Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manager)

Porteus based on Arch with pacman package manager.
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#211 by francois » 18 Sep 2015, 15:26

Rereading first page, I was completely wrong as to force some packages on the installation. It will make it better:
pacman -S --force' is safe. if your package won't install it's because one of the slackware files from the original porteus is already present. so technically, it's more broke before you use the '--force' than it is afterwards. using the '--force' is helping to completely fix the system by overwriting the previous slackware files, wit the correct arch linux ones.

In addition, in the next to the last post on the first page stifiling explains how to build modules on arch-sensei. Personally, I do not use save.dat as you can read in my big post on the top of first page. I just use standard linux filesystem.
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#212 by francois » 19 Sep 2015, 00:15

Personally, I think that stifiling arch version on porteus kernel is the best out there on the market. Ready to use for those who do not want to learn the fundamentals of archlinux and their philosophy. Personally, if porteus would have to switch distribution, I would go readily for archlinux. Maybe there would be less contorsion. I am sure that we could beat Manjaro with the archlinux pasture. Even though. we only have a small community.

The structure of the porteus menu is so clean. Working with the system is facilitated by the porteus interface. Is it that I got acustomed to it? I don't think so. In addition porteus has many interesting tools. It seems that porteus-arch benefits from them. We have opened and creative developpers and members.
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#213 by francois » 19 Sep 2015, 00:23

If you provide a lxqt module, I engage myself to provide a kde module. :D
http://forum.porteus.org/viewtopic.php? ... 879#p36879

Note: Only the 32 bit architercture permits working with linux filesystem. On the 64 bit, I was unable to do so.
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#214 by Bogomips » 19 Sep 2015, 19:23

francois wrote:Arch is a rolling-release system. Slackware is seen as more conservative in its release cycle, preferring proven stable packages. Arch is more bleeding-edge in this respect.
Too right. Got URL for gtk3-3.16.6-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz day before yesterday, and today no longer valid. Already replaced by gtk3-3.16.7.i686-pkg-1.txz!
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#215 by brokenman » 20 Sep 2015, 14:09

isn't Sensei an Arch userland on top of a Slackware kernel?
I don't think so. The kernel sits below ALL linux like operating systems. It is independent of the distro. Think of it kind of like the bios on an old computer. It starts before everything else and then hands off to the OS.

I never really looked at sensei linux (this thread) because I thought it was slackware with pacman. Yesterday I built an arch based Porteus here from scratch. Very easy to do and I could provide a tutorial on how to build the very base system so people can build whatever they want on top. If it is successful I would write a module converter for arch packages and meld it into the system.
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#216 by brokenman » 20 Sep 2015, 16:36

Arch packages on a Porteus ecosystem? And if so will Slackware modules run on Sensei?
I would say this is more accurate. It is arch linux packages made modular for porteus. You can absolutely use porteus modules in this environment, only they will need to be arch linux packages converted to modules.

For example from inside sensei this may work:

Code: Select all

bacman grep
mkdir /tmp/module
cd /tmp/module
tar xvf /var/cache/pacman/pkg/grep*
cd ..
mksquashfs module grep.xzm -noappend
I almost can see in my mind's eye the ultimate distro. Porteus (Chameleon Edition).
Can you please elaborate?
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#217 by brokenman » 20 Sep 2015, 18:27

It would certainly be interesting to see a distro that could run ANY repo package without jumping through hoops of fire.
It is truly a flight of fancy to imagine such a thing as a distro that is repo agnostic. We can still dream can we not?
Totally agree. Impossible by the nature of linux unfortunately. With open source comes variety, and with variety comes incompatibility. That's the nature of the beast. In a perfect world there would be one giant repository for linux, but even that has major negatives. Is it so that you can't find your coveted slackware packages anywhere in arch linux land?
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#218 by stifiling » 20 Sep 2015, 21:10

the apps from the AUR are installed using yaourt instead of pacman. yaourt is in the 006-devx.xzm. installed like 'yaourt -S AURpkgname'

i'd like to test your arched porteus...does it have pacman?

one of the main reasons i like it how i have it here setup in sensei is....the 001-core.xzm has nothing in it but pacman....pretty much the one tool necessary to build the system the way *you* want it. with no extra *nothing* in the system. though i make the xtra modules, with goal of being more beginner friendly by levels...i like to build my own personal one w/only just 000-kernel.xzm and 001-core.xzm. jus basically kernel, gnu, and pacman....and u can pick whichever xorg version u want...old one, current one...etc. so that was one of the main goals w/this one. pretty much trying to make it as close to a from scratch solution.....w/o having to be Super-Nerd to figure out.

