What is interesting here is that the information is valuable almost as is, under nemesis with very few adaptation. Here we are setting an environment with xfce desktop.
The system boots on toshiba utralbook z930.
1.0 Under nemesis to have the same installation as under porteus/arch aka sensei use the changes= (without EXIT) in your preferred boot loader.
Code: Select all
pacman -S xorg-server xfce4
Code: Select all
pacman -Sy
Then make sure that your changes will be kept with the automatically save session option:
Code: Select all
kde menu > system > settings > session and startup > automatically save session
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
root@sensei:~# pacman -Sy xfce4-terminal
- xfce4-terminal
- thunar
- mousepad (nice little text editor)
- chromium
- ttf-bitstream-vera (the xfce desktop looks better with these bigger fonts, you have to reboot chromium to see its effect)
- xorg-xrandr (I have a laptop and love to work dual display as much as I can. I have a nice little script for that)
- libreoffice
- evince (pdf viewver)
- cups
- system-config-printer (on top of cups, does a great job to configure and access printing functions, a lot of automatic configuration)
- simple-scan
- vlc
- mc (midnight commander, a very powerfull overall tool in cli mode)
- mlocate (to find missing dependencies)
- xorg-xkill
- lxmed (python script) panel menu editor:
Special commands to be able to work root mode or to get some application going:
1.0 chromium root mode:
I found the way to run chromium-root, on archlinux msxmaniac propose:
Add "--user-data-dir" to CHROMIUM_FLAGS= in the /etc/chromium/default file:
The best procedure in root mode is to open chromium with normal user mode as sandbox for chromium will not work under root mode:
Command line:
Code: Select all
su -c chromium guest
right click the K to get menu settings of chromium an change the given command line for the above.
2.0 vlc root mode:
http://www.backtrack-linux.org/forums/s ... hp?t=40400
- install hex editor like ghex or hexedit.
- use it to for /usr/bin/vlc file
- find .geteuid, replace by .getppid
3.0 Mounting all your partitions:
Modifying fstab:
Get my partitions with:
Code: Select all
root@sensei:~# fdisk -l
Code: Select all
root@sensei:~# mkdir /mnt/sda{1,2,5,6,7,8}
Code: Select all
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
none /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto noauto,rw 0 0
UUID=3390e9bb-970a-40e8-acea-8240899ab62c none swap sw 0 0
UUID=A07E59777E594766 /mnt/sda1 ntfs-3g rw,user,auto 0 0
UUID=d5819259-afa1-4ebd-8d83-60be543a3794 /mnt/sda2 ext4 rw,user,auto 0 0
UUID=86a0fbe0-154f-405a-92be-e93f944d93a7 /mnt/sda5 ext4 rw,user,auto 0 0
UUID=43b05240-cbf5-4c1a-9733-fa251ade7aa2 /mnt/sda6 ext4 rw,user,auto 0 0
UUID=9da4aa97-57a2-42b6-a069-9b40f65ad8bd /mnt/sda7 ext2 rw,user,auto 0 0
UUID=4739d98d-e5c6-454c-a582-f62f7a8b4299 /mnt/sda8 ext4 rw,user,auto 0 0
Code: Select all
root@sensei:~# blkid
Add to /etc/group file:
Code: Select all
#mlocate adjustment
7.0 Interesting threads on archlinux and porteus or archlinux alone.
A must thread on porteus-archlinux, more specifically on AUR by ViktorNova: