this way to disable it in another project. But allowing switching between versions and allowing editing boot command are not the same from my point of view.

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Re: autologin broke after username and passwords changed

Post#10 by schultzter » 17 Nov 2012, 03:09

I'd like to add my vote to an autologin or login or whatever cheat code.

I took a look at rc.M and I'm not afraid of bash scripts, I've written my fair share, but I'd rather not mess with such an important, base file.

Also, I share my NAS via NFS - since all my hosts are Linux it makes sense. Even in Porteus I'd really like to keep the users in sync. So using guest in Porteus is not preferred.

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