[suggestion] "mksquashfs" instead of "create_module"

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[suggestion] "mksquashfs" instead of "create_module"

Post#1 by att » 17 May 2011, 13:26


I have looked into some scripts that are being used to create modules: "lzm2xzm", "dir2xzm", "txz2xzm" etc.
They all use "liblinuxlive" and a call to "create_module" to actually create the module.
This does not always work for me and certainly often breaks with some squashfs-error message.

I solved this by replacing "create_module" from all the scripts, and calling "mksquashfs" instead.

For example, "txz2xzm" contains:

create_module $TMPDIR "$2"

I replace it by:

mksquashfs $TMPDIR "$2"

Same for "dir2xzm", etc.

Works wonders for me, maybe should be implemented this way in the final Porteus 1.0 .


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Re: [suggestion] "mksquashfs" instead of "create_module"

Post#2 by Hamza » 17 May 2011, 16:48

For developper , that's a good idea.

But , for a normal user , We must stay with create_module function. The functions are optimized for older machine. If an user with a older machine use the argument -b 1M , Porteus will be very slow at boot for older machine.

Good Idea.

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Re: [suggestion] "mksquashfs" instead of "create_module"

Post#3 by fanthom » 17 May 2011, 19:43

when you look at liblinuxlive you will see that create_module function does exactly same thing:
"mksquashfs "$1" "$2" -b 256K -Xbcj x86 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9"

i have no idea why it makes troubles for you - never does for me.
it's easier to change settings in one file (liblinuxlive) then in all separately.
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Re: [suggestion] "mksquashfs" instead of "create_module"

Post#4 by 82issa » 17 May 2011, 19:47

I was a little confused about the create_module at first. Now I understand its use. I think it is quite funny that on the main page we have.
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Hamza wrote:We must stay with create_module function. The functions are optimized for older machine.
I do understand why we keep support for the older machine crowd. It would make it just a little easier to comprehend the scripts, if we take att's suggestion on this. For normal users with little experience, they are not going to be running a muck modifying the blocksize in the dir2xzm, etc... scripts.
I side with Hamza on this is. The way it is implemented does well for keeping compression uniform. Uniformity keeps it simple, for troubleshooting.
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Re: [suggestion] "mksquashfs" instead of "create_module"

Post#5 by Ahau » 17 May 2011, 19:56

82issa, what we've found is that using a larger block size in the compression makes the filesize of the modules smaller, but it slows down the compression and decompression speed. I may be wrong here, but I think that is the case whether you're on older hardware or newer hardware. Smaller block size = faster system with a slightly larger ISO. Larger block size = slower system with a slightly smaller ISO.

I've also not had issues with the *xzm* utilities, except when I was trying to use it with the wrong version of mksquashfs (my fault, not a problem in default porteus, except for 32bit V1.0 BETA, if you remove the xorg module from /porteus/base).
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Re: [suggestion] "mksquashfs" instead of "create_module"

Post#6 by 82issa » 17 May 2011, 19:58

Not a terrible suggestion tho @att.

@Ahau I was just stating that I don't think anyone is intentionally going to change the blocksize. I do understand the pro/cons of adjusting the blocksize.
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Re: [suggestion] "mksquashfs" instead of "create_module"

Post#7 by Ahau » 17 May 2011, 20:13

@82issa sorry, I misread your post! Bad Ahau! :crazy:
Please take a look at our online documentation, here. Suggestions are welcome!

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