This topic as a place for useful information, gleaned from the main thread, and anything else that might be relevent.
Post your tips and i'll add them to first post, in a sort of mini wiki way.
This post will be edited.
General Info
current version : 3.0
root account only included
installation : read .../boot/docs/install.txt
read .../boot/docs/cheatcodes.txt
Useful Commands
pacman -Sy .................................................................................................................... (sync repositories)
pacman -Ss <packagename or string> ................................................................................(search repos for package or category/search term)
pacman --help ............................................................................................................... ( )
makexzm <packagename>................................................................................................(sync , download and make an xzm(module) with all dependencies. )
..........................................................................................................................................also when used in combination with 006-dev module, uses AUR
arch2xzm <packagename> ..................................................................................................(make a module from .pkg.tar.xz within current directory)
unsquashfs -f <module>....................................................................................................... (extract module to file 'squashfs-root')
mksquashfs /path/to/<directoryname> /path/to/foo.xzm -comp xz -b 524288 -Xbcj x86 ........... (make a module from a directory)
yaourt -S <packagename>....................................................................................................(make and install from AUR. Needs devx module to work)
filemnt <compressedfile>.....................................................................................................command from puppy linux. if you right click an .iso, .dat, .xzm, or .img and 'open with filemnt'.
...........................................................................................................................................the file should mount to /mnt/pathtofile. right click 'open with filemnt' should unmount it.
...........................................................................................................................................sometimes you might want to jus take a look inside one of those files,
...........................................................................................................................................or copy something out and this makes it easy to do so.
Useful Modules
006-devx ..... supplies yaourt access to the Arch User Repository and other build from source tools
How To: Add an unprivileged acount
How To:....Install Virtualbox
virtualbox can be installed on the 64-bit easily if you do:
Code: Select all
pacman -Sdd virtualbox vbox-modules-sensei30
Code: Select all
MODULES="vboxdrv vboxnetadp vboxnetflt vboxpci"
Remove the word 'unmount' from line 8 of the /etc/rc.conf file,
Misc Tips
When using duckduckgo : prepending seach term with 'bangs'.. ie " !arch foo " will search the arch wiki for foo. !aur for Arch User Repo. !archpkg for official repo.(dont use these packages)
Remember that Sensei has Porteus(Slackware) kernel and init, with Arch userland, so some archwiki information may not be useful, especially relating to systemd.
Useful Links ... mendations ... he_package
and more...