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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#219 by ncmprhnsbl » 20 Sep 2015, 22:15

hi stifiling!
..i agree :)

I never really looked at sensei linux (this thread) because I thought it was slackware with pacman. Yesterday I built an arch based Porteus here from scratch. Very easy to do and I could provide a tutorial on how to build the very base system so people can build whatever they want on top.
please do :)
If it is successful I would write a module converter for arch packages and meld it into the system.
check out makexzm script (uses yaourt which enables AUR access when devel.xzm is loaded) http://sourceforge.net/projects/senseig ... z/download
we got most porteus module tools working by fixing dirxzm (fix: insert <-comp xz> in line 35)
might worth noting that sensei uses the Arch Rollback Machine repo, on a fixed date. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Ar ... ck_Machine
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#220 by brokenman » 20 Sep 2015, 23:16

My version is pure arch linux made modular. The 001 module has the arch bootstrap plus some basic tools to work inside a text environment. About 60Mb stripped. The 002 module has just xorg and openbox in the same way as Porteus. Only started playing yesterday so still learning how arch works. I will upload the build scripts when I get a chance so people can build away to their hearts content. I am yet to even look at integrating package conversion. Yes it does have pacman, and I am trying to keep it with only pacman. What are the advantages of yaourt? I don't really like the idea of using user repositories but the ARM repo sounds worthwhile. One of the pitfalls to a rolling release is getting cut by the cutting edge.

After checking out your ISO I see you have essentially done the same. Perhaps there is no reason for me reinventing the wheel here. On the other hand maybe I could upload the build scripts to github and we can all chip in.
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#221 by ncmprhnsbl » 21 Sep 2015, 00:17

I don't really like the idea of using user repositories
arch without AUR is like slackware without slackbuilds.. (its a repo only of build scripts..)
On the other hand maybe I could upload the build scripts to github and we can all chip in.
please do :)
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#222 by francois » 21 Sep 2015, 01:13

A mixed approach package manager and modules would be fascinating. Modules for 1) the basic building blocs up without xorg, 2) then xorg on top and then 3) operational basic blocks as desktops and then 4) small blocs as packages for office, webbrowsers,... . Bigger and smaller metapackages.

But lets say that we would be very happy to have a porteus kernel up to xorg with archlinux packages and pacman. You would add modules building tools and everybody would be happy.

Hoping to try the thing soon.

And the AUR portion should be integrated as ncmprhnsbl says, at least eventually. This makes a big difference in terms of package availability, that is almost close to debian.
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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#223 by stifiling » 21 Sep 2015, 12:41

howdy ncmprhnsbl, sorry all i've been dormant on the project for a good while now. I would've updated long ago but it takes so much time to set it up as problem free/user friendly as i'd like it to be. of course i've updated it for personal use, but not good enough to share...unless u know how to fix a few of my overlooked 'oops!' with that being said...HECKS YEA!!, the *team* attack strategy is definitely 'idea'.

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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#224 by stifiling » 21 Sep 2015, 13:31

you can use yaourt to compile and build the pkg....but after it builds it, you can simply not install it....and the compiled package should be in /var/cache/pacman/pkg....ready to install later or so.

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Re: Porteus/Arch aka Sensei (Porteus w/pacman package manage

Post#225 by stifiling » 21 Sep 2015, 15:33

yaourt downloads and installs all the dependecies necessary to compile the AUR pkg. if some of the dependecies are in the AUR, it'll compile and install them first...and then compile the main targeted pkg u're interested in.

may not work the greatest for some of the AUR pkgs as of right now....because this system is so old. most should still work but if not...that'll more that likely be the reason why. similar to the issue francois had w/LXQT. should be much smoother w/an updated sensei.

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