Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manager)

Porteus based on Arch with pacman package manager.
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#226 by stifiling » 21 Sep 2015, 17:11

that would kind of be a tough task...especially if u're sharing the custom built module....few reasons why is because in order to successfully compile the pkg....the dependecies have to be installed. furthermore if you include these other necessary dependecies in the finished module....what if your system already has some other necessary pkg already installed?....another person's system may not. with that being the case...u'd have to make sure u have every single last possible pkg that might be needed...included in this module.

in other words, if your system has cron...and this package from AUR depends on cron....when u create the module with all the other needed pkgs...cron will be missing. unless u're really focused and meticulous abt that. if cron is missing....it won't run on my machine, if i don't have cron installed. i'd know how to fix it if that's the case....but would it be a totally newbie friendly module? someone else may not know how and just think it's broken...

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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#227 by stifiling » 21 Sep 2015, 18:36

this system is so old. i'll go ahead and update it...and then making the lxqt module should be much less work.

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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#228 by francois » 22 Sep 2015, 04:23

This is appreciated
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#229 by Rava » 23 Sep 2015, 01:26

brokenman wrote:Yesterday I built an arch based Porteus here from scratch. Very easy to do and I could provide a tutorial on how to build the very base system so people can build whatever they want on top. If it is successful I would write a module converter for arch packages and meld it into the system.
Yes, please write that tutorial. Sound intriguing, and there can never be enough recent slim live Linux variants in my book.
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#230 by Rava » 24 Sep 2015, 03:27

francois wrote:I reread your post, and I am happy to learn:
All my Arch modules are made from converted pkgs.org "pkg's" (Arch) using LxQt/Porteus. And all of them function flawlessly in Sensei.

However, as arch is a rolling release distribution and is condidered more bleeding edge than slackware, it could happen that some packages could supercede some important packages of your porteus installation. This is the case for archlinux abiword, porteus does not support the actual archlinux version. So you might get into some limitations trying to build archlinux on porteus. See last post of first thread:
We need some flawless working version and dependency knowledge base thingy, the tricky bit is to code that it is
1. easy to maintain and read
2. easy to browse for one or more automated package creation tools, maybe one day even semi-automated build from scratch
3. has all info with no need to implement more info entries for future changes.

Which means, in short, when we manage to think of a smart, efficient and human readable way to maintain that dependency check, then it would help boosting the availability of modules on a large scale.

But like I said, it all stands - or falls - with how the info part is implemented. When done right, it could even be used to put together a module using packages from very different Linux variants, like 3 dependencies and the program, putting together from a arch linux, redhat, slackware and mint. When what I envision works flawlessly with the info about userland (so that changes can be made when path have to be altered, e.g. no longer man pages in the wrong path and by default results in appearing a missing man page even when the man page itself is in the module) and of course all other dependency issue, like C library, or such....

.... Well, that's in theory my idea, but me thinks some of the coders and developers would have to sit together in a kind of virtual round table and toss together all we know about the needed info for that to really work...

What do you think? It should not be too complicated, and best not bloated, just maintaining the needed info, but nothing more trhan that, to be created and maintained with minimum effort, and also for quicker browsing for the enduser's package creation tool...

What do you think? Would that be doable?
Why don't you want to simplify your life with pacman? Stifiling explains how to build modules using porteus/arch on the first page of this thread. So you have the advantages of porteus: modules and the advantages of archlinux a greater pasture to work with. I would be please to test a lxqt module for porteus/arch.
Sounds ... intriguing. Is arch and Port really that close that it's no issue to cross-use packages and modules?
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#231 by brokenman » 24 Sep 2015, 13:41

It's not about cross using the packages between slack and arch. I think what he meant was that using arch gives you a wider range of packages. Arch based porteus uses the modular aspect of Porteus (linux live) but is based on and only uses arch linux packages. I am against mixing packages and libraries from different distros, especially based on different flavours of linux like operating systems. I would do it only as a last resort.

On the bright side I managed to create a wrapper script that will automatically convert any package installed through pacman into a porteus module. It is a work in progress but looks promising. Once again I will upload the build scripts when I have something usable. It should be noted that this is NOT porteus, It is arch linux and only uses the linuxrc script (initial initrd script) from porteus. After this initrd it hands of to systemd and the only resemblance to Porteus after that is the modules, and layout of the install media (porteus,base,modules directories).

