"my changes update mode"
Code: Select all
set linux_folder=/porteus5.0
# set iso="/ISOs/Porteus/Porteus-CINNAMON-v5.01-x86_64-240521.iso"
# set iso="/ISOs/Porteus/Porteus-CINNAMON-v5.01-x86_64-240804.iso"
set iso="/ISOs/Porteus/Porteus-CINNAMON-v5.01-x86_64-240923.iso"
set SaveDat=50save.dat
menuentry " Porteus 5.01 ISO - changes=" --class slackware --class user-icon-porteus {
set Changes=$SaveDat # porteussave.dat
set bootparms="volume=33 reboot=cold extramod=$linux_folder/Modules \
changes=EXIT:$linux_folder/changes/$Changes \
noload=kde;jinn;lxqt;xfce;lxde;mate;open;dat.xzm;mychanges;autonet;menu1" # ;mychanges"
search -f $iso --set=root
loopback loop $iso
linux (loop)/boot/syslinux/vmlinuz from=$iso $bootparms
initrd (loop)/boot/syslinux/initrd.xz
It works fine with my other Porteus ISOs.
Added in 6 hours 11 minutes 12 seconds:
If I boot 240923 with my "safe mode" (no save.dat file) boot menu it boots to the Cinnamon screen.
Code: Select all
menuentry " Porteus 5.01 ISO - AF'" --class slackware --class user-icon-porteus {
set bootparms="volume=33 reboot=cold extramod=$linux_folder/Modules \
noload=kde;jinn;lxqt;xfce;lxde;mate;open;dat.xzm;menu2" # ;mychanges"
search -f $iso --set=root
loopback loop $iso
linux (loop)/boot/syslinux/vmlinuz from=$iso $bootparms
initrd (loop)/boot/syslinux/initrd.xz
I boot my Porteus ISOs in 4 modes.
AF always fresh,
AF+ always fresh plus all my Porteus modules (browser, printing, printer driver, etc),
AF' my safe mode, always fresh plus all my Porteus modules and a module of some changes I've made (bookmarks, time zone, settings, etc) and no automatic saving of more changes,
Changes always fresh plus all my Porteus modules and my save.dat file of changes/tweaks I've made and the ability to make and save more changes and no access to my changes module.
Added in 33 minutes 15 seconds:
My save.dat file is 536.9 MB, my changes module (mychanges.xzm) is 8.4 MB.