Kiosk Printer

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Kiosk Printer

Post#1 by rmrtn_nc » 06 Jul 2015, 22:23

How can you change the name of the kiosk-printer (this is in a school environment). Also, how can you add additional printers ?

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Re: Kiosk Printer

Post#2 by fanthom » 07 Jul 2015, 09:20

"How can you change the name of the kiosk-printer (this is in a school environment)."
Printer name is hardcoded in the Chrome settings so its not a good idea to change it. Why would you need to do it? Unless you want to change a printer model? If model then you have to reinstall kiosk or update its configuration through remote management.

"how can you add additional printers ?"
General procedure for adding printer drivers looks as follows (some tasks can be done using Porteus Desktop edition):

1) download the driver from the manufacturer website
2) compile the driver if necessary (usually there is a README file with detailed instructions in the archive)
3) integrate PPD files and all extra utilities (if any) with a custom module
4) find the printer driver name for each PPD, here is the command i'm using:

Code: Select all

grep *NickName: *.ppd | cut -d'"' -f2
for example:

Code: Select all

grep *NickName: lm400.ppd | cut -d'"' -f2

Code: Select all

5) add driver name to custom_module.xzm/usr/share/wizard/printer_models.txt
6) install kiosk and select driver name from the printer list

At this stage everything should be working.
If printing does not work then login to kiosk through ssh and run following command:

Code: Select all

lpinfo --make-and-model "printer_model" -m | cut -d" " -f1 | head -n1
where "printer_model" is the name of the driver you have added.


Code: Select all

lpinfo --make-and-model "DYMO LabelMANAGER 400" -m | cut -d" " -f1 | head -n1

Code: Select all

If you wont get anything from lpinfo command then driver name is incorrect.
If you get the driver name but printing still does not work then probably some of extra utilities is missing or some proprietary service must be started (README file should explain how to start required service).

Not easy but doable.
If you get stuck somewhere then i could try to integrate certain driver with the ISO through the custom builds service:
Please add [Solved] to your thread title if the solution was found.