This will not replace Porteus which is based on slackware. It will not be offered on the official build site as an option. It is in pasture and for use only by those brave enough to test.
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#232 by francois » 24 Sep 2015, 18:33

I am against mixing packages and libraries from different distros
For now the experience proved it to be time consuming and quite much unproductive. Thus I approve your wisdom.

Thanks for providing us with that arch linux system. I am impatient to test it. Could it come with a desktop holding in one module, and up to xorg as the basic module? Thanks in advance for the additional pasture that it will provide to the porteus, but also to the linux community.
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#233 by Rava » 24 Sep 2015, 22:03


Thanks for clearing that up, I was obviously misinterpreting some less than minor details between your arch porteus-style live linux and our real Porteus.


Is it already usable? Then I would try to install it side-by-side with Port 3.1 on the notebook with the sound on TV via hdmi issue... Maybe it then works, which is not a solution of how to fix it in Port, but a first step to the solution at least...
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#234 by francois » 24 Sep 2015, 22:26

Rava you can try stifiling version while brokenman's version comes out:
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#235 by brokenman » 25 Sep 2015, 02:13

Is it already usable?
It's usable but not something I wouldn't release into the wild just yet. I would give stifiling's version a try and see if it resolves your problem. His version is probably the same as mine, or probably better as I have the feeling he is more experienced with arch. I will certainly be picking his (and others) brain if I run into any problems with arch. This thread spans 17 pages so the popularity of this version carries some weight.

What I envisage so far is the Porteus layout with one extra folder in the root called configs. This folder contains config files like kernel, network, modules, that are easy to follow and edit. Users can edit these to set there preferred configs without having to pull apart modules. The configs will be copied into the live system once it is up and running. The changes folder I think could be operated by just creating a tag file inside. If it is there then changes are saved. If it is not there then no changes are saved, but a button on the desktop (or wherever) will let you save your session. The changes folder could also be linked to some other place. Haven't thought about how this will affect network boots yet.
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#236 by francois » 25 Sep 2015, 02:21

Looks great!

This thread has been viewed 21617 times. Esteem success for stifiling. :D
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#237 by Rava » 25 Sep 2015, 06:45

I presume, the links in stifiling's initial post above, like http://sourceforge.net/projects/senseig ... o/download , are the most recent ones he created, and are the ones you suggest I try with my sound over hdmi issue?

The porteus/base modules, initrd and kernel are from 11th April 2014.

I put the initrd and kernel into my boot/syslinux and its modules in anew folder /Sensei:

Code: Select all

root@porteus:/x/boot/syslinux# ls  Sensei*
Senseiinitrd.xz  Senseivmlinuz
root@porteus:/x/boot/syslinux# ls -o /x/Sensei/*
-r--r--r-- 1 root 19120128 Apr 11  2014 /x/Sensei/000-kernel64.xzm
-r--r--r-- 1 root 36048896 Apr 11  2014 /x/Sensei/001-core64.xzm
-r--r--r-- 1 root 38690816 Apr 11  2014 /x/Sensei/002-xorg64.xzm
-r--r--r-- 1 root 25919488 Apr 11  2014 /x/Sensei/003-xfce64.xzm
-r--r--r-- 1 root 53481472 Apr 11  2014 /x/Sensei/004-baseapps64.xzm
(/x is a symlink initialized at boot time that always links to the Porteus boot device, regardless if that's sdb1, sda2, sdd6 or whatever. :) )

What cheatcode do you recommend I use in my porteus.cfg to incorporate sensei? (Since there are often more than one to choose from)
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#238 by francois » 25 Sep 2015, 10:49

Most recent version is pointed in my above post and has 3.1rc in its filename. For some reason unknown to me only 32 bit version will work without save.dat container on Linux file system.

I do not understand your question about cheatcode.
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#239 by Rava » 25 Sep 2015, 16:52

francois wrote:I do not understand your question about cheatcode.
You mean, it works by just copying it there and I have not to edit the porteus.cfg for it to work? That I cannot believe!
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#240 by brokenman » 25 Sep 2015, 22:12

The porteus/base modules, initrd and kernel are from 11th April 2014.
Ok, good point. The latest kernel would be preferable. To be honest Rava I have forgotten about the problem you had with audio over HDMI. Some time ago I set up my audio over HDMI with success. Perhaps if you start a clean thread or email me we can focus on it over this weekend. I have some time.
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